10/02/14 22:50:53 zyrQ2Kbr0
846 名前:名無しさん@十周年[] 投稿日:2010/02/12(金) 19:35:14 ID:7HBMxER10
- KIDS THESE DAYS Someone's in the doghouse.
According to AFP, Kazuhiro Kokubo was seen at the Tokyo airport -- and then, hours
later, at YVR -- with his tie loose, his shirt hanging out and his pants riding low.
(Hmmmmmm, like a snowboarder. Strange.)
Anyway, this is a no-no. Not an image you want to project. So the Japan Ski
Association wouldn't let the dreadlocked Kokubo attend the arrival ceremony
at the Olympic Village, and the Japanese Olympic Committee boss basically
apologized to all of Japan's taxpayers.
"I am reflecting on it," Kokubo told Japanese reporters, adding: "This won't
affect my performance."