08/07/09 09:08:52.95 h2zM3Ilo0
Gynecologist Yoshino points out that STDs are spreading particularly nastily among women in their 30s or older.
"Many of these women are having sex less often than they used to, have finished having
children and don't see a gynecologist as frequently as they once did," Yoshino says.
"They don't consider themselves a chance of having contracted an STD and because they're not having check-ups,
it means it takes longer to find and treat them if they are infected."
Late ZARD vocalist Izumi Sakai was being treated at the time of her death for cancer of the cervix,
a disease often caused by an STD called the human papillomavirus.
この病気はしばしばヒト・パピローマウィルスという性感染症にによっておこるものである(訳注 ※1、※2とも、ライアン・コネルの原文では伏字なし)。