Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190 [転載禁止]© at ENGLISH
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190 [転載禁止]© - 暇つぶし2ch2:名無しさん@英語勉強中
15/01/12 11:22:38.10 +5lL5BwI!
Is it true that 8ch mods do it for a respectable living wage?

3:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/12 11:26:29.97 WnuWLTGp
Thank you for your kindness.

4:ホット・ホイールズ ★ 転載ダメ©
15/01/12 11:28:19.64
8ch has no mods.
The volunteers do it for free. ワロタ

5:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/12 12:16:46.48 bqm5QQYQ
Have you shown your pic somewhere like Jim and Ron?

I'm curious about what the gaijins here are like. (^m^ )

6:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/12 12:30:27.17 bqm5QQYQ
I thought "geek" stood for "otaku."
At least the Japanese word sounds quite negative.

But some of my gaijin friends regard themselve geeky
and what is worse (??) they call me geek when I read some special books.

So the word has probably less a negative sound than otaku.

15/01/12 15:04:21.93 NtD9DoyR
Omg you know ワロタ? Lololol

15/01/12 18:17:36.86 +j9kajNW
howdy, native english speakers!
which is correct?
a. the book has been just published.
b. the book has just been published.

thanks in advance.

9:ホット・ホイールズ ★
15/01/12 19:17:18.34
Option B is correct, A is wrong.

10:ホット・ホイールズ ★ 転載ダメ©
15/01/12 19:25:37.27
There is one in my Wikipedia article. URLリンク(

11:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/13 00:17:29.57 NiADH4Fu
Curious to say, Japan, which is under the US nuclear umbrella, is calling on the world leaders to abolish nuclear arms, although the Japanese government says that Japan upholds the three non-nuclear principles.

15/01/13 07:05:28.15 13kBr7n2
what does "mods" means?
i know the word just as 余り.

15/01/13 08:06:27.67 R0zIqGAq!

15/01/13 08:15:17.03 AncBqd1c
Turned out all gaijins here are weirdos.

15/01/13 10:04:31.77 7U9SDkRh
Short for moderators.
A-are you the real hotwheels? What are you doing here?

16:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/13 14:33:06.77 IQTx1Cvz
A female terrorist sneaked into IS military base in Syria for its alleged support of terrorist actions.

17:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/13 16:30:45.47 EcmN/1Ma
hmmmm. dark blond and blue eyes ....
I got to admit your face is as cute as, or even cuter than me.
and sorry for your disease!

18:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/13 16:34:59.92 EcmN/1Ma
Fair hair/eyes are kinda cheating!!!!!!
If I had them I'd look 150% better!!!
They are 5割増し items :'(

15/01/13 16:55:06.33 YDOSDi8V
If you don't like white, you can marry with Islam.
It's a common sense of Europe.

15/01/13 17:06:42.99 AncBqd1c
I don't like all gaijins.

21:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/13 17:21:29.62 EcmN/1Ma
Well, all in all, in Europe, gay people avoid/don't like muslims,
because muslims hate gay!
You will find out there are few arabs showing their pics on gay dating sites.
I have several arab gay friends there but they can't come out in their community.

And if you are a straight lady, take it to heart that they are such anit-feminists.

22:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/13 19:43:09.11 HtUjUG1Q
George Clooney, Harrison Ford, and Richard Gere are confusing me.
I can't make them out sometimes.

15/01/13 19:48:05.04 AncBqd1c
They are all ugly oyajis.

15/01/13 20:03:36.58 13kBr7n2
is the 8ch admin suffering from any diseases??

25:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/13 20:33:34.31 EcmN/1Ma
it says he was born with 骨形成不全症.

15/01/13 20:40:17.47 13kBr7n2
really? i sympathize.

27:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/13 20:44:36.77 EcmN/1Ma
Hello, オランダ人!

Could you read it, and let me know what it says pls?

Well, it means, we japanese and dutch people can stay or even work both countries without any permission?

28:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/13 20:45:08.91 EcmN/1Ma
yeah. see his arms on the pic.

15/01/14 00:50:50.60 mAcBBn2z
Here is totally deserted. Only gays and filthy gaijins.

15/01/14 01:13:52.75 cJl19E99
And clean ones. I just had a shower.

15/01/14 04:41:03.57 Q8wWyen8!
>>27 Sure

>For over 100 years there has been a treaty (or agreement/pact) between The Netherlands and Japan.
>In it, it says that all citizens of both countries can live and work in eachother's countries.
>The Netherlands forgot that for a second.

>The treaty was found during a conflict between the labour inspectorate and the Japanese cultural centrum Shofukan.
>They employed 3 Japanese carpenters, and the labour inspectorate said they needed a license/permission for that (for employing the Japanese).
>But apparently they didn't need one, which was reported in a newspaper named "Trouw".
>The trade treaty/agreement would be about the same as the one The Netherlands has with Switzerland.

>The old treaty was 'discovered' by lawyer Julien Luscuere. He doesn't expect that The Netherlands will be flooded with more Japanese people because of this discovered treaty.
>He says: "Maybe a few dozens of Japanese people would come to The Netherlands as well, but that would only bring positive effects for the mutual ties between the countries and the economy".

>>27 So apparently you are right and it does mean that both countries can stay and even work in eachother countries without permission.
Pretty interesting stuff, how did you find it?

By the way, PowNed is a bit of a right-wing website (and also has a late-night TV newsshow) that often uses jokes and makes fun of recent news items (and sometimes not),
but atleast this article is pretty serious (except the image on top I guess).
I would describe the site's comment section a bit like 2ch's.

15/01/14 04:54:37.91 Q8wWyen8!
>>31 The first 5 comments are:

33: >Silly Dutch people [[for forgetting this]] >And also with Africa [[joke about the many moroccans here]] >That's good news! Now I want to work at our [[the company he works for]] office in Tokyo! >They should make more of these deals! It wouldn't hurt to have this kind of treaty with other (good, normal) countries. >Hmmm, now I want to ask back all the import taxes of all those cars from Japan that I bought in the last 40 years.

15/01/14 14:53:19.00 kZs1ItyL
CC girls

15/01/14 17:17:27.76 mAcBBn2z
You're not my favorite gaijin. Piss off, prick.

36:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/14 19:50:50.12 zYXERPdS
Ohhhh, thanks a lot!!
Well, I have some close Dutch friends who report latest news to me.
What a lovely discovery! And I hope it actually works (^ヮ^*)
I start my summer trip in Europe everytime from Amsterdam♪

They mention morrocan people, HAHA (≧▽≦)
I was robbed of my bag with passport, cash, cards. etc. in Amsterdam in 2013.
When I told the story to dutch guys, they always asked me like "were they Moroccan??"
In fact they were BLACK, grrrr!!!

15/01/14 21:11:41.90 mAcBBn2z
See? Only gays and filthy gaijins.

38:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/14 21:26:41.99 z4wwoyQ0
The sharp appreciation of the yen will deal a heavy blow to the export-oriented companies.
On the contrary, the unexpected depreciation of the yen caused the currency unrest in Asia in 1997.

39:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/14 22:15:24.60 z4wwoyQ0
Compared with the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, the government will issue deficit covering bonds in the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
After the Pacific war, the government issued deficit covering bonds for the first time in 1965 reflecting Securities depression.

15/01/14 22:55:43.66 u5OMzr4m
Thanks for making a new thread.

15/01/14 22:59:28.86 XPfSwloH
Hope continuing this thread.

15/01/14 23:15:42.90 XPfSwloH
I don't get which part is "labor inpectorate".

15/01/14 23:19:42.56 XPfSwloH
of the original Dutch article.

15/01/15 00:25:01.05 XAWovwDC!
>>41 >>42
Basically it's the government checking if there aren't illegal workers in this country.
Normally you can't just come live here and work.

Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately there are people like that in this country, and sad but true; but usually foreigners of certain countries.
Those kind of things happen more in the city than outside though (Amsterdam is a prime example which is also full of foreigners nowadays).
I don't have anything against any foreigners, except if they come here to do bad things...

If the article was about an African or Arab country instead of Japan, people would be pissed in the comments and want that treaty gone.
People of The Netherlands see Japanese as a hardworking and honorable country. The comments on the article were positive.

15/01/15 00:40:05.68 aH/QIqaa
Thank you for the explanation.
I hope the two countries get along well continuously.

15/01/15 02:16:07.24 XAWovwDC!
>>41 >>42
Oops I might have misread your. The "labor inspectorate" in the Dutch article is "arbeidsinspectie"
It seems I also forgot my 名前 in >>43.

I hope so too. More information (I think) is here: URLリンク(
I am only not sure if this is the same treaty they are talking about.

15/01/15 04:03:18.67 v4f+Kq/M
2ch has been so unstable nowadays that i happened to create a filthy twitter account and begin to tweet some futile things.
nobody exactly give a damn about my rubbish but i can get various information which is valuable to me.

48:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/15 07:56:20.61 777tcJ6K
About thirty years ago, many Japanese seemed to think that they were in the middle-income bracket.
And now, the disparity in wealth between haves and have-nots was growing rapidly, fostering a hotbed of social unrest.

15/01/15 08:27:39.97 HkArJnl6
I blame the gaijins here.

50:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/15 10:37:42.79 777tcJ6K
Police say that youngsters are apt to become drug addicts out of curiosity.
The most formidable aspect of a stimulant drug is once you become an addict, you cannot do without it.

15/01/15 11:54:11.82 AXR9ZFhB
Don't korea!

15/01/15 12:46:29.99 7BSLumAO
Don't Korea!

15/01/15 16:20:29.69 AXR9ZFhB
You must be a nice person(^ω^*)

15/01/15 17:35:44.22 HkArJnl6
Yes. I hate korea and korean so much.

15/01/15 20:07:19.81 Wnh7sJ9o
What to do when you think you're hated by someone? I think I might have upset this person. I won't give too many details cause I'm afraid to be identified.
But I don't think I have done anything wrong or rude to him. Maybe I should have said thank you to what he's done for me but I don't think it's that. Ahh I always end up being hated by people. I have more enemies than allies. Why why why...

15/01/15 20:17:10.24 Wnh7sJ9o
I was just googling how to deal with a person who doesn't like you and stuff. Once I start worrying about things, I just can't stop. Specifically about people related problems like this.
What about me makes people hate me? Should I just throw myself in front of the train?

15/01/15 21:03:30.46 +0IlaURr
hey, exceptionally gifted native english speakers!
is this sentence grammatically correct?
"Mario was a friendly guy and he offered us to guide wherever we wanted to go."

15/01/16 05:12:33.47 9mi9Hm5Q
>"Mario was a friendly guy and he offered us to guide wherever we wanted to go."
Mario was a friendly guy, he offered to guide us wherever we wanted to go.

15/01/16 10:41:11.49 NF7JBCrw
Mario was a friendly gay. He offered to blow us wherever we wanted.

60:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/16 11:44:20.71 YM4S6VvQ
Former Prime Minister Eisaku Sato's visit to Okinawa in 1965 made the United States feel the importance of the US military bases in Okinawa for the security in Asia.
The US administration was very sensitive his speech, hoping for the return of Okinawa to Japan.

61:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/16 11:47:00.21 YM4S6VvQ
sensitive the speech → sensitive about the speech

15/01/16 12:10:02.87 IRMpv3Pn
I've been absent from this threat for a long while.
I'm glad to see the name of イギリス人 again!
He seems to be able to write in 2ch, thanks to the transition of
Or is he using ronin software?

15/01/16 12:34:43.08 IQe7vLtE
It is in Japan now wtf

15/01/16 12:35:37.87 fDUOabZn
イギリス人 now in japan, i think

15/01/16 12:39:18.55 IRMpv3Pn
Really,,, Is he in Japan for sightseeing?

15/01/16 12:59:36.07 IQe7vLtE
It is in Japan now because it wants to eat pussies as much as it can...

Now it's in Nagoya eating cheap sluts there.

15/01/16 13:31:01.62 IRMpv3Pn
Nagoya has reputation for juvenile atrocious crimes such as nagaragawa murders and
Nagoya couple murdesr, etc.
These compare to concrete encased shoolgirl incident in Adachi ward, Tokyo.

15/01/16 13:36:05.73 IRMpv3Pn
Then eating mean another Jeffrey Dahmer in Japan?
イギリス人 must be as handsome as Jeffrey.
I wonder why a handsome guy like him had to suffer mental illnes
steming fro human relatinoship.
I guess Jeffrey would have been popular in Japan and he needed not
have murdered dozens of people.
He could be a charisma gay!

15/01/16 14:09:46.39 IRMpv3Pn
Principal offender is from Aichi prefecture, which prefectural capital
is Nagoya.
Nicely he was senteced to be neckhanged eventhough he was under 20 at the time muders happened.
He spoke very rude words before the relative of the victims in court because he knew he won't be senteced
death penality because of his age and get out of prison after ten years or so.
He changed the attitude to survive after death penality was sentenced at high court...Its too late.

15/01/16 14:12:16.63 IRMpv3Pn
Japanese version translated in English is better.

71:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/16 14:47:26.74 YM4S6VvQ
The 2020 Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan.
But, because of dwindling birth rates and longer life expectancies, elderly people over 65 will constitute one fourth of the total population of Japan in 2020.

15/01/16 17:41:45.48 Jm0UYI8+
I'm here to see what there is to see, and also to do some work.
So far this (last) year, I've only been sightseeing in the Tokai region.
It seems to be a beautiful area.

Additionally, I've never killed or eaten anyone.
I just want to make that clear.

15/01/16 18:07:06.39 IQe7vLtE
This is a lie.

Do not trust anything what it says.

15/01/16 18:16:24.41 IQe7vLtE
I'm guessing GOD was killed by イギリス人. I've not seen him recently.

I'm guessing イギリス人 was angered by what GOD said to it and killed him.

15/01/16 18:40:54.10 vB5Qv2qo
I'm still alive fortunately.
But not sure when I will be attacked by the British imperialist and then I will be on news! Lol

15/01/16 18:48:46.86 Jm0UYI8+
Wow, I actually thought that IQe7vLtE was GOD.
It's difficult to feel angry with him though.
This is 2ch, after all, so it's hard to take such posts seriously.

15/01/16 18:52:27.44 5JCnnKP9
I thought so, too.
I simply thought 改行 is a grace of GOD.

15/01/16 18:54:27.01 vB5Qv2qo
Don't say that! You should feel offended by what I say to you!

I'm happy when people get offended and feel uncomfortable!!!!

15/01/16 18:55:32.63 vB5Qv2qo

15/01/16 18:58:59.07 vB5Qv2qo
I'm sleepy and go to bed now.

Hopefully I will have a sweet and naughty dream....

15/01/16 18:59:34.20 Jm0UYI8+
Bh the way, I tried Kaldi Coffee in Sakae, but it was far too small,
and had hardly anything. Next time, I'll try the branch at Kanayama

15/01/16 19:04:12.22 vB5Qv2qo
Yes. Basically カルディ is not a big store and the product line is very limited too

I think 成城石井 has more stuff like vegetables etc etc...but they are only available at big stores

15/01/16 21:32:55.75 IRMpv3Pn
Name Seijo derives from a wealthy residential area in Tokyo, which
boasts residents of celebs and high-salary business people.
I can't pick up the names off the top of my head.
Takashima family is from Seijo and Tokoro George, commedian who is not funnny at all for me.
Commodities from Seijo Ishi tend to be much more expensive than odrinary

Does Seijo Ishi exist in Tokai area?
One existed near my living place, but it closed.
Maybe there was less demand for it.

OH, recently Seijo Ishi was purchased by Aeon group, which comes from
Mie prefecture next to Aichi prefecure.
Okada Katsuya, former representative of Democratic party and now representative-elect
, is from that family group. He has a strong base in hsi electoral districe in Mie.
It's said his decisions has been influenced by business interest of his group.

84:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/16 22:16:45.72 bUDpqFZe
Twenty years ago, search dogs, which arrived in Japan from Switzerland immediately after the killer-quake succeeded in discovering four bodies under the rubble in Kobe.
On the other hand, grassroots volunteers did their best in conveying daily necessities to the quake suffers.
But more than two weeks had passed before sufficient food and other supplies were provided evacuees living in temporary shelters.

15/01/16 23:57:59.44 vB5Qv2qo
Im not an anime person at all I grew up with クレしん only but I've been obsessed with watching me me me video over the past week...

So creative and just stunning!

15/01/17 00:15:09.15 oJuUCQmF
I love Jewish companies. I don't think Islam is beneficial at all.

15/01/17 00:22:51.07 wNbVnlmD
I have a question.
You say "Happy holidays!" as a greeting.

Why is the holiday plural form?

Is that because you refer to various holidays incl

88:uding Christmas, Hanuka, or other holidays piculiar to certaing religions? I mean, have to be plural because different religion has a different holiday in the time of year? Or is that because the holiday period consists of multiple days?

15/01/17 01:16:18.20 +tdZl1Qu
I'm always baffled by the differences among have to, must, should, ought to etc etc...

What are the differences? Native English speakers!!!!! Answer me plz!

90:!!!!!!!!! If you answer, I'll give you some candies.

15/01/17 01:16:59.30 +tdZl1Qu
I know I learned the differences in school but I always forgot

92:カート ◆WgtXWBwfAk
15/01/17 01:58:55.43 Ldhnx2Ek!
"have to" and "must" are similar to each other. They mean that something is required.

