Chat in Engish (オバさん専用) Part2at ENGLISH
Chat in Engish (オバさん専用) Part2 - 暇つぶし2ch59:y dont feel too much pain. Get back from work, drinking something I want, take a nice bath, read books or comics, stay on the net for awhile, cook something nice to eat, etc not too bad

13/09/01 10:15:18.46
For the one who says she/he eats whatever she/he wants to eat,
don't you gain weight?

13/09/01 14:47:45.93
I do gain weight but i cant fight my appetite
there is this funny saying, "if Bible forbit obesity, there wouldnt be a lot of fat people like today"

13/09/01 15:13:08.04
Well, if you don't gain too much weight, you can eat all you want.
But if you've gained, say, more than 15 kilos since you were 20
years old, then it's a problem.

As for me, I know I tend to gain weight if I eat even a fraction of
what I feel like eating. So I almost never allow myself to be tempted.

You said you've been in many countries before. Where exactly have
you been if I may ask you?

13/09/01 16:09:20.14
i know i really have to lose some weight but as I get older,
it`s getting very difficult

13/09/01 17:11:06.86
i want to go to bikkuri donkey.

13/09/01 17:24:29.99
the sauce is too strong there for me

13/09/02 01:23:57.36
"How was your game, dear?" asked Jack's wife Tracy.
"Well, I was hitting pretty well, but my eyesight's gotten so bad
I couldn't see where the ball went," he answered.
"But you're 75 years old, Jack!" admonished his wife, "Why don't
you take my brother Scott along?"
"But he's 85 and doesn't play golf anymore," protested Jack.
"But he's got perfect eyesight. He would watch the ball for you,"
Tracy pointed out.
The next day Jack teed off with Scott looking on. Jack swung and the
ball disappeared down the middle of the fairway.
"Do you see it?" asked Jack.
"Yup," Scott answered.
"Well, where is it?" yelled Jack, peering off into the distance.
"I can’t remember."

13/09/02 01:25:57.91
A young man who was also an avid golfer found himself with a few
hours to spare one afternoon. He figured if he hurried and played
very fast, he could get in 9 holes before he had to head home. Just
as he was about to tee off an old gentleman shuffled onto the tee
and asked if he could accompany the young man as he was golfing
alone. Not being able to say no, he allowed the old gent to join him.
To his surprise the old man played fairly quickly. He didn't hit the
ball far, but he plodded along consistently and didn't waste much time.
Finally, they reached the 9th fairway and the young man found himself
with a tough shot. There was a large pine tree right in front of his ball
and it was directly between his ball and the green. After several
minutes of debating how to hit the shot the old man finally said,
"You know, when I was your age I'd hit the ball right over that tree."
With that challenge placed before him, the youngster swung hard, hit
the ball up, right smack into the top of the tree trunk and it thudded
back on the ground not a foot from where it had originally lay. The old
man offered one more comment, "Of course, when I was your age that
pine tree was only 3 feet tall."

13/09/02 06:46:19.28
Bikkuri Donkey? Yeah, looks like it's really popular.
Do they serve so delicious dishes? Why do people like it
so much, I wonder?

13/09/02 09:38:46.77
Why do people want children?
It's because they want somebody to raise them.
It's not the parents that raise their children.
It's the other way around.
It's in fact the children that raise their parents.

Yes, it's true that the parents finance their children.
It's true that they bring food on the table for their children.
It's true that they send their children to school.
They may even send their children to college and even abroad for study.
They may even help their children financially until they are
fully-grown adults.

But actually, it's the children that raise their children.
It's actually the children that have been nurturing their parents
mentally by listening to their incessant whining.
It's the children that have been assuaging the frustration of
their parents in life.
It's not that the children need their parents.
It's quite the other way.
It's the parents that need their children.
For what? To be raised and nurtured and taken care of
BY their children.

The parents require their children to listen to them attentively
when the parents are actually taking their frustration out on their

Shitty parents! Perish from the earth already!
It is a CRIME to bring birth to children.

13/09/02 09:45:33.69
add osu which is venegar. then i would like to eat it.

13/09/02 09:52:13.78
Don't you deprive us
Of our fundamental human right
To curse the day we were born

Dragged out of our cherished world of silence
Into this maddening jungle,
We have to live on for about 80 years

Killing ourselves is really hard
It's frightening, painful
What's more,
the suicide of someone
Always saddens the rest of the family

With a member of the family lost that way,
The rest of the family feel
As if they had done something fundamentally wrong
To him or her

They also feel as if their cherished values
Had been denigrated

Why do you guys deprive us
Of our fundamental human right
To curse our lives?

YOU have your own right to enjoy your lives
Then why do you deprive of our right
To do what we want to do?

13/09/02 10:01:10.61
"To raise children is a great pleasure
It is by raising your children that you grow up."

That's what you've always been saying
Of COURSE I know that!!!
Even idiots know that!!!

But can't you ever realize
How egoistic you are?
You want to grow up
You want to enjoy your life
That's why you DRAGGED your children
Out into this cesspool of life!!!

You wanted companions
To listen to your constant whining
About all your troubles, misery, frustration, and unhappiness
About your shitty past with your fucking parents

That's why you brought birth to your children!!!
It's sinful, it's egoistic, selfish,
To think of your own benefits
When considering having your children.

Children are not your marionettes
Children are not your masturbating vibrators
To satisfy your fucking needs

Don't you take advantage of our lives
To enjoy yourselves
We are sick and tired of all that

13/09/02 10:01:38.83
move my body. NHK am10 news. 10 cm piling water by rainig.

13/09/02 10:06:48.08
am I depriving of you? you give me kindness. and i give you kindness.
azat in sylia depriving og is. oh, my goodness.

13/09/02 10:10:18.67
No, I'm not talking to YOU in particular.
I'm talking about the YOU in general.
You know, about the majority of people.

13/09/02 10:10:50.28
am I depriving you of anything? you give me kindness. and i give you kindness.
azat in sylia depriving people of movement. oh, my goodness.

13/09/02 10:12:30.26
sure. talking to evrybody that visit the chatting on internet.

13/09/02 10:18:49.83
sure. it is [ that I talk to evrybody { that visits the ( chatting ) on internet } ].

sure. it is this way. I talk to evrybody. Everybody visits here on internet. eveybody chats toevery other one.

13/09/02 10:31:08.95
In the beginning,
Someone was living all alone
He had nothing to do
So bored in life
He decided to make some marionettes
To play with
He called his marionettes "men and women"

These men and women, in their turn,
Were so bored in life,
Having nothing whatsoever to do in life
That they decided to have their own marionettes
They called their marionettes "children"

Woe be to the egoism of all those
Who have brought birth to their marionettes
Just because they were bored
Nothing to do in life
Because they were so stupid
That they did not know what to do
To kill time until they die

13/09/02 10:33:14.13
sure. it is this way. I talk to everybody. Everybody visits here on internet. eveybody chats with every other one.

13/09/02 10:42:29.10
CLARENCE (to himself)
Hmmm, this isn't going to be so easy.
(to George)
So you still think killing yourself would make everyone feel
happier, eh?

