07/05/30 02:15:40 3PIRIgO70
What do you want the judges to know about you? 審査員に知って欲しいことは?
I am a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo テコンドー3段です
I am a professional player of Kayageum 略 played in more than 25 countries worldwide, including concerts at Carnegie Hall
I am already an ambassador of culture for Korea もうすでに韓国文化大使
and was recently named a Kayageum prodigy by the Kumho Art Center, the most prestigious musical foundation in Korea
I am in graduate school at Seoul National University, the top university in Korea. 韓国最高のソウル大学の院生だ
When I graduated with my Bachelor's degree 略, I received my honors degree from there. 学部は成績優秀