07/02/18 19:02:11 F8n6qClg
From the Author Daniel Barenblatt:
Hey folks, I have to do this emergency correction to some false quotes that have been attributed to me on another web site.
The website www.occidentalism.org quotes me as saying the follwing, in the web author's own English translation
of a Yonhap News Agency dispatch:
"Daniel Barenblatt, who also attended the interview and who is an expert researcher of Unit 731, said,
“You can tell by just looking at Ms. Yoko’s face that she is lying.” He said, ”The book is a lie from the front
cover to the last sentence.”
Now, I Daniel Barenblatt, who is writing this now, did NOT say either of the above two alleged quotes. I do not
agree with either of them. I do NOT think that Ms. Watkins' book So Far from the Bamboo Grove is "a lie from
the front cover to the last sentence." What I believe, and what I told the reporter, was the same that I tell
everyone else, that there are some serious factual errors in the book, in the first sentence for example,
and that the book, overall, unfortunately reverses the roles of oppressed and oppressor in the Asian historical
period of the time, giving the readers, who are children and teens, the false general impression that Japanese
colonists were the perseucted victims of the colonized Koreans, rather than the reality of the historical situation
from 1910 to August 1945. As such it should not be taught in the classroom, nor should it be presented as
autobiographical historical fiction.
Continuing on, I was distressed to read on the occidentalism.org front page:
"Mr. Barenblatt said, “When I heard Ms. Yoko say that Korean students all understand the book,
I could not control my rage.” "
Attention: I did NOT say this, never, to the reporter or to anyone. And, ahem, I do not now nor have I ever had
any such "rage" !
"He pointed out, ” It is ridiculous to say that Korean students understand a book that, to anyone, obviously
depicts Koreans as being the villain.” "
Again, I did NOT say the above fabricated quote. Not any of it.
Now, I don't know yet whether I was so severely fabrication-misquoted by the Yonhap journalist, or by this
"occidentalism.org" website's alleged English translation of the original Korean article, that has so far only
appeared in the Korean language apart from this "translation" on the English language occidentalism.org website
( I don't speak or read Korean). I will find out soon who is responsible for the miquotes.
In any case, this is the weirdest, most horribly fabricated set of false quotations I've seen in regard to anyone,
and I am calling for an immediate retraction and correction from whoever is responsible, whether it be Yonhap
or the www.occidentalism.org website. The responsible party also owes an apology to myself, to Ms. Yoko
Kawashima Watkins, to the Korean people, the Japanese people, and anyone else involved, and to the reading
public in general.
Thank you, and stay tuned for further updates,
Daniel Barenblatt