GEORGE (dejectedly)
Oh, I don't know. I guess you're right. I suppose it would have
been better if I'd never been born at all.

What'd you say?

I said I wish I'd never been born.

13/09/02 10:43:00.84
[ Just because they were bored ]
[ having nothing { to do in life } ]
[ Because they were so stupid { that they did not know ( what to do
( to kill time ( until they die ) ) ) } ]

13/09/02 10:43:49.87
Excerpts from "It's a Wonderful Life" featuring James Stuart.

Have you ever seen it?

13/09/02 10:46:45.11
Good morning!
What`s happening here...

13/09/02 10:48:46.84
I am a male. you are female. xx and xy. penis and vagina. is vagina mame which is bean in japanese?
male deliver and female receive and another life and it goes on and on and on.

13/09/02 10:49:52.94
OMG! I shouldn`t be laughing but have you seen the 2ch leak about
that pervert teacher called "KINGGIN teacher"?
That was so hilarious!
2ch really have to give him a prize, really lol

13/09/02 10:53:36.74
No, I've never heard of him.
How is his nickname spelled
in Japanese characters?

13/09/02 10:57:10.07
If I'm not mistaken, you're a Christian, right?
If so, are you Christians allowed to use expressions
like "OMG"? Don't they get made
when you use your Lord

89:'s name in vain? Don't take it personal. I was just curious.

13/09/02 11:00:56.19
it`s actually katakana "キンッギン先生"
r u Japanese? i mean that was really something
I guess it is related to "Kin-pachi teacher"
the popular school drama in 80s. Also mixed with a word
meaning a rigid penis → ”Kinggin"
A word「ッ」express hard solid hard his thing is

13/09/02 11:04:08.79
CLOSE SHOT 末? George and Pop at the table. Annie comes in with
some dishes.
Boys and girls and music. Why do they need gin?
She exits.
Father, did I act like that [ when I graduated from high school ]?
Pretty much. You know, George, I wish [ we could send Harry to
college with you ]. Your mother and I talked it over half the
We have [ that all figured out ]. You see, Harry'll take my job at
the [ Building ] and Loan, work there four years, then he'll go.
He's pretty young for that job.
Well, he is no younger [ than I was (young) ].
Maybe you were born older, George.
How's that?

13/09/02 11:07:59.84
A word「ッ」expresses how hard solid hard his thing is

Is it only his imagination or what?
He supposed to be a middle school teacher

According to what he wrote(i have seen the post in matome)
・he married with virgin wife
・he loves to steal girls virgin
・he thinks so sorry for all the others guys that they`ve got wives that he already had

Wow! And he wasn`t nobody but a middle school teacher!

13/09/02 11:10:09.62
ah, ah, ahhhhhhhh
i hold my weight on my left arm.
my right toe is moving on and on.
it will soon be lunch [ delivering ] time.

13/09/02 11:17:49.53
He is soooooooo sick!

Anyways, I gotta start working now
Im writing my Resume
My parents want me to stay here instead of going out of this city (sigh...)
All of my siblings gone out so maybe I need to stay here
My goodness
My friend told me that I should leave the city but I don`t know
I cannot make no decision at all

Someone told me that I can make my own blog so probably I start working
on that thing too

13/09/02 11:25:00.64
I am divorced once and I could not have a child at all
and I am so very afraid that I would not have no child even if I marry again

That really sucks and Id rather want to stay single so I need to get
start working and save some money

13/09/02 11:31:36.51

97:you`re just too young, don`t want to have a family now but it would be so much better to have family than having none I was screwed but I have to get over it It was a disaster and my hope was all collapsed but Im still alive without no one to blame There is a good saying, which I heard from granny saying that if I lose something, I gain something and vicaversa

13/09/02 13:16:07.47
she tried [ killing herself ].
black company comsumes young workers.
[ worker growing old ], the company disemployes those ones and employs younger ones.
roudou-kijunn-kyoku was of no use. we can stand against the black companies.

13/09/02 13:38:41.78
oh,my goodness.
all- life employing company fading , join out-of-the company labour union and record and fight against the company.

13/09/02 13:47:04.90
can anybody sell your female child [ milking ] goat
[ so that it can eat glass in my garden
and let { me milk out of her ( so that i can drink the milk ) } ].

13/09/02 20:06:56.97
i have to work but i do not like the season now
i will be sleeping all day when i have a day off

13/09/02 20:51:44.07
stupid afi started to chat
I know they start moving around this time asking so many stupid questions
ass hxle

13/09/03 00:13:35.49
it is so hard to have more than one culture

when u are already an adult it is not that difficult but
if ur young, you feel so lonesome almost everyday

i have to adapt myself into any environment
and that was what my life was all about

i could look into the both sides but not mature enough to explain
how i felt and i was odd

People really are so scared of strangers b/c they have hard time understanding them
That is something i define muticulture

13/09/03 00:32:23.65
How we are raised, in what kind of environment, really affects how we think about the certain things

When the background is so and so different, you only feel so tired everyday adapting

How people think here in Japan and the outside is pretty different
To live here as Japanese, you sometimes need to hide yourself, try not to speak out too much,
and erase all the edge that you have
Not too bad but took sometimes to know that or else you`ll be called, "selfish"

13/09/03 10:50:18.63
Do you know a historically famous person named Syotoku Taishi?
His saying is often cited when it comes to stating characteristics of the Japanese.
It is often said that we are apt to hav

106:e two differing opinions, honne and tatemae. Tatemae is used in order to solve problems efficiantly without hurting anyone, while pushing one's opinions tends to be avoided. A tactic named nemawashi is also used so as to keep social harmony.

13/09/03 10:54:18.28
correction pushing one's opinions too hard

13/09/03 11:38:36.60
today's sky. everybody works. handicapped people can't work. aaaahh. mothers raise children. children and mothers are having fun. fathers are working. old men are working.
they get detergency. they can't move. they give up. this is life.

13/09/03 12:33:59.14
my life is shit.

13/09/03 13:30:12.63
homelessness. i tried [ to die silently ]. habu-chari. black corporation and homeless people.
it's hub chari. you homeless person has spent all money [ that you earned ].
this is [ how people get homelessness { which they want ( to avoid ) but fall into } ].

13/09/03 14:09:34.44
kanngenn. shakai, kigyou, hyouhisha ni kanngenn.
yet the labourers there are comsumed and comsumed, then kicked off [ as they get old ].

13/09/03 16:01:58.12
thanx. It`s very impressive
Sometimes I try to

113: push my opinion too strong Not that flexbile type but still trying It`s not always bad to get nailed down b/c I learn from it

13/09/03 16:44:49.31
When I was a kid, most peopke were poor.
But it's nothing for them in those days to be poor.
They would help each other as best they could when they saw others in trouble.
For instance, if you run out of food stuff such as seasonings or rice, your neighbors would be willing to
give you some.
People have become indifferent to others as our society get rich.

