Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190 [転載禁止]© at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190 [転載禁止]© - 暇つぶし2ch300:名無しさん@英語勉強中
15/01/22 14:10:45.10 ijDv2Umn
I love audience.
Are they called オタク?geek or オッカケ?followers? very laughable.

Is Samantha fox real or is she a laughing stock?
Her tarzan style is

15/01/22 14:53:29.91 1snstlMZ
when i went to school (in 80's and 90's) , teachers were respectable people.
it is just because they knew a lot about life or japan or the world and
they used to kindly answer to my questions.
i didn't think about whether they're correct or wrong.
today, pupils / students can just google things and i heard that
some students maliciously point out where teachers are wrong and make fun of them...
i don't think it's a nice thing.

15/01/22 15:06:17.52 ASFjYx8V
Because teachers in Japan are relatively not so smart like in my case my "English teacher" only had 英検準2級 and she couldn't communicate with ALT teachers at all

Also I still remember I got some deduction on my English sentence because she didn't understand the difference between some and any wtf...

303:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/22 16:04:12.18 0eFSrZsc
The executives of Microsoft Corp. fear that they may fall behind the other countries' rivals even in the field of software applications for personal computers.
So, the planned sales of the new operating system, Windows 10, will be much publicized worldwide.

304:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/22 16:13:10.47 0eFSrZsc
On the background, Microsoft Corp is lagging behind the other makers in the development of software applications for smartphones, portable

305: telephones and portable terminals.

15/01/22 20:15:59.16 JaQkRpXJ!
It will also be free to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 in the first year of release (the upgrade is of course permanent).
Probably the reason why it will be free is because Windows 10 has the Windows Store in it, and Windows 7 doesn't.
Upgrading from Windows 8 (or 8.1) to Windows 10 will always be free.

15/01/22 20:18:44.39 ASFjYx8V
It bugs me when I see posts from gaijins.

15/01/22 20:19:27.49 JaQkRpXJ!
>>295 Oops my bad, I am not sure if upgrading from 8 or 8.1 will always be free.
It will atleast be free for a year too.

15/01/22 20:36:19.35 TwL2KwZF!
How come?

15/01/22 22:13:21.03 7HbGnACM
The video looks very typical of a 1980s pop song. That song reached
number 3 in the UK music charts that year, so it's for real.

As for the fans, they also seem like typical music fans. Other than
the crazy looking guy who goes on stage. But that was for the music
video and wasn't real.

15/01/22 23:17:06.67 lJZWt5qb
Wow. You're right. They seem to have decided to continue the tradition.

The Times and The Sun are under Rupard Murdock's media network, and the
former reported the news of the latter stopping the tradition.
Maybe The Sun insisted on an indipendence of editorial policy or something.

Good news for you anyway. :)

15/01/22 23:38:58.94 ASFjYx8V
Omg gaijins overload this thread. Literally.

15/01/23 00:31:47.83 3RBohd4A

314:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/23 00:55:05.44 W0qSEOTA
The Social Democrats believed that Japan could do without armaments as stipulated in the Constitution.
But later, the Social Democratic Prime Minister Murayama admitted the Self Defense Forces are constitutional.
On the other hand, the Communists emphasized the Nonaligned Movement was necessary for Japan's security.

315:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/23 01:06:01.38 W0qSEOTA
The chronicle of arms control negotiations showed disarmament is no easy task.

15/01/23 05:02:42.18 vdVjjxhk
It's about 10 hours to go until the deadline ISIS set for Japan to pay
for 200 million dollars to save the lives of the two Japanese hostages.

If I'm not mistaken, no hostages so far who were filmed in the format wearing
orange clothes have been saved because no countries so far said to have paid ransom.
to the terroist organization. I read the news that Japanese government has asked UK for help, but
that's rediculous. When UK itself couldn't rescue their own hostage filmed
that way, what on earth can they do to save the lives of hostages of Japan?

There's nothing we can do about it. The chance are as good as nil that the
two will survive. ISIS would never break a promise when they
predict they will kill hostages. I've never seen brutal videos where
beheadings by the man in black are in action and I won't this time, too.

Islum extremists seem to be spawning around the world and no one can stop that.
Paris, Belgium, US, the list will get longer this year and it's just the
beggining of 2015. I predict there'll be a big terror this year somewhere in the world
, like highjacking and more shocking ones.

15/01/23 05:17:06.05 cv0hl+78
yes. windows are threatened by android and ios.
but i cant move without any consideration about device drivers are removed..

15/01/23 05:59:01.91 UChl24DS
Why did Windows distinguish vista from 7?
I wanna use windows 10 as well.

15/01/23 06:11:04.34 84tJl+v0
I'm against offering ransom worth 2 million dollars.
But I don't oppose everycase of ransom. I think ransom, for example,
2 million "yen" is forgiven to save life.
This time case is different from Yodogo group hijack incident that an terrorist group
demanded fellow terrorists be freed.This time it's not terrorists but captives that
are freed. People who say "Never bow to terrorism" often cite incidents aboroads like
hijack incident in Germany. But even Germany including France and Spain are said to
offer ransom this time. They must consider the cases separately.
I hope Abe never stick to "succum to terrorism too much and think calmly

15/01/23 06:21:02.09 T3FkOJ8v
If windows 10 is going to be free it's definitely going to be shit.
Probably packed with another useless metro screen like windows 8/8.1
and spyware to mine all your personal information.
Not to mention that it would probably be bigger in size from all
the other useless apps they bundled with it making installing it on
a SSD a problem.

I'm fine with windows 7.

15/01/23 06:24:30.47 84tJl+v0
I forgot. Yes,the.U.K and USA share the same stance, never to succum to
terrorsim in anycase.
But they use military(wage war) to fight against terrorism insted of ransom.
Japan don't have that ability and should not do such a thing.
Abe should be careful of wording too not to be regarded as among the same camp of
USA and the U.K.
I'm not a typical pacifist or leftwing. Keep distance from monothism conflict.
After all westerner started confusion in the middleeast.
Japan should not be regarded as one of them.

15/01/23 06:39:10.80 84tJl+v0
yodogo hijack incident must be replaced by dacca airline hijack incident.

323:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/23 12:02:12.27 SXUJiRM2
About three decades ago, an increasing number of the Chinese people living in frontier districts were on the verge of starvation.
The Japanese researchers introduced to China the know-how of cultivating rice in cold climates.

324:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/23 12:56:19.12 SXUJiRM2
North Korea demanded the phased withdrawal of the US forces from South Korea and charged that the United States interfered the unification of the Korean Peninsula.
Experts said the withdrawal of the US troops from South Korea would tip the military balance in Asia substantially.

15/01/23 18:55:36.93 6doV6hC5
Fuck gaijins. White ones!

15/01/23 21:33:05.82 6doV6hC5
Guck duck fuck dick duck duck ruck fuck duck duck sucks sucks ugh. Flickr jacks cut sucks uckebyck rucke cine fund ducks cult cut

327:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/23 21:38:41.85 HkLjwbJK
I bought M size undies on ebay.
Since the seller and product was chinese,
I thought it should be in chinese (asian) standard size as a matter of course.

but what I got today was with a tag L!

yeah .... I know asian L is equal to european/american M ....
But the tag says M!
The letter M is M!!! Not L!!!!

15/01/23 21:49:50.69 AyYv8WuW
it's been more than ten years since i started to think i need to learn 合気道 skills.
i don't want to attack anybody but i want to protect myself when i am attacked by some bad guys.
many women aged 18-24 in the usa seem to learn defense skills by themselves as they usually risk being raped in their lives...horrible.

15/01/23 21:59:35.82 AyYv8WuW
i like to check and see japanese b-grade spots (B級スポット) on internet websites.
if possible, i want to actually visit as many spots as i can.
the other day, one of my acquaintances went to such a place and advised me about that.
the place is a building, which imitates 九龍城 in hongkong.


330:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/23 22:24:22.61 HkLjwbJK
You had better know; for women to learn martial arts for self-defence is not so efficient.
even if you got kuro-obi or whatever, you can't defeat fucking huge blacks with muscles.
To buy a pepper spray (催涙スプレー) is the best solution.

15/01/23 22:26:46.08 ve0IIHD8
Seems like Eitaro hates black people right?

332:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/23 22:48:50.57 HkLjwbJK
Since 2 of them attacked this weaky chap!

not only robbed, but hurt me.
the shape of my pinkie is not as the same as it was (T-T)

15/01/24 00:20:46.96 znPIcGjo
Your English like language is horrendous

334:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/24 00:23:06.32 jAEY1YSS
Thanks for replying.
I've heard the song you saying before. This is being used many places and many situations.
But too many people are singing it varied situations. Because of it, I can't recognize whose the song is.

Do you know the program called "Later with Jools Holland"?
I love it since so many artists as good as Oasis appear on it.

335:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/24 02:40:01.49 jAEY1YSS
Japan had lost against UAE though, UAE had 3 days rest, Japan had 2 days rest. If Japan had as well as UAE, have they could won over? Who knows?

15/01/24 04:01:10.51 57QCEBXB
Songs of 007soundsystem are called youtube national anthem.
He is one of my favorites.

She is beautiful as well as her voice. I guess looks come before everything after all.
Is it jupitar? I remember Hirahara somone made a big hit in Japan about a decade ago.
We know Sarah Brightman. She is beautiful too.
In japan Pomp and Circumstance by Elgar is the most acknowledged second national anthem of u.k.
It is very typical image of the u.k for many Japanese.British farmaceutical company glaxo used this tune in its cm.

I've read somewhre that a Queen's song got the majoriy
by poll. Bohemian Rapsody or we are the champion was elected as the second
national anthem.

15/01/24 04:19:32.30 57QCEBXB
Coldness and darkness in winter make me feel blue. I'm in depression.
I wanna die. Its an exaggeration. but i feel blue. Mental scars in the past
haunt me and make me wanna weep in the bed.
There must be many with mental health problem in the u.k.
It should be more cold and dark throught a year.

15/01/24 06:07:20.72 57QCEBXB
Oh, mistake. 009 sound system is correct.

15/01/24 12:23:00.52 wIek+zT6!
Yours is kind of like a poem. I liked it. It's telling me your sadness, loneliness, and even fear for winter. But on top of that, I feel your desire for death. Such an interesting poem.

15/01/24 15:04:17.24 DUjuEixQ
お黙り!means "shut up!" you know.

15/01/24 15:39:04.74 6xGTrR3c!

It's our Neanderthal caveman genes. White Pride World Wide.

15/01/24 16:05:23.43 jg43aoaE
take a rest in a futon.
futon always welcomes you.

15/01/24 16:07:40.34 jg43aoaE
i would like to understand what native english speakers talk about.
my listening comprehension ability is terrible.
i'm at a loss how to improve this.

15/01/24 16:08:31.62 jg43aoaE
i successfully posted the 333rd comment in this thread...

345:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/24 16:27:16.51 9wn7S9Ew
Islamic State is still increasing its military strength in the Middle East, taking some journalists and others in the industrialized nations as hostages.

15/01/24 18:14:49.57 57QCEBXB
The banner in the stormfront
ドン引きする turns me off.
every day white people's day!
Silly. I think their tactics is failing to get more understainding
from wilder average white people base.
Are you one of stormfronter?

15/01/24 18:31:11.69 57QCEBXB
The banner seems to commemorate individual who was born today.
You can see another great individual everytime you click.
What I see now is Ernst Heinkel.
The letters of "every day white people's day" has disappeared though.

348:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/24 21:57:05.59 jAEY1YSS
I feel exactly same as you!
Though I can make out some English lesson's videos, but some interviews or somethings are really hard to comprehend.
I want to become to be able to watch sports games with English sub channel.

349:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/24 22:10:59.43 1YIyKL4V
Reporters covering the incessant ethnic strife in the Middle East say the situation is getting worse day by day.

350:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/25 00:21:59.98 XIrZGI5n
The broadcast said that Mr. Kenji Goto claimed his comrade, Mr. Haruna Yukawa, was killed by the Islamic radicals and they demanded the release of a female terrorist arrested by the Jordan troops in exchange for him.

351:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/25 00:38:51.13 XIrZGI5n
There are still profound differences between Israel and the Palestinians.
About three decades ago, the Israeli forces have launched a large-scale counterattack spearheaded by a naval bombardment.
At that time, the PLO leader appealed his comrades to fight against Israel till the end.

15/01/25 00:57:50.09 QhTBF+oi
I'm dating the white gaijin but he is a freaking vegetarian! How should I do?!

353:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/25 01:02:28.41 61FDKM8z
He force to eat only vegetables against you?

15/01/25 01:11:39.79 Y+YlnILp
No. But naturally I have to think about other options like "oh he is a vegetarian so we can't go to McDonald" " we can't go to a steak house" or whatever

Maybe I should become a vegetarian too.

15/01/25 02:05:40.02 36nbRkPV
Are you female or gay?

15/01/25 02:08:35.74 Y+YlnILp
It's secret

15/01/25 02:10:23.86 36nbRkPV
Naturally everyone presumes you are fema

358:le. But you leave other option, which means...?

15/01/25 02:21:56.12 36nbRkPV
Who is writing lengthy senteces in this thread?
I don't have guts to read.
Somebody point out if his writings are both intellectual and nativespeaker-level?

15/01/25 02:31:18.60 1JeAaRP6!
I've been in the U.S. for a year and am kinda getting to know about English cuz I've to take classes in English, which was kinda stressful at first...

361:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/25 04:37:38.81 61FDKM8z
I don't even care whether you're gay or female though, I know how you feel.
However if he doesn't force it against you, it doesn't seem to big deal unless you wanna go with him to McDonald's or something like that essentially.
But when I had a GF, I used to often go to fast food shops because it's cheap.
If you have some reason to go there, you should better find another way, I think.
It's just my opinion.
I've once tried to become a vegetarian though, it was so hard since it has cost too much.

15/01/25 08:44:26.43 vZTdM6Nx
i'm not cut out for a vegetarian.
i want to eat fruits, meats, fish as well.

15/01/25 09:10:22.61 jx2TX8p4!

Native speaker here. It's mostly rambling pseudo-mystic garbage in semi-comprehensible English, only slightly above broken English.
This guy obviously thinks he's some kind of intellectual, using big words before understanding the fundamentals of the English language.
In short, don't bother reading it, it's shit.

364:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/25 11:27:59.99 5r0MWlDu
Japan and the United States fear that IS may increase its influence cashing in on the unstable situation in the Middle East.
But IS is suffering from the destruction of oil equipment by the bombardment of the United States and other nations.

365:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/25 11:39:08.62 5r0MWlDu
Auto makers are exhibiting luxurious motor cars at the North American International Auto Show to attract affluent people worldwide.

15/01/25 14:26:58.09 +SCcpFuU
the other day i encountered the following situation...

a motorcycle gang…●

 ○ ○ ○
 ○● ○
 ○ ○ ○

i felt danger of my life.

15/01/25 17:33:33.12 1VeLhfGI
You are a very tough boy!
We are living, living in the 2010s!

15/01/25 18:16:35.70 YEu5rpCI
I wonder if KGgirl has gone or not.
So many girls has left, including Takoyaki girl which I used to like.

15/01/25 19:35:50.76 0nViX5j/
i think kg2ch is being banned from posting here.
she said something like that before.

15/01/25 20:52:34.22 36nbRkPV
Don't forget k-tan!

15/01/25 21:05:34.33 36nbRkPV
Let's pray for the safety of a japanese captive. I put my hands together
and prayed.

15/01/25 21:09:48.30 Y+YlnILp
It's too late. This fault is all about the Japanese governments incapability.

373:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/25 21:10:37.68 6OjXytHr
Religious fanaticism and persistent poverty are apt to make the people resort to extreme measures such as terrorist attacks.

15/01/25 21:14:45.44 1VeLhfGI

15/01/25 21:38:17.24 OCafVB6e
all about wrong was a left-winged activist....abused children are everywhere not only the middle east.

15/01/25 22:11:54.47 Y+YlnILp
All about wrong is all insane Japanese right wing people also known as ネトウヨ

15/01/25 22:34:46.74 1VeLhfGI
YOU don't Korea!

378:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/26 00:02:24.80 CfA/hSK+
How the hell many do you have yourself!? Too many!!

379:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/26 01:09:41.15 gdkyh85J
Talking of the Middle East, the impact of oil crisis in 1973 was absorbed successfully in Japan although housewives devoted themselves to impulse buying daily necessities such as toilet paper and detergents during the crisis.
Japan was the first among the industrialized nations after overcoming the ill-effects of the oil crisis.
After the crisis, Japan sustained stable economic growth, not to say high economic growth in the late 1970s.

15/01/26 01:36:04.43 8xwFnEof!
>>332 >>337
The only way to improve is to just listen. But you have to listen to material you already understand.
So one thing I'd recommend is to find English videos and watch them with English subtitles.
Don't try to think of the meaning in Japanese, just try to match your reading with what the actor is saying.

It also helps to find material that you find interesting. Very few people enjoy listening to stilted speech like learning English videos.

15/01/26 01:42:15.31 tBSx0pzU
Is 777 dead?

15/01/26 02:06:32.15 7afD+7e6
Hope so.

15/01/26 02:15:13.23 uftqSGCU
>>354 Oh, you are the motorcycle gang. And eleven of me.

15/01/26 02:16:40.00 uftqSGCU
I didn't know so many me people nowadays.

15/01/26 03:50:12.66 mnpDvrQc
When I saw anguish in his face, I did feel great sympathy
to him eventhough I knew he is responsible for what they did.