"should" and "ought to" mean that something would be best, but not really required.

"I should go" means it would be best if I left, or I would benefit from leaving instead of staying.

"I have to go" means I cannot stay, and that going is the only option. It is absolutely necessary to go.

I hope this helps.

15/01/17 02:09:21.22 e0X2JMEN
where has the man gone that i advised to watch イデオン on 正月?

94:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/17 03:16:13.99 lcKhNSTu
I'm sorry mom.
I'm sorry dad.
I'm a fuckin' cripple.

My dad work hard in order to handle the household finances.
My mom too.

I'm just a fuckin' cripple. 

There is nothing I can do for them.

Fuck fuck fuck and fuck. 

15/01/17 05:44:58.01 cEoWcwoa
Why not use your English skill to make living?

15/01/17 05:59:56.77 cEoWcwoa
I'm CEO of either WCW or Wacom

15/01/17 06:42:14.25 cEoWcwoa
I'm not either an English master or history learner.
It's my guess.
"Happy holidays" dates back to the days when multiculturalism or political
correctness nonsense did not exist. So, your latter speculation seems to be right.

I look up the words in google and stumbled upon a good site.
I was wrong. your first speculation seemes to be right.
I guess jewish influence has been big rather than islam worshippers.
It's imaginable that the first who felt offended by "Merry Chrsitmas" and
said NO to "Merry Christmas" was jewish.They settled first and
were regarded as white citizen.
Christians are prone to listen to their voice as religious brother
and jewish voice had gotten big in terms of finance and media too.
I guess muslims jumped on the jewish band wagon.
White christian americans can't exclude muslims while granting privillege to the jewish only.

15/01/17 06:51:15.69 cEoWcwoa
In islam Jesus Christ is one of the revelators and saints.
In judaism Jesus Christ is only an apostate and liar.
I guess Jewish only have good reason to feel offened to "merry Christmas"
while "merry Christmas" is trivial thing to muslims in the first place.

15/01/17 10:10:11.17 2AZNwRBQ
I think you are allergic to gaijin, oyaji, hairy so on.
What do you think about hairy gaijin oyaji?

15/01/17 10:33:49.28 cEoWcwoa
Don't you know most of gaijin shave pubic hair nowadays?

15/01/17 10:48:19.08 hoc7aoUI
people on old porn have bobo pubic hair.

15/01/17 11:00:00.33 2AZNwRBQ
I'm talking about hairy arms and feet, nothing to do with パイパン.

103:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/17 11:25:04.25 q+MHVIwV
The French leader and other industrialized nations' leaders think that the terrorist attacks were carried out by elements loyal to the Islamic fundamentalists.

15/01/17 12:42:58.90 cEoWcwoa
Are you aiming at eiken 1st grade or something?

15/01/17 12:53:15.03 +tdZl1Qu
I think he already passed it

15/01/17 12:59:13.41 cEoWcwoa
Really, Great!

107:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/17 13:03:37.70 q+MHVIwV
No. English composition is a great comfort to me.

15/01/17 13:11:35.78 2AZNwRBQ
GOD passed the test successfully but doesn't seem to have a stable job.

15/01/17 13:14:30.46 +tdZl1Qu

15/01/17 13:17:11.93 +tdZl1Qu
Oh the result of 通訳ガイド will come out next month and if I pass it, I will accomplish all English goals like 英検1級 TOEIC990 国連英検特A級 通訳ガイド!

And I will be the legend! Just kidding

15/01/17 13:32:01.41 e0X2JMEN
i wonder why you took the test of 通訳ガイド thinking that you have already taken eiken 1st grade and toeic 990.

15/01/17 13:37:35.37 2AZNwRBQ
I really hope you will pass the ultimate test and brighten up this thread. I mean it!

15/01/17 13:41:36.65 Nax17MNM
Don't forget Toefl. It's only after you get a full score on the test that you can call yourself the "legend" lol

15/01/17 13:51:09.91 2AZNwRBQ
I know what you mean but is the test for young students, isn't it?
GOD is at the threshold at oyaji.

15/01/17 13:52:58.71 2AZNwRBQ
*of oyaji

15/01/17 13:54:46.36 +tdZl1Qu
I thought it's cool to have it and I thought people who are not familiar with English exams find it super スゴイ!(actually it's not) and will give me tons of applauses! Lol

15/01/17 13:56:58.87 +tdZl1Qu
No. TOEFl is super duper difficult to get a perfect score and also super expensive and don't forget it's a lengthy exam....

Of course I won't be the legend I know that

15/01/17 13:59:18.26 +tdZl1Qu
I'm still in my early 20s! But from the stand of younger people I'm an oyaji!

15/01/17 14:07:07.85 2AZNwRBQ
Sorry for my misunderstanding. I thought you turned 30.
In addition, then you are still a kid from my eyes.
but are senior in English skill w.

15/01/17 14:10:45.63 wNbVnlmD
Thank you very much for taking your time seaching on the net.
I read the link.

Yeah, it seems like "Merry Christmas" is replaced by "Happy holidays" these days
for the religious reason as written in the linked post. But there's still a possibility
that "holiday" is plural because the holiday season is consists of mutiple
days. It's hard to explain what I mean in English.

15/01/17 14:27:13.12 e0X2JMEN
the zero cola guy is 20s !? i astounded the fact that he already had such the difficult english 資格 at the age.

15/01/17 14:36:24.49 zX9DOxgz
my toeic score is below 900.
i passed the pre 1st grade test of eiken, but i failed the 1st grade.

15/01/17 14:37:21.99 +Zid3tZs
I am always very happy to see "国連英検" here.
It sounds very comfortable.

15/01/17 14:39:30.70 zX9DOxgz
plus, i will turn 40 in a couple of years.

15/01/17 14:43:01.83 zX9DOxgz
but, there must be something i can do to polish my english skill.

15/01/17 16:01:05.79 +tdZl1Qu
That's okay! But my English is not that great at all as you all know I always make tons of mistakes

15/01/17 16:02:36.28 +tdZl1Qu
Yep! I'm in my 20s and I don't have any wrinkles on my face lol

Because I usually don't laugh in real life lololol

15/01/17 16:03:24.60 +tdZl1Qu
You can do it!!!!!(^_^)

15/01/17 16:04:57.18 +tdZl1Qu
But it's a very strange exam....

15/01/17 16:32:54.74 G0gV4e6x
In what ways?
Need some expertise in United nation things?

15/01/17 16:34:54.07 cEoWcwoa
I think he can live by it.
Kokuren Eiken Toku A should be the toughest test.
I don't even feel like trying it.

He will become neck to beck to English legend 安河内哲也.
I got worried that his record would tell that he is the guy in 2ch.
Early man in early twenties and lots of English citations..

15/01/17 16:52:25.81 VKeQmBJN
Yep! You need some basic knowledges about the UN like in the writing test there are 10 questions regarding the functions of the UN or whatever

And in the interview test, interviewers asked me like the location of the headquarters of the UN, permanent countries etc etc
but basically what they ask are like current international affairs like territorial disputes, historical issues and so on

It's a very peculiar exam for sure

15/01/17 16:54:20.23 VKeQmBJN
I'm not into English teaching job or whatever

But hopefully I will get another job which gives me some opportunities to go abroad like on a business trip or whatever
Or some translation work or whatever would be nice!

15/01/17 16:54:48.06 VKeQmBJN
I'm shopping now!!!!!

15/01/17 17:15:58.21 G0gV4e6x
I'm getting confused which guy is GOD.

136:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/17 17:16:21.08 lcKhNSTu
Mine is too poor to make a living.
Not even enough.

15/01/17 17:16:35.08 cEoWcwoa
Many reasons seem to be interwinded.
youor point of using plural is right too.
Considering the fact using "Merry Christmas" is encouraged in public places,
after all I think biggest reason is pressure from other religious groups.

15/01/17 17:17:57.60 VKeQmBJN
Both are GOD I'm outside now so my ID has changed

15/01/17 17:20:57.76 e0X2JMEN
i think the zero-cola-kun can pass 国連英検特A comparatively easy because i know a man who posses 国連英検特A has so struggled to take TOEIC 990.

15/01/17 17:28:22.02 VKeQmBJN
Just look at homepage of 国連英検 and read 合格体験記 there!

So many talented people who passed it but I'm not and I was struggling so hard(I'm fine with the writing test)!!!!!

15/01/17 17:28:30.90 G0gV4e6x
Same here.
I'm going out with my family so mine has changed too.
Dokomo allowed me to post from smartphone recently.

15/01/17 17:42:10.69 VKeQmBJN
My carrier is ハゲ aka SoftBank and I've been able to post comments for years now!

Posting via iPhone is so convenient(´▽`*)

15/01/17 17:46:37.03 cEoWcwoa
Have you read quality publications like Time and New York Times?
That's the thing I don't want to do. lol
Do you think only listening to English news like nhk world, BBC news,
ABC news would work in addition to basic knowledgement in U.N?