13/09/03 17:18:49.14
No And Scot Ger aight? en robense
No APology Be Deutsch Rust a cult
Youen English en an enemaet enemaeatcker
Eat Brito en enbrit en assen

13/09/03 17:21:20.00
It seems that we`d lost all the power and root of being Japanese
There are a lot of people just showing off but not helping others at all
They are saying that they`re winner but that is terribly embarassing thing to see
I really do not like it

My grandpa was from bushi family, Shimazu-han, and his family was
very strict, stoic, and did not like anything flashy

After the war, he even gave out sewing machine to a black widow,
we really needed a desperate emyplo

117:yment. Although, my granpa was also having hard time with finance I could never be like him but I think there were so many honorable men back then. Who knows exactly what to do with the society

13/09/03 17:22:44.62
black widow, who really needed ... correction

13/09/03 17:29:41.32
by the way, my grandpa was good but other brothers really suck
so is my other relatives, i really hate them so much

13/09/03 17:29:50.52
Wife Don't push pussy harder cker

13/09/03 17:31:21.22
No correction

13/09/03 17:35:04.39
so I think It times to play sax I prefer flute though
Auf Auf

13/09/03 17:49:04.75
power to the
swelick my dick

13/09/04 20:01:03.55
young people can't see things very well
[ while old people see things better ].

13/09/04 20:18:09.92
actually, it`s blurred

13/09/04 23:14:24.27

13/09/04 23:38:44.85
o so gayish

13/09/05 13:13:40.74
ijime, bulliedness, being spoken ill of, someone [ who is cutting one's wrist ],
[ not meeting anyone ], she feels fine. oh my goodness.

13/09/05 21:14:11.37
you know what...
i really like the education in the foreign countries
it was more rational and speedy

by watching news, i really don`t know what the fuck their doing
with educational issues here in Japan
I don`t deny them all but everything is so messy here

forgive me if i made someone feel so bad

13/09/05 21:17:50.77
it seems as though everything is so clogged up

13/09/06 11:10:13.65
I think bad people like me is having trouble with future. do xi
Now I disappear.

13/09/06 12:12:35.38
how bad are you?
according to the Bible, it says that every human being is so sinful
i was so saved with the word, "sin"

I really prefer to be with someone who is aware of his own sin
rather than someone who thinks they are all perfect

God said that no one is ever perfect but him

13/09/06 12:17:14.22
Everybody has their own values and philosophy. So you prefer to
be with somebody who is aware of their own sins, huh?
That seems to mean that YOU are aware of your sins too, right?

Then how can you ignore your sin of having given birth to children?
That is the most horrible sin ever!

13/09/06 12:18:23.11
Some hate Bible and I really hate to join the religious group but
I do have my own faith

People really have hard time to live these days because people try to
determine others by seeing them as either right or wrong

Jesus rescued a prostitute, saying that someone who did not commit
no sin can only throw a rock

We have to learn how to accept others as well as him/herself,
even if we`re not all that perfect
God forgives us all, no matter how bad we are

13/09/06 12:21:55.78
Sin is not always bad
We know how fragile and weak we are
We cry, we learn

If human has exactly no sin, or if he/she not aware of it,
there is no real warmth or comfort

13/09/06 12:22:43.01
You're saying we have to learn to accept others. But at the same time,
you refuse to accept those who consider childbirth a crime.
You call them sick and miserable. You only accept people who
conveniently fall into your own category of goodness.
You reject all people who happen to fall out of your conveniently-built

13/09/06 12:25:53.37
But I think Im right on that
I do not certainly understand why people have sex without
considering about having a baby
That is very wrong

13/09/06 12:29:57.35
And I really think why some adults really accept
young people to have sex. The adults aren`t the ones who gets hurt
The children are

That is totally NOT acceptable in any circumstances

13/09/06 12:34:40.77
There are certain things where we should say NO
and there is a reason for that

13/09/06 12:48:36.73
If you really, truly realized how sinful people are, including yourself,
you certainly wouldn't have given birth to children.
Apart from those unaware of the futility and horror of life and mankind,
children DO NOT want to be born. Giving birth to such children
is certainly a sin, or rather, a crime.

13/09/06 14:25:45.30
Have a life. Have nice partner and have a nice sex
That solves all of your problems

13/09/06 14:28:34.51
I really do not know how long you been alive but
if ur still a virgin and never had a partner,
i guess you`ll never understand a life at all

The big difference between you and I is that I once had a life
Eventhough it didn`t work out right

It is so wonderful that 2 becomes or melt into 1

13/09/06 14:32:25.37
I am strong virgin believer although I failed...
if you never been a man, or had no chance to turned into a man,
then you most likely know less meaning of life

Those energy you have tends to pull you to the wrong direction
You are so vigor but you really do not know what to handle it, that`s it

13/09/06 14:36:45.24
i mean, how to handle it...

confidence is something about the chance

you consider about the life of miserable people but
we all deserve to be loved

13/09/06 17:45:32.86
i want to read something tearjerker.
could you tell me your favorites.

13/09/06 18:36:06.43
ummm... let me see books...
i think it depends on your age

When I was in my teen and in my early 20s, I was so sensitivo!
Now I became BBA so I really don`t cry much, eventhough I read something nice
Instead I keep on picking on the characters
Where is my pure innocent years gone?

It is so cruel to age. I really enjoy reading humorous books instead nowadays

13/09/06 18:53:28.45
I love to read books but still I love to read 百人一首
and some very romantic Haiku written about a century ago

When you start to learn the backgrounds, it is totally fantastic

I used to love the European literatures when I was in my teen and
those were so romantic but those are also very tearjerking as well

How can I ever forget about Sagan

13/09/06 18:55:52.39
The the best movies ever which I cried so much were
Italian film called, "I Girasoli" and
French film called, "Les Parapluies de Cherbourg"

Those were so incredibly Romantic films they don`t age at all

I also love Marlene Dietrich so I`ll recommend, "Morocco"
The last scene was shivering

I really hope that men do have feelings to sense those things

13/09/06 19:03:35.18
you know what I always think that an author with a good homour writes
very very very romantic stories. For example, Seiko Tanabe
Her stories and essays are filled with treasures
I am so glad that I was born after her

If you feel miserable but need to feel some warmth,
try Aki Kaurismäki`s films
I totally do love his films

13/09/06 19:05:41.51
I do not know how to spell his name it is so so so complicated
Aki Kaurismaki

13/09/06 19:08:16.44
i loathe chick lit

13/09/06 19:11:27.02
then dont ask
I am so glad that I was born as a woman
my ex didnt even read Sagan or Seiko Tanabe
That was totally upsetting but men dont like chick lit somehow

It is as though, they dont have half
I really think men is so retarded sometimes b/c of that

13/09/07 06:04:12.94
there's no such as native speaker
feel free to write

13/09/07 06:56:55.67
I have all of that!
I've had all the sex I want.
I've had all the partners I needed!
But still I am expressing all those pessimistic ideas.

YOU get off your stupid high horses
and use your tiny brains!
Or maybe you are so much of a simpleton
that you are incapable of considering
the misery of the whole planet.

