Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 133at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 133 - 暇つぶし2ch653:名無しさん@英語勉強中
09/07/05 18:29:34
Damn fools!

09/07/05 18:40:04
That sounds nice !

09/07/05 19:20:44
Shit smells nice!

09/07/05 19:53:01
Who cares if Michael Jackson died.
I don't care if anyone dies.
What do they mean to me?

09/07/05 20:29:42
Indeed, the King of Pop stays in our hearts forever.

09/07/05 20:36:56
In fact, you are fool.

09/07/05 20:48:46
You can't deny Michael dancing even on your mind. You know it's true but you try to hide.

09/07/05 21:31:53
Sorr for my late reply. Thanks! Now I understand what he said.
Yeah, obviously I complained about my class teacher who is neither capable nor
mature, and said what would you do if you were in my shoes? and one man replied like that.^^

661:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/07/06 00:43:25
Wow that really is an extraordinary story, but believable. It still amazes me
that the internet can turn far off places into your next door neighbor.
As for the eroge I imagine he bought a lot of games and is planning on reselling
them in Uzbekistan. I'll search for Uzbek auction sites and see if there are
any being sold.

09/07/06 01:59:44

09/07/06 06:57:16
We are in a world of shit.

09/07/06 07:39:52
Sure we are.

09/07/06 08:11:00
Yeah, sometimes I can't help but feeling Internet sure makes this world much smaller.
He said he couldn't participate in the speech contest. I got an impression that
the eroge man's Japanese is better than that of the man I text chatted with so if he
had prticipated in it, he couldn't have won it.

He said he wants to come to Japan as an exchange student this fall and
there's a screening process for that. He lives in Toshkent, the capital
of Uzbek. I think his university is the best uni in his country because
prospective university he's going to go, if he's selected, as an exchanges student
is Tokyo uni or Tsukuba among other unis, which are the best and very good national
uni respectively. You can tell the level of university when you know what university
in Japan they go to as an exchange student because both Tokyo and Tsukuba universities don't
accept exchange students from bad universities in any country.

I guess the fact that he has internet connection in the first place
shows he's from a wealty family. I doubt Internet is for everyone there.
Most of the lands there must be mountains and desert.
It seems like connection speed there isn't fast. When I showed him the link to
the blog page that includes the YouTube video, he said, "wait a minute, I clicked on
the link but it takes a while to show the whole page. Internet in our country is slow" or
something like that. I wonder if he could watch the video. It can
take ages to download and watch from the beginning to the end, I guess.

We chatted in English, some Japanese threw in here and there.
It seems like elites in Uzbek are not only hentai but also fluent in English.
Regarding the eroges in Uzbek's auction sites, I bet all of them are sold out already.

09/07/06 09:21:51
I don't speak japanese-- Is there a Mandarin Chinese speaking thread on 2ch right now? If so, anyone mind linking to it?

667: ◆MILKRIBS4k
09/07/06 10:13:45
Hello Japanese! I am [b]MILKRIBS4k[/b]! I am a Canadian!
Sometimes western anonymous calls me a troll/anus but I can insure you I am not one!
Here is a question to yous are you aware of world4ch ( URLリンク( ) and what is your opinion on it!
Why is 2ch anonymous! Does Japanese people like traditional american styled phpBB styled forums or is only anonymous bbs's popular in Japan!
Also what do you think of my flash video URLリンク( wwwwwwwww

09/07/06 10:19:35
You're an anus!

669: ◆MILKRIBS4k
09/07/06 10:29:03
Oh dear god! It is spreading!!!

09/07/06 10:42:51
Sounds like you're Sparky with a little more communication skill.
Has it just started huh? No threads there looks busy.
I'm afraid they don't look worth reading at the moment.
Why 2ch's anonymous? That's just the way it is. As you can see, there's
a name field but not many people use it.

As a person who can't make a flash movie, I think you did a good job.

Standing out in the crowd isn't necessarily considered to be virtue here.
That's one of the reasons why they don't type in their names.
Another reason would be if you use HN, you can tell which post is whose and
that leads to nurtiuring overdose of familiarity and friendship for that matter
to particular people.

If you get acquainted with particular people in any forum, you can't express
your true negative emotions to their ideas and opinons. If all posters are
anonymous, you can be true to your true feelings and opinions and sometimes can accuse
people who has the opposite and the wrong opinions to you. This sometimes leads to a
flame war, but speaking your opinons and ideas without hesitation is more important and
more fun.

09/07/06 10:44:50
Talking about anus, check this video out.


I was trolled by this video minutes ago.

672: ◆MILKRIBS4k
09/07/06 11:00:20
I am not like sparky! I prefer OS 9 to windows me!
world4ch has been around for over six years! It's not new! wwww
Thanks for the compliment on my flash work! It was my first!
I think using names is better than being anon because it builds a sense of community!
There seems to be more anonymous trolls! Flame wars happen even more without names I find!
wwwwwwwwwwwww that will be gone in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. !

673:アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2
09/07/06 12:39:22
How did you know Sparky is a Windows ME fanatic?

Oddly I kind of miss Sparky if only for the random spontaneity that wasn't
related to shit or Korea.
