毎日新聞への抗議活動@vip―制作部―at NEWS4VIP
毎日新聞への抗議活動@vip―制作部― - 暇つぶし2ch781:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします
08/07/02 17:49:42.96 Fd+F2I/i0
You may have heard a rumor that the Japanese women are lewd.
Whether you have or not, please do not believe the following contents;They are all head lines of one of the 3 top quality paper called "Mainichi Shimbun" in Japan.

"Fast food sends schoolgirls into sexual feeding frenzy"
"More moms going down, to ensure grades go up!"
"Defense Ministry turns to 'Lolita' manga character to reveal inner self"
"Ancient rice festival has reputation smeared by ‘therapeutic’ facial cream claims(bukkake)"
"Get wet and go wild: housewife rakes in extra loot at the neighborhood body wash"
"The Cook, the Beast, the Vice and its Lover" -Roppongi’s bestiality restaurant

These are all based on the'Mainichi Daily News' articles, been published on-line for many years.

However, did you know that these stories were all nicked from porn sex tabloids with Mainichi's
special saucy spices on it? Feel so sorry to say the truth, but you will never find any woman like
this living on the streets of Japan; these are all fantasy of some Australian maniac editor-in-chief
of Mainichi called Ryan O'Connel with a great support of Mainichi executives.

In addition to the shocking facts agove, the Mainichi keeps sending these tabloids to many honest
and normal families through their news wire, the Mainichi has already lost their reputation as
"quality paper" by this incident.

The Mainichi Shimbun committed to low-key but twisted cycle to attract fantasized maniac to Japan through their
English publication; assuming the Japanese will never notice what's going on in the back side of the quality paper,
however, the Japanese already find it out and the Mainichi's reputation goes down on its knees.