The whole universe is crying!
Stop this misery already!
You can do that!
Of course, by stopping giving birth!

13/09/07 07:05:33.28
One more thing: Don't ever tell me I'm having sex
without wanting children!
Yes, I've had sex but always with contraceptive.
I've never, ever, dared to have sex without it.
I'm not as stupid as you and others you may have met in your life.
I am completely aware that children don't want to be born.
Neither did your children.
Your children may have been pretending to be grateful to you and
all that for giving birth to them. But, actually,
they HATE you for that! They didn't ask to be brought to this
stupid dirty world full of simpletons like yourselves,
who think of nothing but yourselves!
You have given birth to your children precisely to have them
please you. You wanted your children to dance like marionettes
for you, to suit your whims.

13/09/07 10:30:11.22
I am so sorry but luckily I hardly had a feeling about
"not wanting to be born on this planet"

Life is so hard and I want to quit sometimes but
at the same time, I know my parents and all the others who raised me,
they all tried and worked so hard for their own children

From the day that we started to breath, we swallow sorrows and pain as well

13/09/07 10:34:43.11
But then why we decide to give a birth to a child?

I do not deny that it is totally ego but ego is something
that we all desire to be loved and love someone else

The family matter, it is not fully love sometimes
People can easily mess up love and greed. It is totally a different thing
but sometimes we lose our way. Although, good thing about the family is
that we learn to forgive someone b/c we love them so much

13/09/07 11:23:21.81

13/09/07 11:41:22.37
i think you just consider things too much and ur just stuck
I really think that there is no such an easy way to raise a child
The father and mother aren`t perfect either, we grow together with a child

I hate someone who asks for perfection. There is merely no kindness there

Only those who can forgive himself and the others can actually capable to build
a healty family

13/09/07 11:47:21.71
I was asked to be c

161:lose to the perfect state by my parents and it was not that hard for me to get sick So then I had re-considered what went wrong on my own My dad asked perfection to himself so as to mom and mom asked perfection to her own daughter All I ever wanted in my life was to be told by someone that I am just okay to be myself I wanted to be loved eventhough I wasn`t perfect

13/09/07 11:51:43.82
When I got sick, my mom really couldn`t stand it
She kept on spanking me as though she is doing the right thing
but I got worse
I suffered so much b/c I thought I am not a good daughter
I wished so much that I wasn`t born

It was lucky for me to find a friend outside and she told me
that there is nothing so wrong with me and I burst into tears
b/c that was exactly the word I wanted to hear

13/09/07 11:57:04.98
I kept some distance with my parents and started to live on my own
I couldn`t stand facing my parents
When I finally summerized what I felt all these years,
I told mom that all I wanted was to accept the way I am
then she suddenly started to cry like a child and she said that
she wanted to be told like that since she was young

We started to change. We aren`t all perfect and that is okay

13/09/07 14:25:06.21

13/09/07 15:01:21.50
Sorry, but who in the world told you we ask for perfection?
We're asking for no such thing. We don't think we are perfect,
nor do we ask for perfection in our parents either.
All humans are imperfect. That's why we're saying we don't deserve
to have our children. Children are too precious and dear to be
born by such stupid beings as ourselves. We are too stupid to
deserve our beautiful children. Children are far, far better
off not having been born. Before birth, children were
living in peace and tranquility in the world of silence,
without agony, rape, deceit, or anything else bad.
Who the heck have the right to bring such innocent beautiful
children into this dirty shit hole called the world?

13/09/07 17:41:51.22
what did he carry? [ hitting me at one side of joe { leaving protrusiveness for one year } ]?
What did he carry? [ cutting my knee { leaving the scar even till now ( telling me ( that he would kill me with a knife ( if I make a success in the world ) ) ) } ]?
at elemetary second grade, I got a [ swelling ] at the upper lid of my left eye [ visitting many places ]
but at last my mother burned a needle and let out 'umi' and a scar was left.

13/09/07 17:44:09.92
what did he carry? [ hitting me at one side of jow { leaving protrusiveness for one year } ]?
What did he carry? [ cutting my knee { leaving the scar even till now ( telling me ( that he would kill me with a knife ( if I make a success in the world ) ) ) } ]?
at elemetary second grade, I got a [ swelling ] at the upper lid of my left eye [ visitting many places ]
but at last my mother burned a needle and let out 'umi' and a scar was left.

13/09/07 18:33:19.26
that is too terrible

13/09/07 19:13:02.48
I love the movie called " Moonstruck "
The phrase is so lively and filled with irony
Very funny and very romantic

13/09/07 19:36:57.59
What makes the title "Moonstruck" lively and ironical?
I'd appreciate it if you would explain it.

13/09/07 19:45:22.54
No no no no no

I meant the "quotes" in the movies
sorry for the confusion

13/09/07 20:00:30.42
You mean the movie a clip of which is shown here on Youtube?

If you mean that movie, I think I've seen that movie a long time ago.
If I remember correctly, that movie is the one where Nicolas Cage
is a baker (I mean, a bread-baking craftsman or something). He loves
seeing operas, right? I'm afraid I don't remember much of the plot.
But I DO remember something nice about the movie. I'd like to
see it again sometime.

13/09/07 20:39:29.40
Oh I really loved the part where Nico-chan says some nice
compliment to Cher about her dress-up. That was absolutely so sweet

It would never happen in Japan, right (deep sigh)
Japanese men are nice but they`re mostly slightly asperger,
or they`re not well trained to escort women

So I enjoy watching these kind of movies
This " Moonstruck " is absolutely so fantastic!
I have watched this like over and over and over and on and on...
I will watch this until the day I pass away for sure

13/09/07 20:47:13.68
So you love that movie that much, huh?
OK, then, I will definitely watch it again
and, this time, I'll try to savor the deepest nuances and
feelings of the film. You seem to be a very nice, educated, and
deep person, so I value your opinions and values, you know.
I'm the one who's been whining to you guys about childbirth
being a crime and things like that, but I tend to be
a sensitive, good person too.

13/09/07 21:01:18.14
don`t mind
sometimes we all get pissed in many reasons
This movie is so heart warming
I hope you enjoy watching this! (*^_^*)

13/09/07 21:15:52.43
You know, I like you. I don't know your name,
I don't know how you look, I don't know quite a lot
about you. I only came to know you about a month ago
or so only. I liked your writing so much that,
when I saw that no one seemed to want to help you
by creating this second thread for you,
I created it. I hope you'll keep on talking
here (and perhaps somewhere else on the web).
You're a very good, deep, sensitive person.
I can see that. I hope we can be good friends
on this thread. By the way, I'm a middle-aged
guy. Most probably I'm about your age.
See you tomorrow!

13/09/07 21:28:55.44
thank you. I`m so pleased to hear that
It is so fun to share opinions eventhough we do have
different ideas sometimes

See you tomorrow (*^_^*)

13/09/08 15:52:37.09

13/09/08 16:24:58.82





13/09/08 16:59:55.48

13/09/08 17:20:09.20
" sin " =罪
" original sin " =原罪


13/09/08 17:27:55.67
sylia, who used sarin? seek, [ when who did that is found ] arrest that one and keep [ that one taking care of the sarin-sufferers ].