Westerners can deal with serious matters including war with upbeat sound.
That is what japanese can't do, in my opinion.
It's a contradictory thing for japanese in addition to our lack of creativity.

15/01/26 04:53:13.15 WphbIOIn!

15/01/26 04:54:40.41 WphbIOIn!
Happy 2015 to GOD and the 2ch boys


15/01/26 05:01:00.14 WphbIOIn!
I love the gaijin bashing whale eating ultra right wing tough men with attitude.

15/01/26 05:20:59.84 EXiI+9EE
>>376 me too

390:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/26 10:49:51.53 WLbN3zoL
An earthquake jolted the metropolitan area this morning.
It is said that even seismologists suspect unusual movements of a catfish could be an omen of a great tremor.

391:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/26 15:43:10.96 Pen4khge
How to Count Money/Paper in Japan

I think the people who can do it is a few.
Only cashiers and some bankers.

392:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/26 15:58:35.49 Pen4khge
oops! ... I mean. these people who can do that are limited. (><)

15/01/26 15:59:51.75 5B7yu47q
you should refrain chinko-piercing.

394:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/26 16:23:20.92 Pen4khge
I'm going out with David today/tomm. so I cannot do that now.
it will be the 9th piercing on my body.
piercing/tattoo are kinda drugs. once you got one, you want more...

15/01/26 16:53:37.49 SYDBYKIh
who's david?

15/01/26 17:00:47.15 aPgB4RIu
One of his fuck buddies

397:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/26 17:06:28.05 Pen4khge
mummm, an american daddy.
waiting for his call but I'm not sure if he has already arrived in japan....

15/01/26 17:21:38.86 mnpDvrQc
Be careful of HIV.

15/01/26 17:55:26.25 aPgB4RIu
He is already HIV positive.

15/01/26 18:04:08.30 RIf7YCDK
I love ”the gaijin” ←  bashing whale eating ultra right wing tough men with attitude.
I love ”the gaijin bashing whale eating ultra right wing tough men” with attitude.


W H I C H ?

15/01/26 19:40:55.39 SYDBYKIh
show him your gay samurai spirit!

15/01/26 19:46:43.55 5B7yu47q
i think eitaro said he doesnt go to gay cruising spots, so its so unlikely for him to be suffered from STD even though i dont play with penetration.

15/01/26 19:53:22.80 WphbIOIn!
>388 I love ”the gaijin bashing whale eating ultra right wing tough men with attitude."

It should have been

I love the gaijin-bashing, whale eating, ultra right-wing, tough men with attitude.

All these attributes belong to a particular group, the tough Japanese guys who post here.

15/01/26 20:01:11.34 RIf7YCDK
I got it!

15/01/26 20:02:13.02 B74jJQFd
How does whale eating have to do with right wing...?
BTW, I don't like gaijin right wingers and nationalists, particularly american netouyo.

406:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/26 20:50:33.53 Pen4khge
He's busy today, damn it!!!

True. and I don't often fuck/get fucked either!

407:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/26 20:56:56.38 Pen4khge
Oral sex has near-zero HIV risk according to new San Francisco study

When you meet 遊び人, just play oral and you won't get HIV :-)

15/01/26 22:22:13.77 aPgB4RIu
I have some experiences as a cashier like part time job so I can totally do that like beautifully and effortlessly LOL

409:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/26 22:25:48.37 wYcBX3mE
The management bow to the labor federation for a wage increasing offer despite the stagnant individual spending caused by the prolonged business recession.

15/01/26 23:18:22.01 8dVekPGS
How can I stay out of other people's drama? I'm caught between two sides of my friends and everything sort of depends on me. I hate being in the middle.

15/01/27 01:00:41.04 ZL3z8xl1
Wear protection and you're fine. I used to fuck without condom before but I stopped doing it. You need to have good control over your temptations and drives.

15/01/27 01:10:22.53 H1xzS6pg
What does it feel like to blow each other's penis?

15/01/27 01:43:08.45 qNhuMWBa
Since when this thread became a den of fags?

Hey, give me back my 400!

15/01/27 01:50:01.61 ZL3z8xl1
Why don't you try and see for yourself? It's 100 times better to understand than having people tell you.

15/01/27 01:51:21.45 ZL3z8xl1
I mean easier to understand.

15/01/27 02:02:38.98 ZL3z8xl1
Ugh there are so many things to worry about. Not only about my own relationship but I also have to deal with others'. It's such a pain in the ass. The last thing you want to do is to get involved in someone else's romance-related trouble!

417:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/27 02:31:23.28 KuRCmOuC
However, some people say that without subtitles is better.
I don't know which I should believe.
But I'll try each way.

15/01/27 03:03:10.53 BaIB8KoP
I believe Jesus is Judeo Aryan. That's why he is popular in western world.
So to speak, the area of Syria and Iraq was originally Arier's as well as above of India.

15/01/27 04:32:25.01 H1xzS6pg
Are you person of christian identity?
I understand it's an unacceptbale fact for people who hate jews as well as
love christianity that Jesus Christ was a jew.
You should go back to paganism then your contradiction would disapper.

Chrsitianity had been well ingrained in european culture. That's why even nazi germany
could not eradicate Christianity on the spot.

15/01/27 05:11:17.46 b0QClIUn
Wow, I can just picture several hundred Japanese people pronouncing the English here as Engrish.

15/01/27 07:43:13.79 LJg3uCBa
What's wrong with that? Fucker?

15/01/27 08:29:49.20 0tk//Zy9
I think those people mean subtitles in your native language. Like I wouldn't watch a Japanese show with English subtitles.
However if the Japanese show has Japanese subtitles I see no harm in watching it.

15/01/27 08:56:38.38 ZaaugQ1d
Hey, at least call me a fucker in English instead of your Engrish ファッカー

424:Blacker than black
15/01/27 09

425::09:44.87 ID:eJHM545k

15/01/27 11:27:32.27 mEN0PnC8!
>>393 Whale eating or the right to hunt whales is defended by right wing
friends here in 2ch.
I don't see why it should be any different to say the right to bear arms
and to right to hunt in the USA.

15/01/27 11:35:27.42 mEN0PnC8!
I just saw the American Sniper. It was intense and emotional, and
I was surprised by how balanced it was. The tough choices one has
to make as a soldier is terrifying. Incredibly sad film, especially
how families have to deal with the consequences of war.

428:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/27 12:56:11.81 l+SL2u6S
The end of the Cold War has given rise to regional conflicts in various parts of the world that are providing a lucrative job for arms dealers the world over.

429:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/27 13:21:56.22 l+SL2u6S
The representative of the Democratic Party pointed out that the Governor of the Bank of Japan says that he thinks it is necessary to loosen monetary control for the time being to avoid rising prices of commodities.

15/01/27 14:02:02.83 WHxRW86d
Nanking, 731, and comfort women are false histories.
Those are not relevant to right wing.
Who says fact is fact or false is fase is a right winger?

431:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/27 15:40:55.68 hii8qMvw
I've just received a packet, which a Thai seller shipped out yesterday!
yikes! only 30 hours from Bangkok to Tokyo!!

15/01/27 15:52:03.23 H1xzS6pg
アチャー、Is Christiano Ronald your ideal man?

433:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/27 16:00:36.26 hii8qMvw
Not at all. He looks like a typical handsome latin jock and it never attracts me...
one of my ideal men is Paul Rudd :-)

15/01/27 16:07:48.60 H1xzS6pg
Do you know the rumor (established fact) that one of TV tokyo anchormen is a faggot?
He sometimes acts like a faggot, like screaming and talking like a girl
(like うわきゃーやめて~~~).
It is 池谷亨ikegaya toru who I'm talking about.
He is now enjoying NEW YORK city life.

15/01/27 16:16:31.65 H1xzS6pg
Really.In my opinion Christiano Ronaldo is a typical image of good
looking gay boys from gay magazin

436:e or gay strip theater in southeastern asia. By the way, Are you not Japanese? You speak like a gaijin.

437:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/27 17:15:19.33 l+SL2u6S
The US Secretary of State highly evaluated Japan's efforts saying that Japan helps the people in the Mideast end their ethnic conflicts.

15/01/27 17:22:15.05 8sljZRo/
If you seriously believe all the people who defend whaling are right wing and who bash Japan are conscientious westerners,
you may want to study the history of whaling.
It should be a good chance to expand your narrow perspective.

15/01/27 17:42:01.82 WHxRW86d
Anti-whaling people are illogical people.
It is ok that they don't like whaling and don't want to eat whale meat.
However, from the moment they think Japan should stop whaling, they become illogical people.

15/01/27 20:11:13.24 mEN0PnC8!
424>>"If you seriously believe all the people who defend whaling are right wing "
I never said that, I said:
"Whale eating or the right to hunt whales is defended by right wing
friends here in 2ch"
You generalised and completely changed the meaning of what I said.

