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08/07/01 23:10:37.07 fB01/o+e0
You may have heard a rumor that the Japanese women are lewd.
Whether you have or not, please do not believe the following contents;
These are all nicked from head lines of 'Mainichi Shimbun' which is one of the 'top 3 quality papers' in Japan.

"Japanese teen girls takes Viagra to enjoy sex like rabbits."
"The high school girls are sexually frenzied in the fast food restaurant."
"Outdoor sex while taking her dogs out for a walk makes it happier. "
"Nanjing massacrer Japanese Gov magnetize new enrollement to its Self Defense Forces through Lolita cartoon."
"Rice Festival in Fukuoka where people paint their faces with rice paste wishing harvest, arouse the image of "Gansha.""
"Japanese school girls prefer not to wear bras to get sexual excitement ."
"Japanese mum give a blow job to their sons."
"Elderly prostitues becomes popular while elementary school girls catching up."
"In restaurants in Roppongi , you can fuck the pig and eat them afterwards. "

These are all based on the'Mainichi Daily News' articles, been published on-line for many years.

However, did you know that these stories were all nicked from porn sex tabloids with Mainichi's special
saucy spices on it? I feel so sorry to you the truth, but you will never find any woman like this living on
the streets of Japan; these are all fantasies made by Ryan O'Connel , some Australian maniac editor-in-chief ,
with great supports by Mainichi executives.

In addition to the shocking facts mentioned earlier, the Mainichi keeps sending these tabloids to many honest
and normal families through their news wire, the Mainichi has already lost their reputation as "quality paper"
by this incident.