13/09/08 17:35:33.97
what the hell went so wrong with them?
I heard that they are from very wealthy family

No religion have the right to attack on others
That`s what I truely believe and that is the only reason I study the Bible

13/09/08 17:42:28.58
But I can`t marry with a gay or a bi
It looks as though I am attacking them but I think
it is matter of like and dislike

I think there are a lot of gays out there and I think
if they feel comfortable being a gay, there is exactly no problem with that
but I don`t understand why some people attack on them too much

13/09/08 17:51:44.61
People told me here in 2ch that I suck b/c I look through the threads
searching about anal stuffs but I am afraid that my second marriage
might be ruined without knowing much about those things which might
affect my way of living

I think it is bi who wrote that but it is totally normal thing
to feel afraid of those people if you dont have that kind of tendency

13/09/08 17:55:17.71
I was lucky enough to go out with normal guys
Even after second break-ups, I must say that I was lucky

13/09/08 17:57:11.33
Does that mean your present marriage is your third?
Sorry, I don't mean to pry. I'm just curious. . . .

13/09/08 18:03:57.64
my first marriage was ended in divorce but I used to have my ex
before that

13/09/08 18:07:11.18
and I was never pregnant
I feel terrible about that
I really hated reading about the children topics but then
my sis got pregnant and I have my own nephews now
They are totally cute and I feel fine listening about the children now

13/09/08 18:10:20.44
Could I ask you how many children you have and how old they are?
If you don't want to answer, you don't have to.

13/09/08 18:12:12.92
Can you eat a meal a guy or bi cook for you?

13/09/08 18:14:50.13

13/09/08 18:19:48.29
I do not have no child at all
I can not get pregnant somehow

13/09/08 18:25:24.40
How many people are talking, I wonder?
Some are talking in Japanese, others in English.
I guess several people are talking.

13/09/08 18:26:19.04
that`s no problem but it`s that I cannot marry with gay or bi
b/c they keep on talking about anal and it totally freaked me out

I think a homo is much safer than a bi

13/09/08 18:27:55.14

13/09/08 18:28:53.48
Oops. . . all of a sudden somebody starts talking in English. LOL

13/09/08 18:33:22.21
>>Oops. . . all of a sudden somebody starts talking in English. LOL

No, I mean. . . in Japanese.

13/09/08 18:40:54.93
look up dictionary

13/09/08 18:57:43.01
I did not divorce if I had a child
My ex did not have no problem having no child
but I wanted a child so badly
We started to have quarrels and I really could not stand him
so I left

13/09/08 19:04:52.45
People who are heterosexual is easy. Bisexual I know lots of lesbians are in Europe.
Gays are everywhere. Be having double penis scare me.

13/09/08 19:05:40.75
Was your husband sterile or something? Sorry, here again, I don't
mean to pry. Or was he totally against the idea of having children
although he was able to produce children?

13/09/08 19:15:22.61
That's the point. Please chat I don't own 2ch though.

13/09/08 19:19:27.21
I can see that several people are talking here, not just one or two.
The problem, however, is that most people write only one or two very short
sentences. Everybody, please write a little more. Otherwise your
messages don't get through.

13/09/08 19:22:37.79
I think that he really did not like a child
He was the one who thinks having no baby is okay and
he had exactly no problem with that

I never knew those kind of people exist even after the marriage

Maybe he did not want to have a child b/c he was still young
I really do not know. He got pissed whenever I started to whine about it

13/09/08 19:38:49.92
It's just my imagination, but your ex-husband may have had
a hidden pessimism about life. He may have thought that
people were better off unborn. He may have hated the
idea of himself having been born. That may have been his hidden
set of ideas, but he may have hidden those ideas deep in his mind
so that he may have been unaware of them himself. Why?
Because his parents, siblings, friends and acquaintances, relatives,
and the rest of society all expected him to think positively
instead of negatively as he may have tended to think of life.
That may have been why he got that pissed off at your hint of
having children with him. I imagine that, unawares, he could not
face his own pessimism. That may have been too painful for him.
He may have always been trying to hide his profound pessimism,
pretending instead to be happy and optimistic.

13/09/08 19:58:45.83
Thanks. I really appreciate writing me about that

I didn`t have that kind of imagination and I regret about that
I only thought that he just wanted his own time rather than
having a baby

I wish I had a time to think about how he felt about having a baby

I really hope that he will find a good parter next time

13/09/08 20:31:50.88
I'm positive you already realize how weak men are. Lots of people
say that men are much weaker than women. Women are basically
capable of owning their own feelings, admitting that they have
their negative feelings as well as their positive ones. They
are capable of whining, crying, and moping. They are allowed, <

209:br> both by society and by themselves, to cry in front of others. The rest of society, except for some very strict, Spartan-minded people, is ready to console such crying women. Through that process of whining, crying, talking loudly about their own negative thoughts and feelings, and being listened to and consoled by others, women are allowed to grow up. Men are situated in a completely different environment. Men are expected to be whatever women are NOT. The definition of men is people who are not feminine. Women can always expect men to be whatever they are not. "Hey, you are a man, aren't you? Then why can't you do this and that? We, on the other hand, are weak and all, so we don't have to do that." However, no man is actually that strong. Men do have the right to have their own feelings, both positive and negative. Men do feel like whining and crying sometimes. But society expects them NOT to feel sad or to have such negative feelings. Society expects them to be strong and always protect women. It follows that, while growing up, men cultivate an overdeveloped sense of responsibility and hide their negative feelings. They succeed in hiding them so skillfully that they come to become completely (or almost completely) unaware of their sad feelings. They always not to cry. (to be continued)

13/09/08 20:32:39.07

In all process, men become insensitive not only to their own feelings
but also to others, including the feelings of their loved ones.
Women should try to understand that it is entirely impossible
for anyone, man or woman, to deny their own feelings (especially negative ones),
thereby looking strong on the surface, and still to
understand the feelings of others.

Men are not Supermen. Their wives and female friends expect
too much from them. It is only natural that some men drop out
in the process and shut themselves up, pretending that they
don't care a bit about anything that may happen around themselves.


13/09/08 21:25:51.34
I used to feel the same way. I couldn`t express but
I used to believe in that way until my ex-bf betrayed me

Woman to Woman works in that way
But to Woman to Man it is rather more complicated, I think
b/c we both have different needs

You see, a lot of times that men tend to like women who
acts like she cannot do anything, whine easily, cry all the times,
and she needs to look weak
No matter how the world changes, that does not change

13/09/08 21:43:09.18
Man and woman, they will probably have no full understanding of each other
even until the day we pass away

Women are strong but not always strong
I even think that some girls just know way too much about how men feel
They calculate and whine accurately so that men feel satisfied
They don`t write in anonymous threads, they properly use these tools
to attract some stupid men. Like I have seen them so many times!
And all the men are like, "oh she is such a sweet girl" and
she is cheating behind his back lol
I always think that men is really stupid

13/09/08 21:52:35.01
I do not want to be twisted but with all sorts of lies, I am totally lost

Men do not really enjoy women being independent
but look at those women. They are so fatigued, including my aunts and relatives
They are hospitalized do to the stress

Look at the women who has done a great job looking weak
They are the strong ones

I really hate those kinda craps

13/09/08 22:08:43.55
Although, my ex-bf and ex-husband, whom I had gone out with
at least they did not have much lies about those things
I feel so comfortable in that way

13/09/09 08:59:42.75
I think many people are neither talking nor chatting here.
All I can see is a rant.

