09/12/15 09:59:03 r7ZP/9Fb0
he was an awesome Yankee and will be missed, Good luck Hideki Matsui for the rest of your career and thank you for all of your wonderful contributions!!!......
That makes me sad :( I'm glad that Matsui will be continuing his career with a good team but I really wanted him back for one more year.
Awe come on, when is it going to stop? Everytime I turn around the day is getting worse. I should have never got up this morning. This really blows! You gotta be kidding, now we lose Matsui?
I don't understand this at all. Why didn't Cashman do anything? Why was he just sitting on his hands? All a Matsui wanted was a cheap 1 year deal! I can't believe this c.-r@p!!! I am so ANGRY!!
Cashman, submit your resignation now! Time will tell that this was one of your biggest blunders. We will all see the results next season after getting eliminated in the post season like in 2001 and 2003.
Yeah, I didn't care about Lackey or Halladay, but this one hurts. I'm gonna miss Matsui!!!