ちゃねらーが解明(´・ω・`)? ABC予想とビール予想at RIKEIちゃねらーが解明(´・ω・`)? ABC予想とビール予想 - 暇つぶし2ch■コピペモード□スレを通常表示□オプションモード□このスレッドのURL■項目テキスト211:Nanashi_et_al. 18/03/08 11:16:33.81 .net 数学賞を目指したい方&強ABC予想の解を知りたい方必見! クラウドファンディングで共同研究者募集中。 https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/66421 212:Nanashi_et_al. 18/03/09 08:10:55.32 .net http://goodlg.seesaa.net/article/451406304.html 213:Nanashi_et_al. 18/05/13 17:11:55.15 .net Tag: abc conjecture The latest hot abc news Two prominent and very well-regarded mathematicians have isolated a specific and serious error in Mochizuki’s proof of the abc conjecture. They are preparing a detailed writeup explaining the issue, which should be available publicly in the next month(s). (I heard this from good friend X, who heard it directly from one of the two people involved.) Whether or not their writeup is widely read, I am certain that for most in the community, the verdict of these two persons will instantly settle the matter. Posted on May 9. 2018 https://totallydisconnected.wordpress.com/tag/abc-conjecture/ 次ページ最新レス表示レスジャンプ類似スレ一覧スレッドの検索話題のニュースおまかせリストオプションしおりを挟むスレッドに書込スレッドの一覧暇つぶし2ch