13/09/09 09:09:31.62
it`s a good thing
because see the title here "BBA"
as we get old, we need a place to rant

13/09/09 10:31:00.16
All right!! Hi five!

13/09/09 12:55:19.79
デビット・ベネイター(David Benatar, 1966年12月8日 - )は生命倫理を専門とする倫理学者・哲学者。南アフリカケープタウン大学哲学科教授。
著書 "Better Never to Have Been : The Harm of Coming Into Existence" (『生まれてこない方が良い: 存在し始めるという災難』)で展開した反出生主義(Antinatalism)の擁護で最もよく知られている。

ベネイターはチャイルド・フリー(en:Child free)のような立場と自身の立場をはっきりと区別する。チャイルド・フリーのような考え方は、自

13/09/09 13:08:16.88
wear condoms and it resolves almost every problems

13/09/09 13:18:22.69

13/09/09 13:37:51.66
middle aged

222:woman's dream finally come true!

13/09/09 13:40:48.46
You miserable pricks, you're jealous of this eloquent woman, right?

13/09/09 13:47:39.49
actually, i am

13/09/09 14:25:04.63
>>208 sorry I don't have a time to read ironical English books made in South Africa.
I gotta go.

13/09/09 14:53:41.70
putting my thoughts in english

what will i write? cancer which is a desease where one japanese out of only two gets in japan.
the length of 11 years is passing away from her. she is living, working speaking what patients can talk.
patient meant being patient. survivor gets the person with hope. she joins the society.
people talking of things next year, she think that she may not be living at that time.
I keep writing maybe as long as i live. deseases are so many many. type c affection on the liver and type b affection attack people.

13/09/09 14:56:32.91
What will I write? Cancer [ which is a desease { where one Japanese out of only two gets in Japan } ].
The length of 11 years is passing away from her. she is living and working, [ speaking { what patients can talk } ].
Patient originally means [ being patient ]. Survivor gets the person with hope. She joins the society.
[ People talking of things next year ], she thinks [ that she may not be living at that time ].
I keep [ writing ] maybe [ as long as I live ]. Deseases are so many many.
Type c affection on the liver and type b affection attack people.

13/09/09 15:00:23.01

13/09/09 16:11:31.40
are you fighting with cancer?
that`s so tough
are you okay?

13/09/09 16:14:05.13
I have seen the speech which Crystal Takigawa made
She is so amazing!
I quit studying French but I regret about that now

So beautiful and really charming
It was totally WOW

13/09/09 16:17:00.43
cool! Go Crystal!

13/09/09 16:25:50.63
Christel Takigawa. . . yeah, I just checked her out on a couple of
short spot announcements on YouTube. Yes, she is beautiful.
Yes, she seems refined. But lots of other women are that beautiful
and refined. What specifically makes her that popular?

13/09/09 16:51:15.20
Well, I knew her because she was a very famous announcer
but never knew that she was this great until today!

Like she never spoken no French previously and we really did not know
her ability that much

I can say this. Speaking in the place like that with so much
fluent French(sorry, I dont know much about French though)
It was very terrific!

13/09/09 16:53:39.33
There are tons of people who speaks English and Japanese but
I think it is very hard to find some who speaks in French

She is also beautiful, elegant, and she is trained


13/09/10 06:21:47.75
Sorry, I don't have a TV, so I didn't know Christel Takigawa
made such a speech. Is the speech accessible on the web?
Did she give the speech in French?

13/09/10 08:58:20.60
Good morning!
I think you can see them on youtube
She made her speech in French

13/09/10 16:26:37.11
I hope [ that my body will get the stroke in the brain out of me ].
That year in nagasaki an atomic bomb was blasted. The moment it was like Sodom and Gomora in the Bible.
The city people got dead instantly. Those [ (who were) alive ] were [ burned out ] people [ walking with { burned } and { drooping } skin ].
Those [ who did not look { injured } outlookingly ] got { injured cellly } and suffered from atomic radiation.

13/09/10 17:05:21.50
I just hope no nuclear weapon anymore
It is just too painful and I only wish all the children are safe and free

I am very weak at political matters but as a woman,
I cannot stand listening to what is happening to children around the world

I just cannot watch those news. I have my own nephews and it really overlaps
and I really do get so sick and want to puke
I feel so frightened

13/09/10 17:15:50.42
I think no sane mothers in this world would want to let their own
children to suffer in that way

To raise a child, a mother has to sacrifice so many things and gives all the
love she has. Losing her child so easily must be very painful
and it is just a tradegy

13/09/10 17:31:57.72


13/09/10 17:35:30.70
there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed

13/09/10 17:47:41.18
>To raise a child, a mother has to sacrifice so many things and gives all the
>love she has.


13/09/10 18:51:15.36
What is taking this husband so long to make a decision
I would probably go on my own to get my baby back!
Poor wife, everyone passed away...

o shut up

I couldn`t see this all. It is so rediculous
The big city is very dangerous place for the children to live

13/09/10 19:38:07.65
pretending is something i don't like. But lot of people are actually pretending before i reach to orgasm.

13/09/10 20:06:10.79
maybe you`re trying too hard
I only know about my ex but...
it is very important for both to feel relaxed and comfortable, i guess

I think conversation really helps to solve those problems

I believe that it is not quite comfortable to have sex with someone
you really don`t trust much
You only concentrate on your effort and really not focued on how your partner`s thinking

13/09/10 20:09:21.97
Have you ever talked about like and dislike?
Have you ever talked about your weakness?

The good thing about sex is feeling accepted by the person who you love
I find no more reason than that

Take a time to build the relationship and it is very important not to rush

13/09/11 20:09:52.38
Hirose was said by that missionary's wife. Hirose is read in their language [ (which is) English ] as 'hi, rose!'
Live, he lives until the day [ that he ascends to heaven ]. He is, he, she is everyone.
Step by step each one fades out. My step is only one step down till death. I expect several steps [ till I die ].

l live. I live on. You live. You live on. Everybody lives. Everybody lives on.
My [ neigboring ] person looked [ (to be) 10 years younger { when I brought my residence-( moving ) gift about 3 months ago } ] [ than he looked today ].
This neigbor is the person [ who will cut grass in my garden the day after tomorrow ].

13/09/11 20:54:31.97
Who is Hirose?

13/09/12 00:19:12.51
hirose is not who. it is where. it is in miyazaki prefecture.

13/09/12 17:45:56.74
OMFG this will be so interesting.....

