14/12/03 17:52:57.22 vOweGm2A
<Makoti Kato>
@CarlMummert If you disagree with the site's policy, I recommend you not to use this site.
<Carl Mummert>
!Makoto Kato: It is not this site's policy; the policies of the math SE are determined by its users.
We are free to decide as a community that we do not welcome a certain type of post even if it is welcome on other SE sites.
To be clear, it is not answering your own question that is the issue.
It is using the site as a kind of notebook to record your work.
If a user occasionally answers their own question, especially after getting a hint, that is wonderful.
But the purpose of the site is not for asking questions that the asker is already able to solve;
I feel that distorts the meaning of "question".