15/01/17 17:55:53.35 VKeQmBJN
I was subscribing to the economist for a while but the contests are relatively difficult and also so many difficult expressions too. So many pages as well!!!!

So after passing the test, I changed to times instead! I read articles on mainly BBC and other pages literally A LOT!!!!

As for the knowledge of the UN, I got the 指定テキスト and did so many 過去問 until I remembered all of them completely.
So I got 9 out 10 in the writing test. Yay

I only listen to BBC world and nhk one on podcast but there is no listening in the test so...yeah

15/01/17 17:58:57.18 +Zid3tZs
I know.
You explained it here before!

15/01/17 17:59:01.12 cEoWcwoa
I think Toeic full mark is easier than Kokuren Toku A.
It should depen on people though.
People with toku A have full score at high percent.
There are many toeic full scorer withou toku A.
Popularity and availability must be one reason.
But no mark sheet exam must have discouraged
them from passing toku A, even trying it.

15/01/17 18:06:01.94 cEoWcwoa
Thank you for the useful info.
So we have to read as well as listening.
And from your experience, is web reading ony enough to pass the exam?
Economist wwww.I feel dizzy.
Are you an student

148:or graduate from the department of economics?

15/01/17 18:10:52.51 VKeQmBJN
Oh you are mistaken. The name of "the Economist" gives you the impression that it's full of business stuff but half of the contents are about current international affairs.

No I'm not a student anymore unfortunately but I was majoring in international studies at college!

Come to think of it, I should have majored in different studies...

15/01/17 18:12:13.68 e0X2JMEN
i saw the page. but the people who posses toeic990 are 3/16.
toeic990 is sooooo differ from 985.
you may know but a toeic blogger VOZE-san struggled at 985 around 3 years.

15/01/17 18:26:54.82 cEoWcwoa
Then, do you agree that only web-reading foreign media like BBC would work?
I didn't even pass eiken 1級, even not take on it.
Its 取らぬ狸の皮算用.don't count your chickens before they're hatched
I imagined myself who passed eiken 1kkyuu and toeic 990.
Guide exam could be easily passed.So only and the lass cliff would be toku A.

I have not taken any tests for a long time.
just starting to consider taking exams related to English.
If I could, I don't want to study for test.
It is ideal to study without considering it.

15/01/17 18:40:14.34 VKeQmBJN
I think that only using BBC would be insufficient to pass 国連英検特A級 since BBC is rather easy like I don't encounter difficult expressions on BBC. ( I have BBC app on my iPhone and when I have some time, I try to read them)
So I'd say you should using many materials but if you just want to pass 英検1級 or get TOEIC 990, BBC is enough I guess.

As far as I'm concerned just studying for exams is the fastest and easiest way to pass them. But not fun at all.
So I watch American TV series, watching YouTube video etc etc for a change!

15/01/17 18:46:08.89 cEoWcwoa
I think you should ignore person without toeic score.
If you choose people with toeic score, percentage will be 3/10.
I think it's pretty high.
At least we can see they challenged toeic.

You can see commments from the past results on other pages.

You agree toku A is harder than Toeic 990 anyway?
Translator Yamagata Hiroo achieved 990 by his first try without
He must be God too.

15/01/17 19:02:12.28 cEoWcwoa
Thank you.
Then, fox news is no way!?lol

Ex-U.N staff, journalist Tsutumi is badmouthing fox news, like extreme right.
It might be fun to pass 特A through fox news. lol

If Pat Buchanan-like native speaker took on 特A without distorting
their candid ideas, do you think they could pass 特A?

15/01/17 19:10:41.56 cEoWcwoa
Pat Buchanan may not be fit for expressing fox news.

Cos he was against Iraq war...He is radical right or super conservative.
Bill O'Reilly? (i don't know him) seems to be better choice.
anyway, I'm interested in conservative right opinion in 国連特A.

15/01/17 20:41:53.70 2AZNwRBQ
I'm home now and took a bath with my grand-daughter.
You don't know how happy I am.

15/01/17 23:54:16.52 wNbVnlmD
Thanks again for your reply and the link.

This kind of thing is difficult for English learners.
This is an example of learning English is not only about learning
grammar and increasing vocabulary.

Thanks for googling.

15/01/18 00:44:57.16 ySlXmfgH
I suffer from schizophrenia for about ten years.
I used to be bothered terrible hallucination and delusion,
but I have now nearly normal mental state.
I have never been workinng for companies for five consecutive years,
so I will not get appropriate job for me. I am 40 years old.

15/01/18 00:52:56.13 ySlXmfgH
Eg haav schizophrenia til runter zein jaren.
Eg has ben budurt ovoll hallucination o delusion,
ab eg haav jost almost normal mental status.
Eg haav arbiten in kompanie fer fif jaren nogt,
So eg vill gettan nogt goede jobbe fer mig. Eg ben 40 jares ald.

15/01/18 04:31:09.14 1Nqjvs5p
i havent saw these comments meticulously but i cant say toeic990 is easier than it.
i also have toeic 900s(R470), why can you conclued like that? you also have 900s and 1st grade of Eiken?
while i have been trying TOEIC, i heard many legends of TOEIC 990 such as ヒロ田中, 森田鉄矢, TEX加藤, 加藤優 and all (they adhere not to take full marks but to continuoulsy take pure 100 percent correc answers
because TOEIC L can become 495 by incorrect answer around 5 whereas TOEIC R needs all correct answers).
its so weird i have not heard the man could get full score without pre-study thinking that i have been toeic related blogs and threads for 2 years.
anytime they debate can educated native speakers get full marks without pre-study, but the result is NO because occationally at TOEIC R part, a few difficult questions which being debated even among these legends are set.
throughout a year, 500,000 people toeic tests and thousands can full marks full marks. but that is total number of 10 times tests per year.
thinking that TOEIC990er (such as toeic school teachers) are taking the test continuoulsy, i presume pure number is around hundreds..

15/01/18 04:33:22.97 1Nqjvs5p
and what does 3/10 means?
i saw your link page and searched TOEIC word and the result is 3/16.

15/01/18 04:33:24.01 +rCjaR4t
you fool

15/01/18 04:46:57.03 1Nqjvs5p
and the availability should be considered.
i think 国連特A is a relatively minor test compared to TOEIC, TOEFL and need UN related knowledge as >>129 says.
it is so natural to think that before take 特A test, we should take high score of TOEIC, and 1st grade of 英検.

15/01/18 04:52:20.84 +rCjaR4t
and you are mad.

15/01/18 07:30:18.78 T1oc3rqe
Vladiostok means "Conquer the east." 
I didn't know that.
Russia is a very awful country.
Japan must have atomic bombs.

15/01/18 08:35:36.84 9w3WidB/
One of my grand-daughters is visiting us(my wife and me) since yesterday. She slept with my wife last night.

As she asked me yesterday to take her for cyc

167:ling, I'm planning to make a long ride. She mastered how to ride a bike without training wheels recently so I'm sure we will have fun despite under this cold weather. She would say as usual, "The cold never bothers me"(in Japanese) . It always reminds me of an old phrase Kodomowa kazenoko... .

15/01/18 10:04:50.71 QDubNfNW
I'm going to start a blog in English for my studying English.
I would like to ask something if here are some foreigners,
Do you want to see a blog filled with pictures of street scenes of Japan ?
In the case, what kind of picture of Japan do you want to see?
scenes of ordinary people and daily Japaneses life?
or of special place like a Ghibli museum or enything else?

169:名無しさん@英語勉強中 転載ダメ©
15/01/18 10:07:41.75 Pw5H6wdH

15/01/18 10:18:59.69 Pw5H6wdH
How can I delete ID?
it's annoying.
Someone succeeded in hiding ID.
I don't do 自演 sockpuppet.
It's not cozy that when we changed the subject, still you
have the ex-ID.

15/01/18 11:01:54.44 nUp8sbnI
even though you don't intend to do 自演, someone might do if they know how to hide ID.

172:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/18 11:18:11.08 KdYj14sY
Police say stimulant

173: drug trafficking by underground syndicates grew sharply in recent years. Traffickers said that most of the narcotics smuggling to Japan from Southeast Asia have passed through the United States.

15/01/18 13:24:26.98 IDMAy57P
I know. I learned it from Masaru Sato. I don't trust everything he says
but his talk almost always stimulates intellectual curiosity .

175:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/18 16:48:38.43 KdYj14sY
The report about "Abenomics" says that, in future public investments, priority should be given to the development of under-populated rural areas.

15/01/18 17:17:21.57 C25VeGrz
Will you start using わし?

