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【税制上】プロ野球赤字は節税のため【不公平】 - 暇つぶし2ch280:無礼なことを言うな。たかが名無しが
10/05/20 23:48:35 dfW3925H

10/07/16 16:16:58 ps9Dc3cP

10/07/16 16:23:16 ps9Dc3cP

10/07/16 16:44:19 ps9Dc3cP

10/09/01 20:21:12 P1nEFM+0


◇カープ観戦の子育て世代応援します 県が1000人無料招待 /広島


10/10/12 23:42:18 ZhCkKcNw




10/10/16 06:46:25 25aE4gtP

10/10/23 14:19:50 k7l91iB1
797 名前:無礼なことを言うな。たかが名無しが[] 投稿日:2010/10/23(土) 09:54:07 ID:2GYmAlkS

11/01/15 15:33:20 r49Gng5A
SHANE MCLEOD: This morning in Brisbane volunteers are mustering for the earliest stages of what the Queensland Premier has termed a rebuilding effort of post-war proportions.
And it comes as the Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd becomes a case study for why people are advised to stay out of floodwaters - he's developed a leg infection.

Our reporter in Brisbane is Annie Guest.

ANNIE GUEST: One priority they say remains is to stay out of the water. As you mentioned, Kevin Rudd has become an example of why this is.
Early this week we saw him on television wading through the water around his neighbourhood. Last night he was treated in hospital for a leg infection. He's OK.

The immediate priorities, Shane though, are to restore basic services and clean up. In Brisbane where more than 100,000 people lost power, that number is now down to around 30,000.
And at a community level the priorities are to help your neighbourhood, go and offer help and take your shovel.

And I can tell you first hand Shane that this is happening. I've had four offers of help to help clean up under my place.
And for those who don't know how to help or who to help, they're being encouraged to meet at four mustering points around Brisbane this morning to be bussed to places of need.

SHANE MCLEOD: Now you have been covering the floods in Brisbane all week and you've been covering them across Queensland for weeks now.
Can you tell us about the mood? What are people feeling about these floods so many days into it now?

ANNIE GUEST: Well Shane around the 86 communities affected by Queensland's worst natural disaster, the clean up scenes are being repeated this weekend. But the mood is mixed.

The Governor of Queensland, Penny Wensley captured it well when she said that after visiting the flood-ravaged city of Ipswich to Brisbane's west there's a stoicism,
but for many there's a sad and terribly overwhelming realisation of the long and difficult road ahead.

And there's still a big focus on the Lockyer Valley west of Brisbane. What are authorities saying now about the search for people still missing from the disaster?

Shane that enormous search that involves around 200 people will resume today in the Lockyer Valley,
but police are now warning that the Queensland flood death toll of 16 could double because grave fears are held for so many of the 53 people still missing mostly around that search area.

SHANE MCLEOD: And that is still a police area? The police are cordoning off communities around there?

ANNIE GUEST: It's such a big area Shane that it couldn't be cordened off. There's a 205 kilometre water path to be checked from the base of the Toowoomba range through the Lockyer Valley.

SHANE MCLEOD: Annie Guest in Brisbane.

11/01/15 15:36:20 r49Gng5A
Port of Brisbane may reopen Sunday
Posted 6 hours 2 minutes ago

Map: Brisbane 4000 The Port of Brisbane says it is optimistic business will reopen for commercial shipping from Sunday.

Port operations manager Peter Keyte says the cost of this week's closure due to the floods will be enormous.

He says Maritime Safety Queensland will decide when operations can resume.

"We're working very hard to get the port reopened and re-establish that supply chain," he said.

"We're providing the data and the hydrographic data to the regional harbour master in order for them to make a decision as to when the port can safely reopen."

Meanwhile, boaties are being told to steer clear of parts of Moreton Bay this weekend because of flood debris.

Mr Keyte says waters near the mouth of the Brisbane River and Moreton Island are dangerous for small craft.

"Boaties should be very aware that there is debris floating in the bay and that there are potential hole strikes that could occur," he said.

"Most of that debris to a ship doesn't present a major threat at the moment."

Tags: business-economics-and-finance, industry, disasters-and-accidents, emergency-incidents, floods, sea-transport, australia, qld, brisbane-4000

11/01/15 15:42:13 r49Gng5A
Auckland amphibious boat manufacturer Sealegs International is to deploy a second rescue craft in Brisbane, where the craft have impressed authorities with their rescue capabilities in this week's devastating floods.