15/01/27 20:14:32.01 mEN0PnC8!
"and who bash Japan are conscientious westerners"
never said anything about westerners's view. I am treating
whaling as a country's (Japan's) sovereign decision. It is like telling
Americans not to hunt deer.

15/01/27 21:25:24.18 ZL3z8xl1
If you hate the west so bad, why are you studying English? Give it up already. You'll never be good at something you hate.

15/01/27 21:44:46.52 KdsMVWwe
6:30 a.m. -i woke up and noticed it had been still raining.
7:00 a.m. -i sneaked down to the first floor and threw away flammable garbage.
7:30 a.m. -i checked emails over a cup of coffee and found no good news.
11:00 a.m. -i felt i was about to scream furiously.
1:30 p.m. -i decided to go out and exercise to get myself back together.
2:30 p.m. -tender winter sunlight cheered me up.
5:30 p.m. -i devoured ねばねば丼 and its taste made me smile.
10:00 p.m. -i will go to bed hoping i can burst out laughing tomorrow.

15/01/27 22:08:31.42 YejqFT6L
do you think that capturing innocent people and beheading them is also a country's sovereign decision?

15/01/27 22:38:20.34 NT+xlTCN
Nice to meet you, everyone. I'm writing on this thread for the first time, so I'm kind of nervous.
Let's get to know each other.

15/01/27 23:02:48.62 mEN0PnC8!
>>430 we are talking about whales, deers ie prey, not humans.

15/01/27 23:09:47.00 ZJX3c0er
Welcome back! Where have you been?
Somebody said because you had been banned from posting.

15/01/27 23:13:18.60 ZJX3c0er
You are 凡人丸出し, aren't you?

15/01/27 23:17:35.71 mEN0PnC8!
>>433 Thank you. A series of UK IPs were banned. I travelled. Then tried my luck
when I returned. It seems fine for now.

15/01/27 23:19:17.75 VABa6N/Q
Aww kamegirl! It's nice to see you again!

I like her unlike イギリス人

15/01/27 23:26:04.25 8sljZRo/
I wrote "if" so you don't need to deny so desperately.
Anyway, I'm glad that you are not one of those stupid gaijins who interfere with other country's sovereign decision.

I don't get why you thought "I hate west so bad". There are always some weirdos who invent a pretext for a quarrel in 2ch...

15/01/27 23:29:13.94 VABa6N/Q
I'm kinda feel the same like I don't remember last time I laughed so hard...

Well this is why I don't have any wrinkles on my face though....

15/01/28 00:10:49.77 UYBaD3Id
while banned, can you read 2ch?

15/01/28 00:11:14.27 YlQvKuB0
There are no anti-whaling people here.
I am very happy(^ω^*)

15/01/28 01:59:00.41 P9or1E81
I don't like good looking people

456:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/28 04:40:52.02 TfPTWtjQ
K, I'll try the way you said. Thank you.
I think most Japanese shows use subtitles too much.

457:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/28 04:41:43.65 TfPTWtjQ
Everything in the world is shit.

15/01/28 04:46:24.58 YlQvKuB0
Unagi is very delicious.
The world is not shit.

15/01/28 07:31:06.18 P9or1E81
No. It tastes so bad.

15/01/28 07:44:30.66 S5l2L6hV
Do you know unagi is a endangered species?
Unless we start reducing our unagi consumption, we will be
unable to eat unagi in the future.
And more efficient perfect farming
tecunique(circle of egg and grown-up eel) is needed for sustainable unagi consumption.

15/01/28 09:22:06.63 wOlxjAIF
is there any substitute food for unagi?
if any, we can go with it for the time being as we farm unagi in a more efficient way.

15/01/28 09:27:43.55 wOlxjAIF
yes, i am.
but now i strongly feel that it is challenging to continue to live an ordinary life in this country.
i am not unhappy with the 凡人丸出し life.

15/01/28 10:02:59.76 S5l2L6hV
Dojou(loach) is often cited as a substitute.
It lives in inner waters.
Dojou has downsides too.
It has strong ordor to remove and has sand to extract.

Maybe conger is the best substitute for eel.

464:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/28 11:22:45.49 zArjUWXE
Ordinary citizens seem to be fed up with the TV reports about the divorce of TV talents.
They also said the hostages captured by Islamic radicals were partly responsible for their visit to the worn-torn district in the Mideast.

15/01/28 11:39:08.08 Vsd206n8
It was warm yesterday, but it is cold today.
So I don't want to go out.

15/01/28 11:40:16.59 YlQvKuB0
I know some people don't like it.

Of course, I know.
I seldom buy it for the price

15/01/28 12:40:32.48 S5l2L6hV
I think some people don't like ぬるぬる the slimy texutre of the back side.
I don't care if it's well grilled.
I guess Unagi's most attraction is the smell.

15/01/28 13:25:13.37 YlQvKuB0
The smell of Unagi restaurants always brings home to me how poor I am.
I have never eaten Unagis at Unagi resturants.
One of my dream is to eat Unagis there.

15/01/28 13:55:15.89 Trq1vxrk
Why are people so upset about Matsuko Deluxe saying AKB48 shouldn't be in the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremonies?

15/01/28 13:55:46.93 lshxc/O5
I have no friends.

15/01/28 13:57:20.11 pBgkC/3j!

It's okay, neither do I.

15/01/28 13:59:23.33 NwjtWK8D
having friends is not always a good thing.

15/01/28 14:02:09.31 YlQvKuB0
Because there are a lot of anti-AKB people in Japan.
I am one of them.

474:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/28 14:23:51.50 zArjUWXE
Choose such friends as will benefit you.
Though I have neither money nor friends, I am not so unhappy as you think.
(Refer to the crambook for entrance examinations published by Sundaibunko Corp.)

15/01/28 14:36:22.11 +7ULI/Uv
Omg you don't have ! in your ID...

You are in Japan? or you are fake....

15/01/28 14:48:09.28 Trq1vxrk
!? I don't know why I don't have !; I'm from the same IP as usual.

477:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/28 14:56:19.25 zArjUWXE
The Prime Minister emphasized his economic policies to get rid of the prolonged deflation which lasted for 15 years at an ordinary session of the Diet.

15/01/28 15:24:58.65 y2kl/cyB
having a lot of friends meaning attending a lot of funerals, wedding ceremonies and etc means paying a lot of money.

15/01/28 17:05:42.19 P9or1E81
This is why I hate making friends. It's a very pain in the ass! Also they don't worth it

15/01/28 17:25:08.24 P9or1E81
Are you okay with the stickiness of eel? Like ヌルッ ewwwww

I can't believe some people who love eel DO exist in this universe...

15/01/28 17:37:35.18 YlQvKuB0
I don't eat raw unagis.
Grilled Unagis are not ヌルッ.

Speaking of ヌルッ, I hate ヌル山.

15/01/28 17:52:50.66 P9or1E81
Grilled eels are still ヌルッ though?

I can't stand eels...nor gaijins...

But still Ive been dating only gaijins in my life.

15/01/28 17:54:

484:32.51 ID:qTE3aGVl

15/01/28 17:57:34.48 P9or1E81
I absolutely hate the idea that AKB will have something with opening and closing ceremonies of 2020 Olympics...

It will be a disaster and ruin everything...

15/01/28 18:23:42.17 Trq1vxrk
URLリンク( is where I saw it.
I'd much rather see Matsuko in the opening ceremonies than AKB48. Or
get Yasutaka Nakata to do something with one of the bands he works with.
(I could easily imagine きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ on stage for the ceremonies.)

15/01/28 18:23:56.48 YlQvKuB0
You don't like 焼き鳥の鶏皮, do you?
Both of the degree of ヌルッ are the same, I think.

15/01/28 18:50:54.07 y2kl/cyB
by the time the tokyo olympic games are held, akb will have been gone, i guess.

15/01/28 19:20:35.73 Atah5QZt
every olympics opening ceremony i have seen was so lengthy that i remember i got bored 20 or 30 minutes after it had started.
the marching of athletes from all over the world seemed to continue endlessly.
don't you think so?

15/01/28 19:28:24.28 Atah5QZt
does dojou or conger have bones?
when i was a kid, some small bones of unagi scratched and stopped at my throat
and i had great difficulty getting rid of them....afraid to eat unagi after that.
if dojou or conger have bones, i am unwilling to try it.

15/01/28 19:33:00.73 iLBU6vZ6
I agree with your opinion.
hmm... What Japan has appropriate for ceremony?
Are they traditional Japanese events, technologies, or famous artists?

15/01/28 21:08:14.62 S5l2L6hV
We are friends as long as we have few friend, aren't we?


494:15/01/28(水) 21:18:20.84 ID:S5l2L6hV

15/01/28 22:17:40.67 S5l2L6hV
Originally Unagi was not a thing for common people. It has been not long before
it becomes more reasonable.
A large-scale eel farming hear and abroad made it possible. We can eat
unagi even at beel bowl restanant today.
Farmer catch fry and bring it to unagi. They can't reproduce it.
The more we eat, the less unagi population can be.
We have to put up with catching control and quota if we want to eat unagi for the future.
Advancing complete aquaculture technology is needed at the same time.
They are not invertebrate. It should have.