I think a mix would be good; in particular, there's a lot of daily life things
that foreigners don't often know about. When I showed my sister around Japan, one
of our favorite things was just to walk around in the residential streets to see
what we'd find. But mostly, focus on things that interest you.
You may find this guy's blog interesting:

15/01/18 17:27:22.03 nUp8sbnI
ガースー says, "子供と動物とラーメンは、視聴率取れるんだよなぁ".

i used to visit this ramen blog.

15/01/18 18:38:11.74 Mn+v0B0J
There are a lot of japanese traditional things or customs that even many japanese people don't know...
for instance, i didn't know until recently that at shrines, you should make a bow to the shrine gate before entering, going under the gate...

15/01/18 18:45:36.73 Mn+v0B0J
smart phones, smart watches, smart glasses...
"smart" has been used very often for various things and i think that "smart" or "smart-"
will be listed as a prefix in dictionaries in the near future.

15/01/18 18:46:23.58 92sqcqAB
Is there anyone who got circumcision?

Did it hurt?

15/01/18 19:29:53.85 IDMAy57P
>its so weird i have not heard the man could get full score without pre-study thinking that i have been toeic related blogs and threads for 2 years.
I'm talking about Hiroo Yamagata , who is a famous translator of books of such as Paul Grugman and Thomas Piketi. He was a graduate of Tokyo UNi, proceed to get a bachelor degree at M.I.T. He is not a usual man.
I don't mean to go as far as saying that native
speakers or native speaker-like can get 990
easily without prestudy.I called him GOD
thinking he was just special and great.
As links above show, he take the test, presuming
1000 was the highest score. He presumed he
dropped one question and got 990.He was purplexed
by the fact he was top scorer in Japan with no body achieving 1000.
I admit there is no information that he never studied for
toeic.Judging from his little knowledage about toeic,
I guessed he never studied seriously and took the test almost at his first try.
I can't imagine he studying idioms and words in toeic exercise book.
I got interested by your story and I want to know fact for sure too. We could ask him on his blog...

15/01/18 20:25:50.89 IDMAy57P
>i also have toeic 900s(R470), why can you conclued like that? you also have 900s and 1st grade of Eiken?

No. I am starting to think about taking tests
related to English for a change.
For the time being, my goal is to get toeic A
level and aiken 1st grade.The former is realistic
goal, considering the rusults of 模試 mock test and the latter should need a long-time study geared for eiken.
I imagined myself getting toeic over 990 and
aiken 1st grade. When it's achieved, Am I really content with these results, leaving one more
challenge unchallenged?
That is 取らぬ狸の皮算用.don't count your chickens before they're hatched
You checked the word "toeic" more than twice in one person's message.
And also you checked the word from A grade succesful applicant.
Omitting these errors, correct ratio will be 3/10.
See the bottom of the web page and you can check results before 2014 test.
I think ratio won't change dramatically.
>it is so natural to think that before take 特A test, we should take high score of TOEIC, and 1st grade of 英検.
Above all, returnees seem not to mention toeic score, I guess. It's possible some have little
interest in toeic and some don't take it seriously.
I can't imagine giving up getting 990 and try 特A instead for a change.

You are right. If I got 990 and eiken 1st grade, I would know!
These are just my speculation based on some information.

15/01/18 20:46:22.02 /yFFfIcZ
I went to check the blog.
He seems to be a professional writer or cameraman.
I think it is hard to me to find such a stimulable shot like this
but I will try as you say, and find an interesting story.for my blog.
Thanks a lot.

15/01/18 20:47:19.01 /yFFfIcZ

15/01/18 20:56:19.37 FzCTHVuJ!
>>163 I agree with >>170.
When you've set up the blog, be sure to link it here. I will bookmark it and check it sometimes!

15/01/18 21:21:05.99 IDMAy57P
We can find real Brocken Jr. in this page!

15/01/18 23:31:03.55 T1oc3rqe
Oh,I don't know him.
I'll check it !

15/01/19 01:59:59.39 W2JWg2bQ
Tokyo University, and M.I.T is so trivial things to take full marks.
do you know average scores of students in tokyo university ?
still i am so skeptical taking full marks without pre-study thinking that あーるsan said so.
also a english translator andy-san
is around 950 when he took the test first (you know the average score is around 930 who has 1st grade of eiken).
if the man could get full scores without pre-study, it shoud be natural at least some major toeic bloggers or toeic-related medias have mentioned it once.
toeic A revel is achievable within 2 months.even me..
anyway, i dont know why you mentioned "returnees" (are 特A test fullfilled with returnees?) but if the returnees dont mention toeic score, as you say, they may just dont have interst in it,
but you cant say it is easier to take 990 than to pass 特A?

15/01/19 09:47:35.34 OM0lFEoE
特A reminds me of 特攻野郎Aチーム.

15/01/19 10:54:29.81 14Yhvkq6
Fuck Americans.
Nanking, 731 and comfort women sex slaves a false hisotry.
Sham on you.

191:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/19 10:55:38.45 2N2qC9zW
The world shook with anger at the sight of the indiscriminate terrorism against innocent people.
France decided to make an air raid in IS by dispatching the aircraft carrier to the Middle East.

192:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/19 11:04:17.23 2N2qC9zW
About three decades ago, female workers complained that they were forced to retire at an earlier age than male colleagues.
Now, female employees are catching up with male workers with regard to monthly salaries.
But, in the field of social welfare, Japan still lags behind Sweden where parents are legally entitled to 12 months of paid leave after the birth of a child.

15/01/19 17:34:30.30 MxQZ2Y+4
I hate my brother so much.

15/01/19 17:40:11.33 MlvGs754
Write it down on your dialy

15/01/19 17:41:34.68 MxQZ2Y+4

15/01/19 17:42:45.41 MlvGs754
by the way
wheI looked up ”ズバズバ言って”(means nearly"say bluntly")"in the
Japanese-English dictionary, it said it means "talk like a Dutch uncle"
Can this phrase use when I talk with real Dutchman?
Won't he feel bad about it?

15/01/19 17:46:39.84 MlvGs754
sorry for slip of the finger

I rewrite,

when I looked up ”ズバズバ言って”(means nearly"say bluntly")"in the
Japanese-English dictionary, it said it means "talk like a Dutch uncle"
Can I use this phrase when I talk with real Dutchman?
Won't he feel bad about it?

15/01/19 17:50:56.17 MxQZ2Y+4
Somehow ズバスバ makes me do パコパコ....maybe because I just had raw oysters...

15/01/19 17:51:59.04 iL4fgEhC
Hell Yeah! Hell Yeah!

15/01/19 19:32:01.06 tPINfMdL!
>>191 The Dutch can be very direct (or blunt) when talking sometimes. It's probably a cultural thing, and foreigners might not be used to it.
Generally we are less afraid to state our opinions, like talking about politics or taboo's.
When answering a question, Dutch can also be very direct by saying just "No." instead of something (more polite) like "I am not sure about that, have you tried looking at..."
Of course this all is only generally speaking. We can be polite as well. I think these kind of phrases/expressions come from a long time ago.

I myself won't feel bad about it if you say something like that. I think it's rather funny.
The British had more of those "Dutchman name calls" for us (probably coming from the wars in the 17th century). For example, "Dutch" is also used for someone being greedy (as far as I know).
But I think we all have those name calls for each other, especially for neighbouring countries. As long as they stay jokes, there's is nothing wrong with it in my opinion.

201:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/19 21:51:25.06 CYjFUwV3
Unfortunate and poor children in the Middle East reminded the Japanese elderly people of the war-orphans in the late 1940s.
The so-called war orphans were separated from their families in China during the confusion of at the end of the Second World War.
Later, the cabinet minister promised the Chinese nationals of the Japanese parentage to find their relatives during their brief stay in Japan.

15/01/19 22:06:57.70 RNDZrKUe
An interesting one please.

15/01/19 22:34:47.55 MlvGs754
Thank you for your kindly reply.

As I recall, when I was a junior high student, I have had a chance to correspond with a Dutch girl.
I don't remember too much about it, but we did it through the body named UNESCO correspondence..
or something, which served as a translator between two young correspondents.
The reason I chose the Dutch was because I learnd a story about a Dutch boy in my school class,
who saved his country by preventing bank collapsing at the risk of his life.
you know the story?

15/01/19 23:10:12.62 14Yhvkq6
I am the most logical person in the world.
You envy me.

15/01/19 23:12:29.97 OM0lFEoE
sex doll used to be known as dutch wife in japan.

15/01/19 23:18:31.52 OM0lFEoE
sex doll used to be known as dutch wife in japan. → sex doll used to be called dutch wife in japan.

15/01/20 00:31:39.40 zmFyqqUh
turkish bath...

208:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/20 00:36:36.38 lhn9N7Dr
I've heard somewhere that the song called "Don't Look Back In Anger" by Oasis is second national anthem for British people.
Is that true?

