09/10/15 19:49:03 Vo7Z80kY
I'm writing this from Manila again.
What I'm trying to say is not related with this news,
but I wanna let you know Korean influence is increasing in the Philippines.
When I took Philippine airline from Tokyo to Manilain 1 month ago,
I saw the surprising map on my individual TV in the airplane.
Acorrding to the map, the island between Korea and Japan is Dokto.
but it was not displayed on the map in Japanese language.
It was displayed the map only in English.
There is the possibility that Korean gorvement or VANK
threatened Philippine airline to change the name of Takeshima.
As you know, Korean airline's TV displays "east sea" and "Dokto"
on the map in the airplane. But even Philippine airline follows Koeran way.
If Philipino find out what Korean is doing in the world,
I think Philipino will change their mind..