15/01/28 22:20:37.41 S5l2L6hV
It has been not long before
it becomes more reasonable.

before × since ○

15/01/28 22:41:58.30 P9or1E81
I've been gaining a lot of weight. Today I washed my face and look into a mirror and realized my face is getting super round...

Omg now I'm one of those pigs....
Need to lose weight I can't go outside with this pig face...

15/01/28 23:32:46.84 EK6lz6Ga
I wonder why such thread like this is so crowded with people.

15/01/28 23:34:20.51 P9or1E81
I hate that too. The skin is so oily and hate it.

15/01/28 23:37:29.23 S5l2L6hV
I'm not wealthy. But I try to avoid chikcken and unagi(which I don't
even buy nowadays) from china.
Be careful of 焼き鳥 which don't mention its origin.

15/01/28 23:40:18.75 P9or1E81
If you say so, you can't eat anything!

Believe it or not you are eating so many foods from China....

15/01/28 23:56:53.94 S5l2L6hV
can't avoid everything. But it's not a waste to choose food if
origin is clear. better at least.

Japan has lots of problmes. EU is more strict and origin of
ingridents has to be open. They can choose products.

Compromise is a good virue in Japan. But some times it is misused
for malicious purpose.

15/01/28 23:58:17.62 P9or1E81
That's true.

15/01/29 00:02:18.25 ugc6++D6
Yeah, I like both but I can't eat more than two 皮串.
Two 皮串 will give me heartburn.
The oil of unagis is more healthy than that of 鶏皮.

That's right. Japanese standards of food safety is out of date.

15/01/29 00:08:12.61 lxXxlF4u
I'm eating トムヤンクン noodles now! So delicious!

506:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/29 00:22:06.42 9sPCI2M3
I've just googled it and found my garday didn't work, which used to react to Anderson Cooper.
prob I don't care if he's gay or not.
If Tumabuki kun or Shoei were gay, I would be happy :-)

Nope, I'm japanese. When I hear some useful expressions like yippiee! woo! psst... (useful at least for me!)
I write them down on my notebook :-)

507:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/29 00:30:39.38 9sPCI2M3
I've never tried tom yum itself, but "tom yum flavor" noodles.
do you know which cup ramen is closest to genuine tom yum?

508:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/29 00:51:13.69 G7AGBGfA
The feelings of shit and beautiful comes alternately, in constant period.
Sometime I can say the world fuckin' beautiful, and vice versa.
I've felt shit for more than 2 years. I wonder when I can get fuckin' better.

15/01/29 01:00:46.45 lxXxlF4u
I like this noodle from Thai called "yum yum" I always get them from カルディ

15/01/29 01:03:48.49 /eMiOKli
I'm not good at English as you in this thread.
But I wanna join this chat because I think nothing is more effective than practice.
I really want to make progress in English.
Can I poor English girl join this chat?

15/01/29 01:06:23.85 wtjmf3NU
Yes, you can!

15/01/29 01:15:00.08 xjZV2/Xt
Sure if she is super hot having big boobies and a nice ass.

513:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/29 01:43:47.48 ZBxxE/se
No other details about the Japanese hostage in Islamic State is available at present.
The Jordanian government announced the release of the defendant in exchange for the captured Jordanian pilot.

15/01/29 02:20:50.63 BChSDsCJ
I read the linked page. The title of the article or the content
could be confusing for nonjapanese because Japanese is not their mother
tongue, but nobody's upset or complain about what Matsuko said.

No mention about people getting angry about what Matsuko said in the article.
The article is just about what Matsuko said.

The article and the title just tell that Matsuko is against AKB48's possible appearance
of the opening ceremony .

The title below means, Matsuko Delux said it would be embarrassing if
AKB48 make appearance in Tokyo Olympic('s opening or closing ceremony).
マツコ・デラックス AKB48の東京五輪出演に「恥ずかしい」と苦言

Maybe you misunderstand 苦言 (complain). It's Matsuko's complain against
possible AKB48's appearance in the opening ceremony, not people's complain
against what Matsuko said.

15/01/29 04:05:04.11 2ZfDgKlZ
Lots of people misunderstand. Korean is a people who want to rebuild Korai(高麗) which is basically Mongolian.
Han is basically Kankoku. And there were two other countries called Kudara and Silagi in south part in history.

So, don't Korea. Korea is also related to Chosen(North Korea).

15/01/29 05:23:34.96 ugc6++D6
Oh, you must be living in a tough period.

When I read JapanToday or other anti-Japanese pepople gathering sites, the feeling of shit comes to me.
But enemies probably make my life simple.
It is nothing to be proud of in it.

15/01/29 05:24:05.72 ugc6++D6
Don't Korea!

15/01/29 08:31:46.75 nj7cmiH+
Seeking��is the antithesis of happiness.

川栄李奈のちょい悪ニット帽の"I don't seek , I find it."の意味がようやく解った。

I don't seek , I find it.


Don't Seek Happiness.
If you seek it, you won't find it,
because seeking is the antithesis of happiness.

I found it. 原文が見つかった。
これはEckhart Tolle(世界で最も精神的に影響力のある人物 in 2011)の著書、
『A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose』からの引用だ。

519:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/29 14:15:05.50 9sPCI2M3
Thanks, I'll try it ;-)

15/01/29 14:17:50.28 MhQNwITg
how about this also?

521:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/29 14:49:58.40 9sPCI2M3
I think coconut milk is a magic ingredient!
It can change curry, ramen or whatever, I mean any ordinary foods, into richy dishes (^-^*)

15/01/29 16:32:49.95 +uMe54w8
Please do.

Thanks for the correction/explanation; my Japanese really is pretty terrible.
(Although now I'm confused why any of that was newsworthy; it's not like
Matsuko hasn't said controversial things before.)

15/01/29 16:44:49.55 pAMNP9d8
I haven't known until now that importing converse is prohibited.

15/01/29 16:56:11.56 lxXxlF4u
Matsuko is right. AKB is not needed for Olympics. AKB is a shame of Japan.

15/01/29 17:28:35.27 lxXxlF4u
I have a date tomorrow night! Excited and nervous at the same time...

15/01/29 18:14:45.62 pAMNP9d8
I'll keep my fingers crossed, hoping you won't shit your pants in front of him or her!

527:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/30 01:24:31.06 /pl5wkdU
I hope you're gonna have great moments.
Take it easy! However if I were you, probably I would feel same as you. I envy you.
Have fun.

15/01/30 03:02:03.09 RpVJd1eH
It's just a date guys... lol never been on one?

15/01/30 03:05:03.68 RpVJd1eH
You'll do okay. Just make sure your nose hair's not sticking out or you don't have anything stuck between your teeth.

15/01/30 03:07:55.10 RpVJd1eH
One time I was on a date with a guy. Everything went great until I looked his face up close and saw his huge nose hair sticking out. That ruined the whole thing ^.^

15/01/30 03:41:07.30 I1pudPe5
How many foreigners love AKB?
It's a created boom even in Japan.
I had little interest in them.I knew about none of them.
I didn't know even about maeda atsuko.
AKB aired repetedly on TV and appearing repetedly on every magazine,
pepople got confused and brainwashed.

15/01/30 05:01:07.28 OgwvmY+O

15/01/30 08:18:21.43 ij+yOrww
What's wrong with you?

15/01/30 11:12:19.76 06L0wg/a
why we japanese change every political issue to moe?
even though i dont hate the attitude (・∀・)ニヤニヤ

15/01/30 12:42:18.06 6WjOBLex
Foreigners who love AKB are just like foreigners who love anime. A bunch of オタク。

15/01/30 12:45:43.55 ij+yOrww
Are you one of those?

15/01/30 12:45:53.87 uj800DH3
this says IS is trying to make themselves look cool to collect soldiers and money by showing execution videos to the world.
If so, the attempt to make themselves look uncool is a good idea.

15/01/30 13:48:14.46 I1pudPe5
showing execution videos to the world.

Who the hell thinks such a stuff is cool?
Only crazy people do.
And only cool tak in his first single is cool.
His second single is less amusing and the third is a total failure, disgusting,
so mean and vulgar.
He is now hurting japanese image only to get attentions.

Every time he sells his new single. he gets worse.
I wonder why he could have made a great stuff.
Only luck?
I can't believe the first and third single is of the same person's production.
He looks different person in each clip.

15/01/30 14:04:27.80 EaZ8I5L4
Of course he is. That's why he's here.

15/01/30 17:35:31.73 JrK175Su!
I don't know for sure but from what I've heard it was to counter terrorist
propaganda by manipulating internet search engines so that that character would
appear when entering keywords relating to isis.

It hasn't worked at all....