15/01/20 00:45:17.13 JilTkZR+
Do you support Flemish secessesion from southern Belgium?
Since Flemish people's ethnicity is identical to Dutch,
Would it be nice to unite with Flemish northern Belgium?
You have no problem?

210:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/20 00:49:42.07 lhn9N7Dr
What is the purpose to live?
I thought it was to have my own family, have children, and raise them happily.
But I realized I can't.
I've lost my way to live.
I don't think I can live for only myself.

15/01/20 00:54:01.76 JilTkZR+
If Radiohead's song became a national anthem, would all british people
die with despair?
Don't Radiohead's vocalist commit suicide before the audience?
Then he would became legend beyond Jjm Morrison, Jimmy? Hendrix, Manabu Oshio, etc etc.
Jesus Christ of today emerges.

15/01/20 01:00:47.65 JilTkZR+
ISIS whisper in your ear.

15/01/20 01:23:07.19 S27Fb3+j!
>>197 Unfortunately I do not know that story. Do you have a link to the story perhaps?

>>200 They are also known as Dutch wives in other countries.
"The origin of the term is thought to be from the Dutch colony of Indonesia where Dutch traders would spend long periods away from their wives." (URLリンク(

>>203 I am not so sure about if I support it or not. Things are good the way they are now, I think.
The Belgium culture is a bit different than the Dutch too. They also speak French and Flemish (Flemish sounds a lot different than Dutch, but it is still understandable for us)
Maybe I find it a bit sad that The Netherlands isn't such a "great country" anymo

214:re. It has a really interesting history, but it seems like a lot is forgotten. Of course The Kingdom of The Netherlands did awful things in the past too (African slaves, and maybe Dutch East Indies etc.) But almost every country did some kind of bad things in the past. It's nice to see the world change to a more peaceful world, although there's still too much war. I'm not saying I don't like The Netherlands as it is now though. It's a nice (small) country in my opinion.

15/01/20 02:16:09.89 JilTkZR+
I think martialartists are the most famous dutch other than soccer players.
Do you Know Badr Hari? Do you dislike Badr Hari, moroccan kickboxer?
I know you have to he careful about publicaly speaking such a thing.

He lose his temper easily and injure others.
Muscular guy of 2m long, lots of criminal records, once a suspect for a mudercase..

To be fair, I want to tell nagative side of native dutch people.
Two martial arts figthers Peter Schmidt and Hans Nijman
were shot to death. Strange coincidence..
They must have had relatinshiop to criminal ring. They might
have had got involved in concession dispute including drugs.

I guess most Japanese still have good image of the Netherland like the land of windmill and tulip.
but sorry, I have double images.
One is a land of excessive freedom, desperate people with drug addiction, immigrants who
stick together and make slum, window? prositution.

15/01/20 02:38:01.11 W3Re3SUb
Also Dutch hate Japanese too. Well Asians in general. It's famous.

217:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/20 02:45:29.13 lhn9N7Dr
If Kurt Cobain didn't die, he wouldn't have been evaluated.

218:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/20 02:52:18.92 lhn9N7Dr
What do you mean?
you mean they say me to become ISIS?

15/01/20 04:08:16.70 S27Fb3+j!
>>209 How so? Why do you think Dutch people hate Asians?
I don't think I can agree with you with that. They are naive about most Asian countries; they don't really know or care about them.
But they don't hate them I think. The comments in the article of >>27 confirm that...

15/01/20 04:31:31.17 JilTkZR+
I guess it's half true.I don't think he commited suicide cleverly
to become legend.He appeared to be really pathetic and negative.
It's just my impression.
I'm not interested in their music and don't know in
Rather temptaton of ISIS which you created in your brain whispers in your ear.
It's said that despair is the core reason of many people rushing to ISIS.
Don't be mistaken.Remember I don't want you to be

15/01/20 06:10:16.87 S27Fb3+j!
>>208 I don't know these guys. I don't know much about martial arts, sorry.
And yeah, I don't deny that there are bad things in this country. To be honest, Japan is probably unique when it comes to overall safety.
But I am sure something like in your story happened in Japan too. They happen everywhere, in some countries more than others (and in Japan probably the least).

I mean, even after you've said those things, The Netherlands is still a really safe country.
There are just some things that you should watch out for. For example people who might steal stuff (like bicycles) in the cities.

About drugs; Yes, there are plenty of people using drugs sometimes here. Weed basically isn't illegal, and there are no hard punishments for stuff like XTC or coke.
I even know a few people that do XTC sometimes. But this might sound stupid; but XTC isn't really dangerous when it's done safe. Smoking or alcohol are more dangerous for example.
The whole "drugs is bad" thing probably came from some religous law after all.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of drugs are bad. But many drugs are harmless and still get the death sentence in certain countries.
Alcohol, tabaco, caffeine... those are somehow legal while other things are not.

The government here didn't put high punishments on certain drugs because they want to have control over them, instead of letting them happen anyway (with criminal activities).
They let you test certain drugs for free to make sure that it's not bad drugs that might kill you. That's probably the most dangerous of drugs; that people don't know if it's "good" quality.

15/01/20 06:13:33.33 S27Fb3+j!
>>208 >>214
Prostitution is the same; the government doesn't want prostitution to happen illegaly. So now you have the (famous) windows in Amsterdam.
There are a lot of laws there, someone can only become a prostitute if they want to become one from themselves and not only because they really need the money or something like that.
And this way there are also a lot of regulations for it to keep that business clean from STD's and such.
Prostitutes are protected in this country, while they aren't protected at all in certain other countries (where they might get beaten up etc. too).

I am sorry if my explanation isn't really clear about this subject

223:. I also understand that it's a weird subject to talk about. I only know that the laws here are made for logical reasons. Allowing soft-drugs and controlled prostitution for example made the crime-rates (violence) go down in this country by a lot. And it's not completely legal, it's just made so that the government can "keep an eye on it".

15/01/20 06:28:48.92 S27Fb3+j!
Maybe I am also naive, because I happen to live in a good neighbourhood.
You are still right that bad things happen of course.

Let me correct what I said earlier; I love the history of this country, and I am happy that I was born here (it still is one of the best/safest countries to live, with good overall prosperity).
But the country as it is today has its problems.
There might be better places to be born, but I am still lucky to be born here (instead of some poverty country for example).

15/01/20 08:00:54.89 lEsHkF46
Nanking is false.
If you think Nanking is true, you are kitchigai.

15/01/20 08:10:24.64 lEsHkF46
You is not あなた but 一般的な人.
This is my daily ひとりごと.

227:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/20 08:39:07.88 b+FC7eJP
An increasing number of Japanese women undergo cosmetic surgery because the surgeons' expertise is reported to have been much improved recently.
After the operations, most of them looks young for her age.

15/01/20 09:14:13.65 sDMShARK
dutch is tall so their genitals is big.
but you know we dont lose in the means of hardness.

15/01/20 09:16:03.41 zQ4BIH3Y!
Most circumcisions in the US are done shortly after birth so there's no memory of the event.

15/01/20 09:22:43.76 S27Fb3+j!
Forget what I said. A lot of Dutch people are weird after all.

15/01/20 10:00:19.14 X/HdMrIv
Are you Chinese?
why do children in the Middle East remind you left-behind Japanese orphans in China?

232:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/20 10:51:35.63 w8aqqHQF
You are lacking in the ability to read and understand English.
I said that that situation reminded the elderly people
of war-orphans in the late 1940s.
In the 1980s, starving African children reminded them of war-orphans.

15/01/20 12:10:04.99 X/HdMrIv
Sorry, "the Japanese elderly people" didn't mean you, don't you?
but all the war-orphans after WW2 were not the left-behind Japanese orphans in China.
just after the war, there were many children who lost their parents in American air raids in Japan.

234:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/20 12:24:50.98 w8aqqHQF
Never mind. Your latest comments based on historical facts are useful for me.

235:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/20 15:40:28.33 w8aqqHQF
Anti-Islamism is apparently prevailing in Europe following the attack of the newspaper company by Islamic radicals.
Racism is also mounting among those against Islamism in the region.

236:三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y
15/01/20 16:29:00.56 u57xg+9T
Today I bought a piece of silicone tube, which I need for Prince Albert.

I already got a cannula (the piercing needle with tube), but not the tube for urethra

Once you get piericings on some erogenous zones (性感帯) such as nipples or a cock,
you cannot have sex at least for 3 weeks. That's the biggest problem!!!

15/01/20 17:18:37.29 FNPEgBEx
”w” used in 2 ch means "have a smile", I think.
what should we use in an English sentence when we want to express the same feeling.
"lol" or (laugh) seems to be exaggerated.

15/01/20 18:47:46.84 RGei5Rwr!

ISIS just threatened two of your guys. You gonna stand for that?

15/01/20 18:50:18.35 W3Re3SUb
I don't give a fuck about them

15/01/20 18:53:39.51 RGei5Rwr!