The company sent a 6.1 metre RIB rescue craft and crew to Brisbane earlier this week and the internationally unique
and patented New Zealand invention immediately proved its worth with a rescue of 40 people at Logan, one of the worst affected areas,
in conjunction with the Queensland State Emergency Service (SES) rescue operations.

Sealegs has now loaned a second 6.1m amphibious RIB and crew to work alongside the SES volunteers as they battle to help the thousands of people affected by the worst flooding in decades.

Company chief executive David McKee Wright said that the company's Australian representative,
Tom Carlisle, was heading the company's rescue contribution in Brisbane.

"We have sold more than 75 boats into Australia in the last five years but have only recently started talking to the rescue and emergency services about our unique amphibious rescue capabilities," Mr McKee Wright said.

"I wish the authorities did not have to experience the capability of amphibious boats in such tragic circumstance,
but delighted Sealegs is proving itself an asset on the front line of first response and rescue craft," he said.

Mr Carlisle said that the ability to "float-drive-float-drive-float" without stopping enabled rescues
and delivery of emergency supplies to properties on hills marooned by water in speedy fashion whereas traditionally crews would have had to moor then walk the supplies up the hill.
Rescues of the elderly who couldn't walk down hills were also assisted, he said.

"Stranded families do not have to wade through the dangerous waters to gain access to the boat - we simply drive up and they are able to board.
This means that each operation we embark on is quicker and safer."

Mr Carlisle said today that it would take many more days for the floodwaters to recede.

"And even then we anticipate our boats will still be deployed for another week or so.
The big worry is that the floodwaters are flowing inland and heading into New South Wales and potentially even as far away as the 2500km to Melbourne."

Sealegs is based in Auckland where the company's concept of amphibious boating was first invented and where they continue to be manufactured.
The majority of the boats are sold and used by customers all over the world and there are now over 450 Sealegs amphibious boats in 25 countries worldwide.

11/01/15 15:49:01 r49Gng5A
Police are moving against "low-life" looters in Brisbane and Ipswich, after thieves took to boats to plunder businesses, including a pub.
Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson warned yesterday looters would be found and prosecuted. His comments came after 10 people were charged with a total of 18 stealing offences committed during the flood emergency.

Mr Atkinson said the maximum penalty for looting doubled to 10 years' jail in times of natural disaster and delivered a warning to the people he branded low-lifes: "You will be be caught."

His warning came as authorities received fresh reports of scams involving criminals falsely claiming to be collecting donations for the State Emergency Service for Queensland flood relief.

The SES yesterday urged people to check the credentials of anyone calling on their homes after several complaints made about bogus collectors in Sydney.

So far, the Queensland Premier's Flood Relief Appeal has received $54.6 million. Shoppers have donated more than $4m to relief efforts at supermarkets Coles and Woolworths.
The Australian Taxation Office has announced it will apply receipt-free tax deductibility for bucket donations for flood-relief efforts.

A contingent of 100 interstate police from Victoria, NSW and South Australia will go to Queensland to join local police in a 200-strong anti-looting taskforce in protecting emptied suburban streets in the capital and neighbouring
Ipswich. Independently, neighbours have united to watch over evacuated homes and unit blocks in riverside suburbs.

Police say many of the looters have been caught because of people offering information.

Queensland's disaster co-ordinator, Ian Stewart, said yesterday the incidences of looting, though isolated, were disturbing.

Queensland water police on Thursday night caught three people allegedly in the act of looting from boats in the Brisbane River.

Two men, aged 33 and 37, and a woman, 43, all of North Stradbroke Island, off Brisbane, yesterday appeared in Wynnum Magistrates Court charged with assaulting police and entering premises with intent to commit an indictable offence.

In another incident, two men were arrested after stealing alcohol from a flooded hotel. Looters in a boat also ransacked an engineering works at Rocklea, in Brisbane's southwest, that makes alternators used in army vehicles on operation in Afghanistan.

Mr Stewart said that as water receded from Brisbane's suburbs police would have extra patrols on the streets to protect property.

Yesterday, two men in a red canoe were seen trying to break into a closed convenience store in southside Fairfield, but were chased off by security staff.