15/01/30 17:46:15.78 CcZAup6b
I somehow find the melon cute...

15/01/30 18:06:50.91 uj800DH3
a politician taro yamamoto used to be mellorine Q.

15/01/30 18:25:29.05 MwoMwrj+
you must be an Ossan.

15/01/30 18:33:23.95 uj800DH3
my bad. i might've misspelled メロリンQ.
it seems like melolin Q is correct.

15/01/30 20:32:50.53 xXMK1WQ9

15/01/30 22:27:09.14 vSGwq4sH
are you ok?
please feel free to tell us what's happened to you.

15/01/30 22:30:36.29 vSGwq4sH
two companies have given me a chance of taking an interview test for an opening position.
some of my qualifications seemed to match what they need.
i hope i will be hired by either of them.

15/01/30 22:32:32.30 CcZAup6b
What qualification?

15/01/30 23:27:56.97 MxNlub5Q
Yeah, Matsuko might always say something controversial in a funny way all the time, as
you say.

But why what she/he said was newsworthy this time is probably because everybody is interested
in what the opening ceremony of2020 Tokyo Olympics will be like and who will be in it, and is concerned
about the possibility of AKB48 making appearance in the opening ceremony of 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

After reading the article, I was like, "You said it, Matsuko. Totally agree."

I forgot the name of US TV show where amateur performers compete against
each other and a Japanese dancer won, right? He's a good performer and I
read somewhere he's interested in directing the opening ceremony of Tokyo Olympic.

I don't thin

550:k he has good enough track record for directing an opeining ceremony but that's far better than see AKB48 dancing in the opening ceremony.

15/01/30 23:53:43.92 I1pudPe5
I don't know what is funny about it.
I didn't know him at that time though.

15/01/30 23:55:01.57 I1pudPe5
know him →know of him

15/01/31 00:05:08.29 BA6xPd4S
What if someone was attracted to moe pictures and join
isis to find himself in hell?

15/01/31 01:29:43.60 g3lZppuE
Today's date was fine. We went all the way.

15/01/31 01:54:55.72 r1CqMHuN
You are kind!
There was an earthquake just then!

556:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/31 02:09:04.65 J1zjb3XS
I haven't had sex forever.

15/01/31 02:49:37.21 12W/UKIr
Sex on the first date is a no-no. :/ How long have you known each other? You hung out with her/him before this date?

15/01/31 02:54:06.37 12W/UKIr
Was it big? I live around Tokyo and according to the news report, it was 震度 3 in my area. But it didn't feel as big as that.

15/01/31 02:59:56.68 12W/UKIr
This week has been rough for me. I'm glad it's almost over. Hope things will settle by the start of next week...If it keeps going the same, I'd literally die from stress.
Too much stress already messed my stomach. Good part is that I lost some weight because of that. But I'd rather have peace in mind.

15/01/31 03:12:19.42 r1CqMHuN
I also live around Tokyo!
I think the shaking happens to be big in isolated area or I lived on the fourh floor of an apartment.

15/01/31 04:35:26.64 BA6xPd4S
Which Does it mean ,you live outside 23 wards or outside tokyo?
We might live close each other.
Tremor is not so bit that I was not sure whether it was an earthquake
or shake from the chair.
Here I was able to confirm there was an earthquake for sure.

15/01/31 04:42:57.46 r1CqMHuN
Outside tokyo!
I remembered I lived in a reclaimed land area.
It might be a reason.

15/01/31 04:53:43.76 BA6xPd4S
I suppose you live in the place next to the eastern part of Tokyo.
Maybe we live very far away from each

I see. You live very close to the focus. That is another reason.
Seismic scale here seems to be one. I felt tremor and its sound though.

15/01/31 04:57:11.43 BA6xPd4S
Maybe I should have gotton more snow cos my area is in the highlands
than bay side area is.
Yesterday we had both snow and earthquake..both are not big though.

15/01/31 05:12:26.70 r1CqMHuN

I have not had snow this year here.
Snow might have fallen, but the snow has not piles up on the ground yet.
You are Gunman or Saitaman, aren't you? I am a Chibaman.

15/01/31 05:31:07.28 BA6xPd4S
Uwahaha.wrong はずれ.
Gunma is not adjacent to Tokyo in the first place.

15/01/31 05:43:47.29 r1CqMHuN
What a shame!

15/01/31 09:48:50.00 OH7B+W2n!
But in death he will be able to live with his 72 virgin moe girls!

15/01/31 10:14:49.71 g3lZppuE
Good morning! I have a date with a different one today! Hopefully I'll get laid again! Omg I'm a man slut lol

15/01/31 12:35:14.94 cByfvG5S

15/01/31 13:02:09.67 MF/f7cU/

No, I am a 言語オタク。

572:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/31 13:20:37.81 vwCZBNWi
What languages do you speak besides english and japanese?

15/01/31 14:21:15.18 g3lZppuE
Show us your fabulous japanese here!

15/01/31 14:21:22.96 BA6xPd4S
I laughed a lot! Your humor makes my life!
I feel like gaining a power to live through my miserable life!
Thank you.
See the moe side if you feel weary.

15/01/31 16:07:35.76 Auzi9OLV
That's even worse. The most annoying condescending type of otaku out there.

15/01/31 16:08:28.16 cByfvG5S

577:ttps:// it seems like korean sex position terms are derived from japanese.

15/01/31 19:06:36.74 g3lZppuE
My iPhone is broken now... ><

15/01/31 19:09:24.79 NQgUc2Wf

580:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/31 19:14:25.26 J1zjb3XS
Way to go! lol

15/01/31 19:21:08.29 g3lZppuE
Fuck off you fucking fucker

Wish you would die!

15/01/31 20:19:23.27 NQgUc2Wf

well, all of us die sometime
so don't worry

15/01/31 20:27:23.63 iSSOJ37h
the older you get, the more quickly time goes by.
daytime ends and night comes as i look at the ceiling of my room blankly...

15/01/31 20:41:09.75 iSSOJ37h
i can't stop my mouth from being filled with saliva.
it appears to be a side effect of medicine i have continued to take.
so bothersome...

15/01/31 20:49:21.69 cByfvG5S

15/01/31 23:52:43.76 MF/f7cU/
English and Japanese are my strongest, although my Japanese is not very good imo. I also have studied German, Spanish, and Middle English.
I was going to practice Danish for a while but the materials are just sitting here doing nothing.


Aren't you one too though? You practice English even though, I assume, you are Japanese?

15/02/01 00:12:51.96 TZSZkfHJ
I'm back from the date. It was fun!!!!

15/02/01 00:33:25.23 omuvszd/
What are you talking!?
Date is nothing!
No girls love you forever!
YOu understand!

15/02/01 00:35:34.50 zKNH36UV
you are very foolish glopewwwwwwwwww

so guys penuts is disapointed.
are you impotents? are you?

nonequality of people, talk it.

15/02/01 00:39:56.84 TZSZkfHJ
Your japanese lol

15/02/01 00:48:04.40 qVNAUqTh
Korean lost.
Austkorea won.


593: 00:54:47.87 ID:gxn5AoUB

15/02/01 00:57:37.20 qVNAUqTh
Judges were fair.
I am happy Austkorea won.
Austkorea is better than Korea.

15/02/01 01:00:48.02 TZSZkfHJ
Both countries are sucky.

Both are anti japan counties.

15/02/01 01:05:25.98 qVNAUqTh
Of courese, I know.
Anti-whaling thinking is unpeaceable very much.

15/02/01 01:06:36.94 qVNAUqTh
courese → course

15/02/01 01:14:23.54 gxn5AoUB
Austkorea can act according to the circumstances, which korea can't.
Austkorea is better.

15/02/01 01:19:03.56 qVNAUqTh
I hope Austkorea withdraw the anti-whaling policy and has come much closer to Japanese peaceful mind.

15/02/01 07:52:07.80 BmDPD8sg
i need to cut my pubic hair short, it grew up significantly so that it feels uncomfortable when i put on pants.

15/02/01 08:01:51.27 BmDPD8sg
it's imperative for you to try to memorize things by yourself.
thanks to useful portable devices, we tend to fail to memorize things yourself and leave the work to the devices instead.
so, it is hard to remember them if we forget to carry the devices with us.
i think it is a problem to rely on them too much.

15/02/01 08:26:19.16 zKNH36UV

do you know "hyottoko feratio"?
do it! do it!
just do it!

15/02/01 09:14:37.43 SsSRZwkj
Goto tribe is one of the most significant German tribe.
Goto forever.

15/02/01 09:50:12.33 iSEXGhVi
Has Goto died?

15/02/01 10:22:31.55 qVNAUqTh
It's America's fault he died.
青山繁治さん said in a TV program.

15/02/01 10:38:17.78 shomkkuF
it's a bad news but we couldn't do anything

15/02/01 10:54:32.25 gxn5AoUB
I've seen a picture of that guy's head put on his back.
Strangely I was little shocked.
It was a long process which is more stressfull thant the result.

608:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/02/01 11:50:41.76 n5SosVdD
On the way home from the supermarket, I suddenly felt a sign of Post-Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and broke down on exist of the shop last Thursday.
A store clerk found me and called an ambulance.
At the hospital, medical doctors found me Post-Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and a fracture of my chew and big toe.
Now, I'm in hospital and wrote some sentences about my condition.

15/02/01 12:13:51.71 gxn5AoUB
Take care of your health.
You need diet.

15/02/01 12:47:55.51 TZSZkfHJ
Everything is Abe's faults.

15/02/01 12:50:34.65 iASmf6cf
Is 777 dead?

15/02/01 13:21:55.07 z/P6Mt8m
But ISIS got nothing from Japanese government.

15/02/01 13:34:19.80 qVNAUqTh
It was good that you were in the place many people visit.
Please take care of yourself.

614:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/02/01 13:55:00.21 n5SosVdD
Thank you for your kindness.

615:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/02/01 14:06:03.87 n5SosVdD
Thanks to your tenderness, my illnesses is slowly recovering from diseases.

15/02/01 14:31:42.58 LyHdvIUU!
I hope you recover well.
These threads would be unlively without you.

15/02/01 15:23:33.99 zKNH36UV
Hi, people who ihabited here do you know ひょっとこフェラ?
if you dont know, do reserch it! do reference it!
do it!

15/02/01 16:00:05.10 NCFYhpac
do you think that's funny?

it's bull like you.

619:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/02/01 16:18:23.19 n5SosVdD
>>597 and other persons,

Please let me talk about Ferrari 512M
In 1970, Ferrari began production of 512S, to challenge to Porsche 917. It was named after its 5 liter and V12 engine.
Although 512S was much better balanced, but, Porsche 917 was much faster than 512S. 512S was built in many parts of 312P in 1969,
Eventually, entire bodies of Ferrari 512S was replaced as 512M.
In 1970, the whole bodies of 512S were completely revised for 512M.
But the 512M was used by private teams due mainly to the new regulation in 1972.
Without Ferrari's efforts, the 512M showed a poor performance in almost races in 1971,

15/02/01 16:32:02.16 NCFYhpac
I thought your handle had something to do with computer things.

621:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/01 16:43:15.59 ewwxxFWN
Middle English sounds interesting.
Medieval romance like Tristan legend cycle is one of my biggest interests :-)

I have tons of materials as well, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Ancient Greek, Hebrew ...
And all sleeping in my bookshelf!!

622:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/01 16:52:35.58 ewwxxFWN
Even among gay people, there are few who can do vacuum fellatio.
I have met only one guy in my life, and he was black.

15/02/01 16:55:18.92 NCFYhpac
Eitaro, how was the medical check you were supposed to undergo
after you came back to Japan last year?

I'm worrying about you on that false profile incident.

624:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/01 17:01:12.49 ewwxxFWN
Hehe, I have not had my blood checked yet (⌒-⌒;)
I'm kinda wimpy boy (⌒-⌒;)

I believe it's ok.... I just sucked him and that's all!

15/02/01 17:02:57.40 NCFYhpac
I see... ('A`)

626:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/01 17:09:54.94 ewwxxFWN
I'm curious as hell about some kinky stuff,
but you know, kinky experienced guys are likely to be HIV/STD + unfortunately

And believe or not, the kinkiest gay guys are enjoying it.
I mean, getting infected!!

15/02/01 17:39:22.72 NCFYhpac
I hope you're not one of such kinky guys.

(I know you're not, judging from what you said above)

628:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/01 18:01:26.55 ewwxxFWN
Nope :-)
I like watching kinky porn and having some dirty fantasy,
but I'm too timid to put into practice :-D
Such a 小心者!

15/02/01 18:34:52.30 zKNH36UV
Hi, ひょっとこフェラ are really sick. chik symptom.
shut the door.

15/02/01 20:31:33.45 NCFYhpac
excuse me but I just saw some screws fell down from your head. w

15/02/02 01:43:17.54 eEHKhquY
Now I'm temporally using my old iPhone 4S because I dropped it...
But I kinda like it like it feels like time is going back!
Kinda easier to use I think?

15/02/02 01:46:24.51 eEHKhquY
I mean I dropped my iPhone 5S which is my current phone...

I want iPhone 6 or 6 plus but I think 6 plus is humongous and difficult to have on my hand I guess.

Do you have iPhone 6 or 6 plus? Do you like it?

15/02/02 02:12:40.99 ALTdEojF
Take care of yourself!
I enjoyed it, but the book I was learning from had a lot of religious texts as its examples.
It makes sense though, since those are the most commonly preserved from those times.

15/02/02 07:02:57.85 rahyyPK8
i guess that pollen (スギ花粉) already started to be scattered.
i am suffering runny nose...
i am sure that i will began to sneeze shortly...allergic to the pollen.

15/02/02 07:10:52.49 r7s8Sqth
jeez why can't u pick up ur god damn phone just for once?!?! you're driving me crazy here

15/02/02 08:11:20.48 rahyyPK8
i wonder how long do fish live when they are not captured and eaten by human being.
salmon, shark, octopus, swordfish etc.
can they live 10 years??

15/02/02 08:20:44.66 mE50m/cc
I want to get iPhone5s.
iPhone 6 and 6plus are too big for me!

15/02/02 08:46:48.63 eEHKhquY
iPhone 5S is good! But I have to wait for iphone6S...

Now I'm going to an iPhone repair shop first thing in the morning...

15/02/02 12:51:51.12 woReq8QT
my former work place started to use i6 as a standard communication gadget for employers.

15/02/02 13:07:21.91 zu7t/X0H
x. started to use
o. started using

15/02/02 13:55:10.28 e8afKnnt
as you can see, the users of Apple products are jerks.

15/02/02 14:49:23.83 SqTrS8KR
yesterday i was so fool to go to 北欧館 again and jerking off with a pretty chub and came back home and jerked off by myself again rememebering the situation.
i feeeeel emptiness(賢者モード) after that.

15/02/02 17:51:12.04 j0RJYkZ1
i may have caught a throat is sore now.

do you know why the right half of the apple is bit?
i'm talking about the Apple's corporate logo.

15/02/02 17:54:23.01 j0RJYkZ1
i am taking an english test tomorrow and i am worried that i won't be able to think clearly.

from my experience, jerking off too much have a negative effect on your mind.
you must feel depressed.

15/02/02 18:22:03.19 TMkU+nFj
please no talk about stroking your cock.

646:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/02 18:24:31.22 vcd0f3yz
I wonder why, of all the languages, did you choose Japanese?
Some like anime, other like Judo etc.,
but as for you, the motivation was some pure ligusitic curiosity?

647:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/02 18:24:57.67 vcd0f3yz
I've outgrown NSA fun anymore!!
regular buddies are still ok, though.

15/02/02 18:34:32.08 SqTrS8KR
i want spoon with my steady someday.

15/02/02 18:44:33.94 SqTrS8KR
"No strings attached" in reference to sex. When gay men use this term, it means that they are using their sexuality as an excuse to avoid commitment or cheat on their partner.
Generally, gay men that use this term begin using it at an early age and will continue to use it until they are in their 40s and finally realize that they are now too old to just hook up,
but they are totally alone because gay men their age are either in real relationships or only interested in young men that use this term.
They come to regret their years of NSA lifestyle and wish that they had focused on more important things than sex.


650:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/02 19:07:08.24 vcd0f3yz
Gay people are used to meeting and bang within the same day.
If you can't have sex within the day, you will likely not have with him in the future.

So when I meet you-need-some-dates-before-bang folks, I will be upset!

I suppose that's what ur seeking in 北欧館 (・o・`)

651:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/02 19:10:57.24 vcd0f3yz
haha, the definition is like Bierce's Devil's Dictionary XD

15/02/02 19:16:07.18 tAtMIe3d
so many gays are around these days.
i guess this is because the population of the earth is too large now, so god is making an effort to decrease it.

653:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/02 19:22:20.21 vcd0f3yz
An anthropologist professor of my college used to claim a similar assumption.
The nature may controll our sexuallity :-)

15/02/02 19:23:35.60 SqTrS8KR
you mean you also want bang with him whom you meet on the first day ?

15/02/02 19:25:22.55 sLtw/7Y6
hey people let's get toghether and do voice chat. We download this softwear and make our own chatroom thingy. How does that sound?

656:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/02 19:29:09.40 vcd0f3yz
Why not!!!

657:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/02/03 05:49:22.85 7xERaSfG
Super Bowl of this year really excited me.
Congrats Patriots.
It's almost baseball season.
Can't wait.
I know most people in this thread aren't interested in it though.

