06/02/07 21:50:16 hhVPC6Jw
TITLE : A nationwide conspiracy that include Japanese police top officials, political leaders and Yakuza?
As Mr.Tachibana who’s a very famous and cool Japanese journalist talked
in the Pen Club in Tokyo Feb. 3, there will be large scandals in here.
Actually, in the Livedoor scandal, a key person named Hideaki Noguchi
the former president of an investment company affiliated with Livedoor
died in Okinawa last month.
Then, a lot of Japanese people have felt that’s the murder, and the never suicide.
However, the all of Japanese major TVs and Newspapers said self-murder
within their political decision, because of they've lost the journalist spirits!
It’s a kind of Yakuza recession created by police, TVs and government.
Today Feb. 7 2006, we watched the TV program of Japanese congress, it’s the really
terrible comments from Japanese police bureaucrat.
He said that we didn’t do the judicatory dissection, and did their internal dissection.
Furthermore, they didn’t explain the result of their dissection at all.
Although, a doctor didn’t write the “suicide” in their internal dissection report,
this police bureaucrat said ”the police is the decision maker for the course of death”
Look at these incidents.