Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190 [転載禁止]© at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190 [転載禁止]© - 暇つぶし2ch977:名無しさん@英語勉強中
15/02/12 16:01:15.48 uUvffVaV
go to masaya!? as known as mashamasha?

15/02/12 16:16:55.40 XNoBMyKL

15/02/12 16:44:53.78 uUvffVaV
don’t you know MASAYA,founder of a 自己啓発セミナー who mindcontrolled
and brainwashwed toshi, X JAPAN vocalist?

980:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/12 16:53:04.79 fepgCT1k
I wonder why you write English with 全角?

15/02/12 18:46:34.97 ze7oCVwL
Is it okay to use f-word to teachers?

15/02/12 18:50:26.63 2McNB6ee
No, it's really offensive.
In fact, saying it to anybody you don't know very well is a great way
to get punched in the face.

983:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/12 18:52:39.43 fepgCT1k
I think it depends on what teacher you are talking with XD

15/02/12 19:01:34.58 tdXd1ZNk
I don't know why some people, when it comes

985:to the use of those offensive words, turn beaming eyes.

15/02/12 19:04:58.99 ze7oCVwL
Thanks! I secretly have wanted to say the F-word to complete strangers like "go back to your fucking country! You white trash" or something

987:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/12 19:13:44.62 fepgCT1k
I don't think fuck or fucking or whatever is offensive.
Actually lots of guys use them on a daily basis, which proofs it.

As you know the broadcasting industy will have ridiculous voluntary restraint (自主規制).
e.g. びっこ、つんぼ、めくら、土方、女中、片手落ち、キチガイ ...

15/02/12 19:19:39.67 2McNB6ee
It depends on the person really.
Around my family I say fuck often and nobody cares.
But around some of my friends they get offended if I say it.
More often than not though people consider it offensive.

989:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/12 19:20:58.91 fepgCT1k
as far as I know "fuck" is kind of international nowadays.
I remember, in Holland, when a female attendant missed getting off a train by accident,
she talked to herself "FUCK!!"

15/02/12 19:24:12.71 ze7oCVwL
I want to speak English fluently

991:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/12 19:26:00.00 fepgCT1k
Once one of my friends said to me "fuck off" and I got mad.
But now I can realize, for him, it didn't differ from any other words ....

15/02/12 20:00:32.71 MfGXr7We
i heard that an average height of adult men in holland is about 186cm tall
and it is really hard for an ordinary japanese man to use public toilets to urinate
because the 便器s are attached too high compared with his...uh...his penis position...

993:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/12 20:18:33.78 fepgCT1k
It is like 183 or so.
And yes, once urinals (小便器) I saw in nothern europe were really really high.

These days I never see such high ones not only in Holland but in Germany.
Probably they were gotten rid of due to "universal design" or something.
オランダ人 may explain.

15/02/12 20:24:45.08 V7f0GbHO
"fuck off" is pretty strong. I'd kick them in the crotch if someone says that to my face.

15/02/12 23:40:48.67 uUvffVaV
How about this guys'usage of "fucking" ?

I found an error in his English though. "I was confusing too"

15/02/13 03:10:01.90 2fS56utb
The phrase was used correctly, but the meaning he wanted to say wasn't. It would be more common to hear "Japan was a fucking mess."
"Fuck" is just a vulgar word. You never use it in formal situations or when talking to people you don't know well,
unless you are a vulgar person.

15/02/13 03:10:24.48 frxpdZke!
Fuck is indeed used a lot here as cuss word (also English words like "shit").

It is indeed around 183, I'm 186 myself and am slightly above average as far as I know.
The urinals aren't super high for that reason or something though. It's not like everyone is tall, just the average is the tallest. There's actually a lot of variety in heights.
Usually you see urinals at different heights, and public restrooms often a lower one anyways (also for children).
You are probably right. Maybe it was in the past, but these days I think it's not too high for anyone anymore. Unless someone has "dwarfism" or something.

15/02/13 06:21:01.87 MqTTXb4B
>I'm 186 myself and am slightly above average as far as I know.

In Japan you will be pretty high. I guess you can't find person
as high as you in one carrige of the train you take on.
Does it feel good to overlook people around you?
I think you deny it either way.
Do you feel height differences when you are in other euro zones like
germany and U.K?

I remember soccer player Sneijder is really small as dutch man ..

15/02/13 06:38:03.39 MqTTXb4B
>to get punched in the face.
I saw such a scene many times on youtube prank videos.
Most of the victims were white and attackers were black.
Victims were black in a way they were the target of ridicule.
I can't deny they are prone to get pissed off though.

1000:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/02/13 08:25:06.54 kCBi3JJs
Yes, I watched that on MTV.

1001:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/02/13 11:07:06.34 66qb6JqR
Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine decided to hold ceasefire in Ukraine for the first time in two years.
The four leaders said there is no way to settle the conflicts except for peaceful means.

15/02/13 14:25:12.91 kGh8Gqyh
NEVER CONSIDER. The word what we Japanese (asian) don't like. (But, I like)
Thinking too much doesn't let you drive on right path.
Drive at earth. Drive at earth literally though. You are an alien of the universe.


15/02/13 16:42:05.64 Jav3KD6D
when i have a stomachache, i drink a bit of milk to protect the inside of my stomach from stomach acid with a thin layer of milk.
but some people told me that milk is not good for me even though i don't have allergy to milk.

15/02/13 17:30:50.29 FNtD/y1E
I love "milking" with hot gaijins!

15/02/13 18:02:13.35 FNtD/y1E
Is it safe to drink cum?

15/02/13 18:30:37.63 Jav3KD6D
it must be more healthy than safe...

1007:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/13 18:44:31.64 4JlCLeNC
Usually it's way safer than you think.
HIV is very weak in the air and water.
Saliva guards your mucous membrane (粘膜).

So when I eat cum, I always fill my mouth with lots of spit!

If you are bleeding at your mouth or gums, don't swallow it.

1008:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/13 18:51:14.71 4JlCLeNC
I should've said "don't suck"

15/02/13 22:07:58.13 raFQhfah
It may be safe but is definitely not something you enjoy. If someone asks you to drink his cum, tell him to do it himself.

15/02/13 22:29:30.29 FNtD/y1E
Thanks for the useful information!
