10/04/12 03:24:47 VxyJmi6Q0
Mao's brilliant, but much slower, much smaller and doesn't have the same kind of "up into the third level"
impact that Yu-na has.
Mao has beautiful triple axel but doesn't have the same speed and flow across the ice.
It's amazing skating but when we put them side by side and you compare them...
Mao's gotta be thinking "There's nothing I can do. I just gave her everything I had in the short program.
She skated right after me, directly after me. She heard my scores, she knew they were great.
And she threw it down and beat me by 4.5 points? Not fair! No! No, it's not right!"
They're both so good and they had such a long rivalry but when it's back to back like that,
it's really obvious especially when you were in the building.
滑走順が続いていて比べて見てしまうとね… 真央はきっとこう思っているだろうね、