10/11/23 14:13:21 7NWVnW+O
【スレのURL】 スレリンク(korea板)l50
【メール欄】 sage
>>519 [朝鮮民謡とかに詳しそうですね]
キム・ヨンイム “ジョンソン・アリラン”
1. Her voice is very nice. I would like her sing? a song that it is shown to the korean culture too.
2. Whole lot better than today's trashy kpop?.
3. This is? a very, very powerful performance! Absolutely great !
4. I love Kim Yong-Im, she has such a powerful and beautiful voice.
I play her videos on youtube for? my Mother who is in a coma and I know it helps her to hear her beautiful voice.
5. Beautiful !
6. Wow? amazing voice !