Awww, come on guys, join the Crusade. It's fun!

15/01/20 19:10:13.35 S27Fb3+j!
>>229 I don't think "lol" is exaggerated. It's overused and lost the real meaning. It means more like "have a smile" now too.
"LOL" in capital letters is exaggerated and probably really means "laughing out loud".
There's also rofl (rolling over floor laughing) and lmao (laughing my ass off).

15/01/20 19:54:59.89 5V1zXfiX
how about "milf"?

15/01/20 20:54:49.20 FNPEgBEx
So, "w" = lol ?

Thank you.
I always fussed about what I shoud use for "w"

15/01/20 21:43:43.39 W3Re3SUb
The baka Dutch threw an egg at the Showa emperor

15/01/20 22:06:04.01 FNPEgBEx
>>212 didn't throw an egg at the Emperor.
What you are doing is the same as the people who you hate do.

15/01/20 22:41:07.03 lEsHkF46
Fuck Russell Crowe !
There turn out to be a lot of anti-Japanese 害人s all over the world every day.

15/01/20 22:44:59.51 lEsHkF46
But the source is from a Korean newspapaer.
It can be possible to be reversed.

15/01/20 22:52:57.14 W3Re3SUb
He is a very savage man

249:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/20 22:55:26.86 QOKItnkS
Islamism is not a bad one in itself. Islamic radicals misinterpret the creed.

250:APD ◆p.H955gxe6
15/01/20 23:16:46.97 lhn9N7Dr
Yeah, i agree.
I love nirvana especially the album called "In Utero" though. It describes Kurt's blind side very well. I've never thought about meaning of lyrics though. Lol

15/01/20 23:51:15.81 WV5puPIs!
Why would we have to hate all Muslims?
It's like hate all Christians because of the stupid Evangelists.
The world is not as simple as you might assume.

252:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/21 00:17:17.06 WuwqdNJJ
China is slowly plunging into the stagnant economy mainly due to diminishing sales of land for housing.

15/01/21 01:01:54.09 kDpQf+dS
He is making mistake.
Koreans were not drafted. Japanese government admitted volunteer
soldiers and tens of thousads koreans volunterred and fought in the end.
It's an inconviniet fact that tens of thousands koreans voluntarily
join the imperial military and fought for Japan.
Then they starts to change or twist the story.

Some were drafted at the end of the ww2. The ww2 ended while they were
training. They never went to war.

254:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/21 01:16:57.40 WuwqdNJJ
Business circles said that the wage increase should be tied to gains in productivity. And they claimed the enterprises that earned windfall benefits should accept the wage increase offer from labor unions.

255:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/21 01:26:59.79 WuwqdNJJ
It seems to be difficult to exterminate terrorism by force as it is rooted in social problems such as poverty and religious fanatics.

15/01/21 03:40:09.78 0q8SCb9M
Terrorists have taken a footage about japanese hostage, and in that video they said to japanese officials that if they don't give the 200m$ to terrorists, they will exucute these victims.
what sould japanese officials take a measure towards them?
If they give their money, terrorists will use it to kill innocent people or buy strong weapons. It diffinitely make much more people to death.
but if they don't give their money, two japanese victims will be beheaded. It is so crued.
Neverthless, I hope officials don't give in these threats and give them some money.

Giving in this threats and paying ramsom will give terrorists more incentives to kidnap japanese people. I think it is more awful than risking two people's life. This is my opinion about this controversial and international problem.

15/01/21 05:17:49.42 IFI/2ZY1

15/01/21 05:28:20.88 SAtB8bkd
a former judo champion mr.saito has passed due to cancer.
the picture is when he was a college student.
you may feel immoral but i envy his muscle ///!!

15/01/21 05:34:11.08 kDpQf+dS
correction. tens of thousands koreans →hundreds of thousands of koreans.

15/01/21 06:45:30.85 kDpQf+dS
200m$ is way high to save two reckless people.
It's no way that two is worth the grants to help people in the lands devastated by ISIS.
I guess ISIS is biding time to demand ransom, jumping on abe's words.
They demand ransom sooner or later
A result might be horrific and tragic one.
But government can't do everything and has limits. It's not that government
can't help but goverment help within its capacity.
We should consider seriously about what it is to stay abroads, learning from this lesson.
If they are prepared for being killed, they will accept the destiny.

Yesterday I just have heard the news that two australians are facing gun death penality
for their drug trafficking. I know we shouldnot mix Indonesia and ISIS.
Something unexpectable and awful could happen in other contries. In that sense, the same.

15/01/21 08:02:27.01 0q8SCb9M
What is the best way or tools to communicate with English speakers?
I know 4chan, omegle, rarejob.
Does anyone know a useful website equivalent to these sites?

15/01/21 10:37:04.66 RJ+lWfH0
That's right!
And Korea wasn't bombed by America.
Japan protected Korea as a result.
Taiwan was bombed by America.
But Taiwan is more logical than Korea.
Japan wasn't responsible for the Korean War.
America beat Japan, so America was responsible for the war.
America didn't have any justice in WW2.

15/01/21 10:57:45.63 uCPsc8sO!

264:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/21 11:24:49.41 +gGWcvL5
President Obama announced that the United States will play a leading role in the international community to meet the expectations of the other countries for peace and prosperity in the world.
After the end of the Cold War era, ethnic conflicts have been spreading over the world, especially in the Middle East.
The United States has been making a strenuous effort as a troubleshooter in the Middle East, but failed in mediating the dispute.

15/01/21 13:19:42.91 RJ+lWfH0
If the world continued to think "History is made by the victor" justuice, the WW3 would occure.
Because the next war victors could make new history!
If Americans want to realize world peace, Americans have to think seriously about the meaning.
If Americans admitted the WW2 was not justice, the China, and so son, would lose their justice completely.

15/01/21 14:07:05.89 tnaNv1Vr
I'm in a futon today

15/01/21 15:47:30.37 tnaNv1Vr
Because I'm sick

15/01/21 15:48:24.40 tnaNv1Vr
Give me some warm cuddles but I want them from only hot guys

15/01/21 15:56:16.45 tnaNv1Vr
Too much to ask?

15/01/21 16:08:07.41 0mzp1fUT!
>>253 is a good international board with users from all over the world. It's all in English.

15/01/21 16:21:45.71 kDpQf+dS
comments like these are cute.

15/01/21 16:24:31.91 AdrAQWaZ
I'd totally forgotten about Oasis, until seeing 'Wonderwall' on TV the
other day. Perhaps 'Don't Look Back In Anger' was seen as an anthem of
that generation. I was eleven when it was released, so didn't really
relate to it.

Many people who don't support the monarchy think of this song as a
kind of second national anthem. You probably already know the melody.

15/01/21 16:38:33.08 kDpQf+dS
The name of son of Oshio Manabu, japanese rock legend, is Riam.
Her ex-wife now plays a protagonist in a noon soap opera.
It's a pretty falldown for her career eventhough she is one of the protagonists.
She never played in a drama at that time.

15/01/21 16:40:18.91 kDpQf+dS
Fall down ,but I can also say recovery from the bottom.

15/01/21 16:47:44.63 kDpQf+dS
Oshio Chosen woman.
I can hardly find faults in her face and body.
Not amusing and stimulating for me though.
She must be one of イギリス人さん’s favorites.

15/01/21 16:56:00.86 kDpQf+dS
google akiko yada rather than in japanese if you want to see more sexy shots.
I think girls are just dolls which decorates Oshio.
I guess Oshio never falls in love with a girl from the bottom of his heart.
New fiancee is now wating for Oshio to get out of prison..

15/01/21 17:00:58.05 kDpQf+dS
I didnt know Oshio Sensei is now on parole?.

15/01/21 17:30:27.89 VqQlatdq
you must be middle aged woman!
how have you been?

15/01/21 17:33:27.70 kDpQf+dS
NoNo my sex is

15/01/21 17:45:41.93 SAtB8bk


15/01/21 18:17:30.18 kDpQf+dS

15/01/21 18:23:34.13 GNVgHbBn
My timpo is huge & hard. You will be amazed how big my timpo really is.
Just lick it and suck it up.

15/01/21 18:31:18.50 SAtB8bkd
    ∧_∧     |ヽ( ̄ )ク
   ( ´・ω・ )__     |:::I \~\
  γ\ ̄c□. \   l\`i :| ̄|  i love japanese winter AA.
 // ※ \___\ \\|  |
 ヽ\ ※  ※ ※ ヽ.  \l_|
  \ヽ ―――‐)
    ~  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

15/01/21 18:39:31.99 kDpQf+dS
feel at ease かな?

15/01/21 19:20:53.68 tnaNv1Vr
I have a terrible diarrhea now I blame raw oysters I ate 2 days ago...