13/09/12 22:14:25.21
I have not seen this but I think sex is not about the technique
but caring each other

When people start to talk about techniques, I really wonder
have they ever been in love?

13/09/15 23:21:19.82
286 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2013/09/14(土) 14:07:28.51

13/09/15 23:23:03.05
309 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2013/09/15(日) 22:20:42.79

13/09/16 17:20:07.96
Who the hell posted these stupid comments!

13/09/16 17:44:00.83
これってmiddle aged womanじゃないの?

13/09/16 17:55:28.28
These posts? NO WAY!
I am Christian and I do not have an affair like this

13/09/16 19:40:36.71
でも何となくmiddle aged womanと共通点多い気がする

13/09/16 20:18:07.56
I really hope I can act like her without no shame
and so my life would be so different now
Though, there is no pride at all

13/09/16 21:49:11.28

13/09/17 00:02:38.48
It would be so nice we were just animals
I mean they are totally no brainers!
You don`t really need to think about the consequences nor responsibility
How easy life can be living like that
And they do have some kind of thoughts like,
" I can do everything b/c we`re in love "
that is so dopamin but not everyone is so talented

13/09/17 01:03:16.40
You know, love is mental and sex is physical.
Since I'm the opposite sex, I don't know at all how you feel physically when you have intercourse
with a man.
But for men, sex is something that gives you ecstasy or orgasm, so it's totally physical.
Because of this, it is not too much to say that for men, any woman will do if only she has a hole with her. lol

13/09/17 12:06:44.22
well every men has his own penis and we do have a hole
but as a woman, i believe that there is not much ecstasy when
there is no trust among a couple
Yes, i think woman can pretend like she is having ecstasy but
it is nothing much more to it. It will be probably like some kind of
risky exercise
I really believe that women cannot really feel good without a trust
The real sex or love is more sensitive than that

13/09/17 12:11:34.28
Like when I watched those porns, I really do not understand why
some men really think that she is having ecstacy like that
Her voice is way too noisy, almost annoying, and not kissing properly

I mean, girls watch them together and most of experience women laugh about that, seriously
It looks very funny but not that erotic, you know

Maybe some guys are really satisfied with that and it`s very poor

13/09/17 12:31:26.37
your ex doesn't watch porn videos?

13/09/17 15:32:53.58
they didn`t while we were together

13/09/17 16:57:04.33
I don't want to talk back to you but I have a feeling that you can't represent all the women
because sexual sensibility seems to be different from person to person.
They say the more a woman has sexual experience, the higher her sensitivity becomes.
So, if you are a phisically "developed" woman, maybe you can feel soooo good without such a mental

13/09/17 17:20:57.07
some menて書いてるけどalmost all menじゃないかなavを見る男は

13/09/17 17:49:34.68
That remainded me of a story about their marriage which Akashiya Sanma told his ex wife and Turube
on youtube.
When he was watching a porn video Kitano takeshi gave him, his mother-in-law suddenly came in his room.
He was so surprised and tried to stop the tape in haste but mistakenly pressed the pause button.
A picture of a naked girl with her legs wide open spread all over the screen!
On seeing that, his mother-in-law apologized to him, saying " しのぶがすいません!”

13/09/17 18:12:32.54
I never said that watching porn is bad or something like that
I just said that those things seem not so true

If you read other threads, every women seem to mention about
that guys really do depend on what they see in the porn videos
and some women feel so confused

And you know what that is absolutely funny b/c we`re like
what the fuck ur doing!?

13/09/17 18:16:36.42
This is such a funny story which I heard several years ago and it was so hilarious!

This girl was going out with this guy, her ex by that time, and
she told me that he gave her too much fast pistons and she was like
" What the fxxk! " and she told him that it just hurts so much and
asked him to move slowly. Then he said, " I`ve seen that in a porn video " lol

We were so stunned when we heard that!

13/09/17 18:21:14.04
guys if your almost virgin, try being NORMAL

13/09/17 18:24:51.38
Maybe if ur young, you might have this macho instinct saying that
tougher and faster but Nahhhhh... don`t trust that

Communication is very important. U get used to it someday
Just don`t move that fast. Don`t you force yourself to be that way
NO need to do that

13/09/17 18:57:47.51
後学のためにmiddle aged womanの理想のセックスの手順を書いてみて

13/09/17 20:35:26.92
I am a middle aged man.
If you let me, I'd like to tell you about the way I make love with my loved one. lol
To begin with, I always hold her in my arms with all my might so that I can convey how much I love her.

Next, I whisper a typical phrase " I love you" to her ear. I'm quite shy about saying such a cliche but even so,
I've heard most women would be happy to hear that.

Actually,I have no girl friends, so all of what I've just said is a creation of my fancy. lol

13/09/17 21:44:06.82
That is totally so sweet

I got so freaked out when some guys started to talk about a different hole
I am so glad that my ex never had no interest to that thing
It was my very first time to hear that thing and I am so glad that I read some
threads in 2ch. It was very helpful to me

I thought that normal thing is very gifted and some people are so very evil

13/09/17 22:01:51.34
How could anyone can have sex when they are over 30 yrs old?
Whenever I read threads, I have no clue at all

Maybe it is something like routine and if you don`t have
that routine, you kind of forget it

I feel sad but I also feel very comfortable in this state
My friend told me the same thing

It is totally like we are born to be MO

13/09/17 22:36:07.35
a man and a woman will have orgasm [ if they try { to understand each other truly } ].

13/09/17 22:52:37.29
nice to hear that and I think that is so true
The trust is very important

13/09/17 23:18:09.32
I can`t believe someone finding partner where there is no proof
saying that he/she is married or not

My former coalleague, she was dating with this guy, who she thought
was a single. She told me that he was just a typical engineer and
not that flashy at all

That was something so suprising to hear

Some thinks that having affair isn`t something that bad but
for those who really cares, it is not even funny at all

I don`t use no service w/o no info. It is totally very dangerous

13/09/17 23:22:59.26
I do not know if it is true or not but one thread mentioned about
that this guy married with this young woman but then she brought
a child whom she gave birth when she was only 16
It said that she never mentioned before they got married

If that is true then it is very scary

There are certain kind of people, where they don`t care much about others but
only their needs. It is very rude but also very scary

13/09/17 23:49:46.51

13/09/18 00:16:17.98

13/09/18 07:20:27.59
don`t you 自己弁護 watching porns all the times!

you totally make me laugh from the morning
I mean, you are talking about the advantage of watching porns
and it looks so of excuses to watch them

13/09/18 07:21:50.10
yeah, i know. it looks as though he is making some excuses for
watching 3 porns per day

13/09/18 11:44:01.59
so funny to see Japanese in here

13/09/18 12:58:56.98
My favorite porn actresses are Sakura Mana and Kojima Minami.
Both of them are so cute!
I've been taken care of by them for a long time, so I know I'm not qualified to say this, but still I don't understand
what for such cute girls selected this kind of job . Only for money?

