15/10/10 20:37:55.88 .net
> The pilot stated after the incident that he had no idea that he had
> lost a wing, and that if he had known he
> lost a wing he would have ejected long before he landed
> Finally got my Flaming Cliffs 3 module working again so we
> head to the sky breaking the sound barrier to fight for dominance.
> Had quite a few issues recording this as DCS doesn't go
> well with my software I use so I had to chop it up and not use certain bits hope you like it!
> Finally got my Flaming Cliffs 3 module working again so we
> head to the sky breaking the sound barrier to fight for dominance.
> Had quite a few issues recording this as DCS doesn't go
> well with my software I use so I had to chop it up and not use certain bits hope you like it!
> Wow... The F-15.... Undoubtedly one of the greatest and most interesting
> planes ever to be made! One of my favorites for sure! Nice vid devil
> Not sure if it's p2p or if its actual servers that people put up. Also,
> If you really want help with flying you could do the tutorial flights in
> FSX if you have a copy. They teach you all the basic stuff and its pretty helpful and comes in handy for DCS
> too. Also, If you are having issues with the stick I highly recommend adjusting your deadzones in
> DCS. Go into Options, Controls, click the box and select Axis Commands and for each axis you have set up pitch, roll,
> and rudder go to the bottom of the screen and click tune axis.
> Wow, didn't know that one :p I was just browsing the AceCombat
> Wiki and i saw the origin of one of the characters
> name ( Solo Wing Pixy) and that's how i found out.
> . Ironically enough Solo Wing Pixy in the game uses a
> F-15C with one red wing (Indicating the lost wign i suppose :