I learned the lesson hard way....

15/01/21 19:50:53.13 L3il5/Rf
I'v heard the song in a picture called "Another Country"
I was a Colin Firth fan. but he is a comedian now, isn't he?

15/01/21 20:05:34.99 8XGGvSVM!
Anyone interested in a 害人thread?: URLリンク(
There's only one reasonable (factual) comment in it: URLリンク(

But then again, it's reddit. They love to give opinions on things they don't know anything about. Just so that they can continue their circle jerk.

15/01/21 21:39:08.14 RJ+lWfH0
I think not only redditers but also people all over the world think Nanking was a true history...

I wish I objected to them in English like I speak Japanese.
But the time will come more and more later.
I study English more for world peace.

15/01/21 23:15:03.39 AdrAQWaZ
He's not a comedian, but he has been in quite a few comedy movies.
It's a big mixture though. Right now, he's filming a drama about
some famous authors from the early 20th century. There was also
'King's Speech', 'Before I Go To Sleep', and 'Devil's Knot'. But
he's also known for lighter movies such as the 'Bridget Jones' series,
as well as 'Love Actually', and now the upcoming 'Kingsman'.

I hadn't heard of 'Another Country', but just watched a clip and he
was nearly unrecognisable...

15/01/22 01:15:14.11 lJZWt5qb
The worst news ever in 2015 for Igirisu-jin.
The Sun announced they had stopped putting on nude photos on the 3rd
pages of the daily. It's said more than 200 thousands people petitioned,
calling for discontinuing the page.

As a person who has pulled out a sheet that inclueds 3rd page from the
paper again and again at Kiosk, Igirisu-jin must be in shock now to hear
the news. :p

You can clicked on the photo at the top. There're three photos.
You need to click on この画像を見る>> or somewhere in the rectangle
to see the second and third sexually explicit images.

There seems to be a phone number under each of the nude photos.
Is the 3rd page for adverts of prostitutes?

15/01/22 02:42:21.83 ijDv2Umn
Keeley Hazell is a イギリス人's dream girl!

Lesbian outcome from Samantha Fox was a nightmare for him!

15/01/22 04:23:14.18 ijDv2Umn
Actual figures were debated.
But it 's approved from various camps that high ratio of the "comfort women" were actually Japanese..
Many data show quite a few japanese were in that place.
Why does dailymail hide japanese comfort women? weird.

Coming out does not benefit japanese women.They can't make money for it
and they don't have motivation to bash Japan by distorting the facts. koreans have both motivations.
After all, the korean comfort women were focused and make us believe
they were like that statistically and everything.(you know the woman in
youtube once said that she worked at a brothel under korean operation before entering
comfort women. Her firt aim was to get back money which became unuseable
after ww2)
I hope Japanese comfortwomen come out and bring information which contradicts what koreans has been
But I know it's difficult thing.I admit it is not a thing to honour even if sex slave etc was false.
After all it's a shameful and trumatic thing both for men and women and thing they want untouched.
Only "victims" can appear and speak out before the press.

294:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/22 07:09:39.55 0eFSrZsc
The abnormal incidents involving religious fanatics came as a shock to ordinary citizens as was shown in such cases the Japanese hostage crisis in Iraq in 2004 and the mass suicides by cult members in Uganda in 2000.

15/01/22 10:35:28.43 YfkC54g4
I want to believe Japanese comfort women who could return safely to Japan got married and had children
and that they need not do coming out in order not to bother their families.

15/01/22 11:59:27.00 YfkC54g4
could → were able to

15/01/22 13:06:45.94 7HbGnACM
The biggest shock is some p

298:eople calling The Sun a "newspaper". Saying that, they continued the usual Page 3 photos today, apparently, and denied reports that they were stopping. >>283 Please enjoy this song featuring Samantha Fox

15/01/22 14:04:43.69 ijDv2Umn
イギリス人 fell in live with Jordan, Katie Price.
He somehow found purness,innocence, virginity and Mother Mary in her.
Her breast augmentation was starting to disillusion him and outed sex video tape
was the last straw.
He bursted into tears!It crashed him completely.
Then he turned his interest to Keeley Hazelle, English divine.
Then again video tape came out!
In the video she is having an affair with a brown guy, unknown footballer!
He got mad! English divine is defiled! He bursted into tears again!
English girs are all filthy and unjust! World is full of lies.

He rushed to Japgirl to find something pure and innocent.

15/01/22 14:10:45.10 ijDv2Umn
I love audience.
Are they called オタク?geek or オッカケ?followers? very laughable.

Is Samantha fox real or is she a laughing stock?
Her tarzan style is

15/01/22 14:53:29.91 1snstlMZ
when i went to school (in 80's and 90's) , teachers were respectable people.
it is just because they knew a lot about life or japan or the world and
they used to kindly answer to my questions.
i didn't think about whether they're correct or wrong.
today, pupils / students can just google things and i heard that
some students maliciously point out where teachers are wrong and make fun of them...
i don't think it's a nice thing.

15/01/22 15:06:17.52 ASFjYx8V
Because teachers in Japan are relatively not so smart like in my case my "English teacher" only had 英検準2級 and she couldn't communicate with ALT teachers at all

Also I still remember I got some deduction on my English sentence because she didn't understand the difference between some and any wtf...

303:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/22 16:04:12.18 0eFSrZsc
The executives of Microsoft Corp. fear that they may fall behind the other countries' rivals even in the field of software applications for personal computers.
So, the planned sales of the new operating system, Windows 10, will be much publicized worldwide.

304:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/22 16:13:10.47 0eFSrZsc
On the background, Microsoft Corp is lagging behind the other makers in the development of software applications for smartphones, portable

305: telephones and portable terminals.

15/01/22 20:15:59.16 JaQkRpXJ!
It will also be free to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 in the first year of release (the upgrade is of course permanent).
Probably the reason why it will be free is because Windows 10 has the Windows Store in it, and Windows 7 doesn't.
Upgrading from Windows 8 (or 8.1) to Windows 10 will always be free.

15/01/22 20:18:44.39 ASFjYx8V
It bugs me when I see posts from gaijins.

15/01/22 20:19:27.49 JaQkRpXJ!
>>295 Oops my bad, I am not sure if upgrading from 8 or 8.1 will always be free.
It will atleast be free for a year too.

15/01/22 20:36:19.35 TwL2KwZF!
How come?

15/01/22 22:13:21.03 7HbGnACM
The video looks very typical of a 1980s pop song. That song reached
number 3 in the UK music charts that year, so it's for real.

As for the fans, they also seem like typical music fans. Other than
the crazy looking guy who goes on stage. But that was for the music
video and wasn't real.

15/01/22 23:17:06.67 lJZWt5qb
Wow. You're right. They seem to have decided to continue the tradition.

The Times and The Sun are under Rupard Murdock's media network, and the
former reported the news of the latter stopping the tradition.
Maybe The Sun insisted on an indipendence of editorial policy or something.

Good news for you anyway. :)

15/01/22 23:38:58.94 ASFjYx8V
Omg gaijins overload this thread. Literally.

15/01/23 00:31:47.83 3RBohd4A

314:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/23 00:55:05.44 W0qSEOTA
The Social Democrats believed that Japan could do without armaments as stipulated in the Constitution.
But later, the Social Democratic Prime Minister Murayama admitted the Self Defense Forces are constitutional.
On the other hand, the Communists emphasized the Nonaligned Movement was necessary for Japan's security.

315:512M ◆n0YSsccsgc
15/01/23 01:06:01.38 W0qSEOTA
The chronicle of arms control negotiations showed disarmament is no easy task.

15/01/23 05:02:42.18 vdVjjxhk
It's about 10 hours to go until the deadline ISIS set for Japan to pay
for 200 million dollars to save the lives of the two Japanese hostages.

If I'm not mistaken, no hostages so far who were filmed in the format wearing
orange clothes have been saved because no countries so far said to have paid ransom.
to the terroist organization. I read the news that Japanese government has asked UK for help, but
that's rediculous. When UK itself couldn't rescue their own hostage filmed
that way, what on earth can they do to save the lives of hostages of Japan?

There's nothing we can do about it. The chance are as good as nil that the
two will survive. ISIS would never break a promise when they
predict they will kill hostages. I've never seen brutal videos where
beheadings by the man in black are in action and I won't this time, too.

Islum extremists seem to be spawning around the world and no one can stop that.
Paris, Belgium, US, the list will get longer this year and it's just the
beggining of 2015. I predict there'll be a big terror this year somewhere in the world
, like highjacking and more shocking ones.

15/01/23 05:17:06.05 cv0hl+78
yes. windows are threatened by android and ios.
but i cant move without any consideration about device drivers are removed..

15/01/23 05:59:01.91 UChl24DS
Why did Windows distinguish vista from 7?
I wanna use windows 10 as well.
