14/11/30 18:28:53.12 SVQ8kFkc
Immediately after the war, American attention focused on the Japanese responsible for the Pearl Harbor attack, those involved in mistreatment of U.S. prisoners of war,
and Japanese military and civilian officials implicated in war crimes, including rape(especially of Filipina women) or forced prostitution of Caucasian women.
There was also knowledge of the Imperial Japanese Army’s field brothel system, as shown in scattered reports declassified during the 1960s.
However, the scope of the brothel network(particularly in China) and the Japanese Army’s official sponsorship of the system were not well understood.
Licensed prostitution was legal in prewar Japan, and Allied officials viewed the small part of the overseas system they uncovered as an extension of homeland practices.
Prosecuting Japanese soldiers for rape, a notorious crime everywhere the army set foot, took precedence over investigating the circumstances of “comfort women,”
who were seen as professional prostitutes, not as unwilling victims coerced into brothels by employees of the Japanese military.
For instance, a significant document that linked the Japanese government with the military field brothel system, “Amenities in the Japanese Armed Forces,” was translated in November 1945 by ATIS
and declassified in the 1960s.(※19) Although available to the public for years, it received little attention unntil the “comfortwomen” issue focused attention on these wrongdoings in the 1990s.
“Amenities in the Japanese Armed Forces,”は1945年11月にATIS(Allied Translator and Interpreter Section 連合国翻訳通訳部)によって(証言が?)翻訳され、1960年代に機密解除された(※19)。