Mr Atkinson said looting was not only illegal, but went against "the character" of recovery efforts.

Infrared motion detectors are being used to secure premises.

Police resources have been strained as officers have also had to staff roadblocks.

11/01/15 15:50:39 r49Gng5A
COMFORTING blue skies and receding floodwaters allowed 90 troops from the 9th Battalion Royal Queensland Regiment (9RQR) to begin clean-up operations in Brisbane’s commercial business district, West End, on January 14.

The troops, who have been working up to 22-hour days since before the floodwaters peaked, were tasked to help Brisbane City Council,
Queensland Police and Emergency Services Queensland to clear mud and debris from Melbourne, Boundary and Ferry Streets, and Montague Road.

The Officer Commanding the Reserve Response Force, Major Ian McNab,
said the troops had conducted a number of tasks during the relief effort such as sandbagging, patrolling and casualty evacuations, but were now focused on helping to reopen Brisbane’s flood-hit roads.

“Our priority right now is to get these roads clear so they are safe for traffic to use,” Major McNab said.

“It is ‘hard yakka’ work for the soldiers because there is a lot of putrid mud and rubbish to clean up off the roads, but they are eager to help any way they can.

“Most of these soldiers live in Brisbane, so they are trying to juggle their family’s welfare as well as dedicate time to help.

“In fact, they’re so eager to assist that, at times, I have had to physically pull them away from work to make them rest.”

Private Travis McMullen, 24, was among the reservists shovelling and clearing mud.

“It’s definitely a change from my human resources job in Springwood,” Private McMullen said.

“I have been in the Army Reserve for two-and-a-half years but this is the first time I have been called upon to help in an emergency.

“We finished work at midnight yesterday and were back on the job at 6am today.
The morale here is really high because we just want to get in and support Brisbane in this time of need. We all love this city and want to do everything we can to get it back on its feet.”

Yandina labourer Private Jade Cooper, 20, who was covered in mud, said it felt good to pitch in and do his part.

“Everywhere we go we’re greeted with beaming smiles. The community is just so happy to see us working and trying to make a difference,” Private Cooper said.

The Reserve Response Force Section Commander, Corporal Roger Grob, said one of 9RQR’s most significant efforts to date involved assisting emergency services with an urgent medical evacuation.

“A lady in her 40s needed to be evacuated from her home to hospital because she was having trouble breathing and experiencing severe chest pain,” Corporal Grob said.

“We had to use a Unimog vehicle to get to her because she was located in an area that was inaccessible by ambulance.

“Ten 9RQR personnel assisted in evacuating her from her home to a flood entry point where the State Emergency Service picked her up in a boat and rushed her to hospital.

“Had we not got to her in time, she might’ve died. This is exactly the kind of situation that we train for.”

Australian Defence Force personnel are working under the direction of Joint Task Force 637 as part of Operation Queensland Flood Assist ? the ADF commitment to flood relief throughout Queensland.
Defence is restructuring the Joint Task Force to support the initial restoration phase of recovery efforts over the next four weeks. The Task Force will increase to around 1,200 personnel.

11/02/03 04:38:09 QnECBiSD
わずか税金7万円 公益法人の実態

11/02/16 23:17:07 ODmbTI8v

11/02/23 22:52:27.13 08zeHIU1

11/05/18 18:00:33.16 RkS1gGCs

11/08/17 23:50:34.25 ECp6ANG9

11/08/19 18:00:21.64 nO3B3H+g
【野球】日本のWBCボイコットは腰砕けに終わる 普段野球を観ない連中まで日の丸振って大騒ぎ[8/17]

94 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2011/08/18(木) 03:03:53.57 ID:AxM+p6u+0

172 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2011/08/18(木) 03:42:45.12 ID:2Tcwz1QN0


193 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2011/08/18(木) 03:51:57.07 ID:KR1W90Id0

194 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2011/08/18(木) 03:52:06.49 ID:NZhgsNPZ0

11/08/20 03:51:47.19 EwKAOUwo
9 ■やきうとは一体・・・


>「12球団で赤字150億円」 日本型球団経営、限界に



URLリンク(digest2ch-mnewsplus.see) saa.net/article/113281518.html

11/10/08 15:44:21.14 PNHyypSw


URLリンク(b) log.nippon-sports.com/?p=640
