Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190 [転載禁止]© at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190 [転載禁止]© - 暇つぶし2ch692:名無しさん@英語勉強中
15/02/03 22:23:32.44 FRE4XRAd!

I've met many girls like kanadaijin3. They're friggin' weird. Weebs are generally crazy but the weeb girls are a special brand of crazy.
This one time I was in high-school and there was this girl named Judy. She wanted to be called some shitty pseudo-Japanese name like Sakura or
something like that. She also claimed to speak Japanese from watching anime, but she could never do it. She also always smelled like cat piss. Not as
bad as some of her friends but the cat piss smell was always there. Also she was batshit. I was in grade 9 drama with her
and one day I had to operate the lights. She came over to my booth and said "stop turning on the lights, I'm epileptic (she's not epileptic)"
And I said "I... I have to. That's my job." So she let out this horrible screeching noise and started banging on the little window
in my booth. Thank Christ it locked from the inside. Eventually she stormed out. Also on the final exam we had to preform a scene we (and by we I mean I, because I
did all the work in that group) wrote and she didn't show up so we had to get some random girl from another group to fill in. Bitch cost me like 10% of my mark.
She also claimed to talk to ghosts. Anyway point is there's hundreds of these over here (though not nearly as many as before), but I can't even imagine
how severe it must be to actually MOVE to Japan. That's a whole other level of crazy.

Generally, if a white gaijin is in your country, it's because his life in his own country was absolute shit and he couldn't relate to people here.
If someone's willing to abandon their connections and move halfway around the world for no real economic gain, it's because they were depressed or couldn't
relate to their own people. The normal ones stay here.