15/02/03 10:21:34.49 CBkh2FXA
When I started I wanted to be able to pass the 漢検1級 but now I haven't given it much thought.
Some people ask why I chose Japanese instead of Chinese since I like 漢字、to which I tell them I don't like how Chinese sounds.
How about you, why do you continue English? Are you a 外人ハンター? (゚∀゚)

15/02/03 11:27:51.59 IFyJr0iY
I can't write 欝.
I have never writen in all my life and I won't and needn't write it.
Gaijins sometimes write 欝 on TV programs and Japanese praise them, saying すごい,
but the すごい is the ultimate insincere compliment.

15/02/03 12:20:41.93 xMBtnRMC
to gaijin ears, both japanese and chinese sound like ching chang chong?

15/02/03 12:34:00.31 mVbac+0z
I don't think so!
Chinese sounds much different from Japanese.

15/02/03 12:34:04.99 sK8YFrrZ
Yes because so many gaijins do that Ching Ching chong to

663: Japanese in Japan too.

15/02/03 12:38:00.62 sK8YFrrZ
I'm a gaijin hunter literally.

15/02/03 12:44:15.10 sK8YFrrZ
Believe it or not, I passed 漢検準1級 when I was in college.

If you are Japanese with a decent college degree and prepare for it, you definitely can pass it!

I've considered taking 漢検1級 since I will achieve all English goals soon.

15/02/03 12:54:49.23 ARYogck9
What weapon do you use?

Back in the UK, I have a friend who can't tell Japanese, Chinese, or Korean
apart. I'm not sure why, since he's seen many movies from various countries.
But I don't think he does it on purpose.

15/02/03 12:57:57.05 99hmSSLa
  O、( ´∀`)O my weapon ♪
  ノ, )    ノ ヽ
 ん、/  っ ヽ_、_,ゝ
  (_ノ ヽ_)

15/02/03 13:00:54.10 sK8YFrrZ
It's been a while! Now you've become a メタルスライム because you've not shown up here recently...

My weapon is my killer smile =)

15/02/03 13:17:09.96 iebJ9RBO
Happy setsubun! I will be your oni for the day. Please throw beans at me.

15/02/03 13:24:18.39 xMBtnRMC

15/02/03 13:26:45.43 99hmSSLa
'; 、' /´;`'.,
 ´' .; ' ; '、'.
   '; 、 ' ,'
    '.,´; '
     l !j

672:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/03 14:39:15.42 y3+Hk0Gq
HAHA, yeah kind of (≧▽≦) A man is a natural born hunter!
And I found loads of guys still can't speak English in Europe, so only English is not enough!

漢検1級 is nuts! Far from practical until you want to read classic Chinese poetry
and, imo, kanjis are sort of visual letters
so that you don't always need to WRITE them properly.
When you can READ them, that's enough.

Some kun-yomi and ateji which Chinese never have are really attractive, such as
不知火(しらぬい)、東雲(しののめ)、同胞(はらから)、海神(わだつみ) etc....

673:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/03 14:45:11.79 y3+Hk0Gq
          | Cute blondies in!
          |   Ugly fat men out!
          ̄l/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

     ( ・∀・)      。        {:::}
     / つョ J    。   ゚  Α__Α }::{
    ( ̄)  /      。   <ヽ`∀´>つ
  .    ̄ し'   ⌒Y゚  。 ゚ /つ  /◎

15/02/03 14:45:24.93 FRE4XRAd!

Gaijin here. Japanese does have that same sort of "sharp" sound but it's nowhere near as harsh as Chinese, which sounds like cats being beaten to death. Generally, all the Asian languages are indistinguishable to completely untrained ears.
(You're going to hate this next part) Japanese and Korean are very similar sounding to people that don't hear the difference a lot. You both are sharp, but sort of flow-y languages that don't have the same monosyllabic tonal garbage that Chinese has.
Of the two, though, I like Japanese better. I don't speak either language, so sometimes it's difficult for me to hear the difference. What does English sound like to you?

675:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/03 14:45:45.77 y3+Hk0Gq
AA for setsubun here↓

676:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/03 14:51:15.71 y3+Hk0Gq
fucking tiny!

15/02/03 16:21:47.48 gRHEspXe
It's like I like American English better than British. Oh are you British? My bad!

15/02/03 16:28:25.45 YxAczops
Gaijins wa soto! Lucky wa uchi!

15/02/03 17:10:15.66 LfkPQ1ic
i didn't know tanabe rui had big ones until i watched her new program on ustream.

15/02/03 18:27:03.04 IFyJr0iY

Gaijins should know a truth that Japanese Yakuzas are almost Koreans.
Gaijins should know why Japanese hate Koreans.

15/02/03 18:43:15.63 zndXsIhl

15/02/03 18:49:31.45 zndXsIhl

683:●● 質問する方へ ●● ■単語やフレーズは辞書で調べた方が速くて正確です→【オンライン辞書】 ■長文問題からの質問では、全体がどういう文章であるのか説明を入れましょう。 ■回答者への感謝のレスは忘れずに。 目指さないと■同じ質問を複数のスレッドに同時に書きこむのはやめましょう。 ●● 回答する方へ ●● ■回答にはアンカーを必ずつけて下さい。半角で ">>"+数字(例: >1) です。 ■受験英語で×にされるものは避けてください。 ■回答者同士の論争は以下のスレで行うようにして、ここでは止めて下さい。 「中高生の英語の質問」からはみ出た専門的なスレ 【 オンライン辞書 】 〇 アルク 英辞郎 英和/和英 ○Weblio英和・和英辞典 〇 三省堂 EXCEED 英和/和英 〇 研究社 新・英和/和英 〇 オックスフォード現代英英辞典 ○ Merriam-Webster OnLine(発音も聴ける) ○NG推奨ワード:ピットクルー、呉公太、えワ、伝説 ※前スレ 中高生の英語の宿題・質問に答えるスレlesson215

15/02/03 19:00:11.29 HkTYVZXF
Mother Fxxxxn' racists are here,now.

15/02/03 19:18:35.74 IFyJr0iY
hahaha, I hate racists.

15/02/03 19:35:59.48 FRE4XRAd!

I'm Canadian so more American than British, although my Canadian accent is pretty strong (I talk like a hick.)
Here's an example: URLリンク(

15/02/03 20:55:01.93 YxAczops
Canadians are so weird...

15/02/03 21:07:40.58 FRE4XRAd!

No shit, eh.

15/02/03 21:11:58.62 glkTRY4+
You don't talk like a hick if you aren't one.

690:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/03 21:26:34.67 y3+Hk0Gq
Canada = sub-US (≧▽≦)

15/02/03 21:37:50.54 YxAczops
Canadian youtubers in Japan are all ミカエラ シャーラ kanadajin3

They all hate Japan but somehow they refuse to go back to their fucking country and then make tons of money on YouTube...

Japanese people are so nice...they still continue to watch their videos and contribute to their lives here in Japan...

15/02/03 22:23:32.44 FRE4XRAd!

I've met many girls like kanadaijin3. They're friggin' weird. Weebs are generally crazy but the weeb girls are a special brand of crazy.
This one time I was in high-school and there was this girl named Judy. She wanted to be called some shitty pseudo-Japanese name like Sakura or
something like that. She also claimed to speak Japanese from watching anime, but she could never do it. She also always smelled like cat piss. Not as
bad as some of her friends but the cat piss smell was always there. Also she was batshit. I was in grade 9 drama with her
and one day I had to operate the lights. She came over to my booth and said "stop turning on the lights, I'm epileptic (she's not epileptic)"
And I said "I... I have to. That's my job." So she let out this horrible screeching noise and started banging on the little window
in my booth. Thank Christ it locked from the inside. Eventually she stormed out. Also on the final exam we had to preform a scene we (and by we I mean I, because I
did all the work in that group) wrote and she didn't show up so we had to get some random girl from another group to fill in. Bitch cost me like 10% of my mark.
She also claimed to talk to ghosts. Anyway point is there's hundreds of these over here (though not nearly as many as before), but I can't even imagine
how severe it must be to actually MOVE to Japan. That's a whole other level of crazy.

Generally, if a white gaijin is in your country, it's because his life in his own country was absolute shit and he couldn't relate to people here.
If someone's willing to abandon their connections and move halfway around the world for no real economic gain, it's because they were depressed or couldn't
relate to their own people. The normal ones stay here.

15/02/03 22:32:31.24 glkTRY4+
I agree on that. I heard so many other Japanese students whining about living in America while I was there for school.

Every time they talked about how much they hate it there and said they want to go back to Japan, I thought the same thing as you do.

Yet most of them stayed to go to college. I didn't understand, why the hell would they choose to stay after everything they've said? They were crazy or a bunch of masochists or what?

694:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/02/03 22:45:49.25 y3+Hk0Gq
つ Gullahorn's W Curve Hypothesis


15/02/03 22:58:49.06 glkTRY4+
I learned that shit in psychology class. Besides I went through those myself too but I got over it eventually. As opposed to me, the people I was talking about, they always hated living there. At least it seemed that way to me