13/09/18 12:59:27.72
Well most Japanese comments are very serious lol

it`s about noon so maybe I can discuss about the sex
In Japanese, it says, something like a guy who does slow piston
really do not think about a partner but himself and we have to
give guys a credit for moving fast b/c he is trying to satisfy her

Honesty, sometimes, the slow piston is far much better than the fast ones
Taking time is so important but I had my last sex about a decade ago, and
we were totally young and maybe that made it possible

13/09/18 13:05:03.08
My ex was young and I was young
We were in a perfect shape!

Although, sadly, when we age, guys performance decrease and
so do women get old. I believe that the old couples just have to hurry up
compare to when we were actually young

I do not know much but hey guys! Don`t waste your time but
have really nice sex while you are still young!

13/09/18 13:06:12.32
ちょっとまて、 last sexが a decade agoってあんたいったい何年前に離


13/09/18 13:11:45.91
Even your favorite AV girls get old someday
Her boobs will gradually start to decline, also her ass as well
Her face will have some wrinkles and maybe she need to do something
with her spots on her face

So do men`s performance go down

Having sex with loved ones when ur young is something so wonderful

13/09/18 13:14:17.13
Oh by the way, do not have sex when ur a student
it won`t give you much satisfaction b/c ur worried about having a baby
Your body and soul, totally depend on money you receive
even a little amount, to feel satisfied
Being responsible for your action and loving your partner, and
having sex is the right way and the most way you can get better satisfaction

13/09/18 13:15:50.03
a yr ago but we did not have sex
we were just like friends

13/09/18 20:51:39.13
それを君がfunny と言っているところに意味深なものを感じる。

296:真司の本によると西欧社会ではパーティーなどの社交の場で自分のパートナーが異性の目に さらされるようなシステムが確立されているので夫婦が自分たちの性を意識する環境にあるとか。 対して日本にはそのような社会的慣行がないので日本人夫婦は日常生活のなかで男女関係が次第に 同士あるいは友達のような関係に変わっていく傾向にあるとか。

13/09/18 21:11:31.92
it is very complex because we both had our own fault
He was very busy with his work after we got married for like 2 years
He was working almost everyday until late night

And I started to eat too much foods and after 2 years gone by,
I gained 20kgs

I thought I waited for him and result ended up like this but
he was very upset
Although, we were really good partners. Then I started to feel that
I want a baby but he always talked about my diet and I was so tired to hear that

We started to quarrel every single day, I got so pissed, and he was also rigid
and I really did not feel good after watching all the other friends are getting
pregnant. So we talked and we seperated. Actually, I came back to my parents`s house
and never returned there for like few months or so

13/09/18 21:17:59.92
Anyways, my sis told me that he was not bad but he wasn`t that considerate type and
I can find someone new anyways. And she told me that I don`t have to work on a diet
(though, I had lost 10kgs from stress-free environment) because
she believes that men who are really noisy is not the type for character like us
That is so true

We are big-hearted and we have to be in order to raise a child, but
noisy personality really do not help us at all but to make us feel bad

13/09/18 21:22:26.13
It was good spending time with my ex-husband but maybe
it was a good time for us to split before we have a baby

I never get along with noisy type anyways, no matter how good he earns

My mom, except the education, she raised us with such a big-heart
and I really appreciate that and I`ll stay on a track like that

13/09/18 21:50:27.95

13/09/18 22:06:03.12
you don`t have to
Some says that I am not that delicate but I don`t mean to be rude at all
I just thought that it was funny

Well, watching porn and learn some technique aren`t maybe that bad
but maybe it works much more better if you try to communicate with ur own partner

I do not know about how the other feels like but every person is different
and you really do not know what he/she likes until you ask him/her

13/09/19 02:53:21.63

13/09/22 13:34:06.54

13/09/22 14:54:47.74
get your hair on top, baldy

13/09/24 20:38:08.43
I am going to watch " Halloween "
What is so Halloween about me is that my arm hairs seem to get thick every single year
I think my hormone is getting weaker and I am probably becoming more like a man

I feel like it`s totally " Somebody that I used to know "

13/09/25 00:00:41.38
【社会】「クリスチャンだから起立しなかった。」「迷惑かけてるとは思わない」国歌斉唱不起立、処分不服で府を提訴 大阪[09/24]

13/09/25 02:37:30.09

13/09/25 11:27:58.72
I saw many hysteric wives. I would like to see the face of their husbands...
They are just everywhere. Mostly above 40 yrs old
Man are also very hysteric when he becomes old
We all have ch

309:ance to be like this Although, 土下座 is so awful and unbelievable, but there are good claims too and we need to determine what is good and bad claims

13/09/25 11:32:18.94
I used to live in this apartment but the estate company had lied to us so much

At first, we gave them this claim but they never listen, especially when you are female
Second time, I contacted them because I received no reply for several months but
no reply yet. So the third time, I really made this very strong claim

After that, this person is charge, he is a guy, he became so mad or something,
and he never did anything

The real estate company is filled with gender racists for sure

13/09/25 11:34:56.22
Especially, I lived in very country side, I think their behavior
is something so and so bad

The contract and the situation of the apartment was so different

13/09/30 00:14:10.90
very countryside??? where is it? rural or urban

13/09/30 00:42:14.60
very very very unbelievably country-side
Have you seen the news about the murder in Yamaguchi prefecture?
It`s almost close to that village a little more big than that but
and there is no single light during night time
Beautiful stars but that`s all

13/09/30 00:45:13.78
Now I understand why you are so narrow minded because you grew up in such a terrible environment

13/09/30 01:45:31.11
Oh, you must be in a state of euphoria now because you thought you gave her a crushing blow
with that comment.
Unfortunately, it was nothing to her.

13/09/30 01:53:25.46
I see. I guess bigger city is fine, but seeing beautiful stars would be amazing.

13/09/30 02:41:20.26
Seeing stars LOL
that's exactly what rural people seem to do that! LOL because they don't have anything else to do but seeing stars LOL

seeing stars LOL

13/09/30 03:43:57.07
yeah. watching stars? look up on the sky? No way
stargazing is amazing anyway

13/09/30 03:53:50.83
You are so pathetic

13/09/30 04:13:13.13
I think you are. People like you should do something great not seeing stars.
By the way, I'm sorry for the slaughter.

13/09/30 04:14:32.33
OMFG you just confessed you murdered someone?!

Maybe I should call the police

13/09/30 04:18:18.01
I mean I feel sorry for the slaughter of Yamaguchi prefecture.

13/09/30 09:44:55.89
I know. Many people who live in the city really do not know
what really happened there. People in the country-side they could be
really mean and persistent sometimes
They also have their own rules and once they hate it, they`ll just say
"leave this place"
They are very arrogant

13/09/30 09:49:37.34
So many unbelievable things happened while I was living in the country-side
and I noticed that it is better not to communicate with them
Once you start to have a communication, they`ll try to use you
They don`t try to share but try to use you because they know how
power thing works and how illegal they are, they know there will be no witness

The country-side is a place with no law

13/09/30 09:53:43.74

13/09/30 09:55:36.38
Although, they have got their own rules
Not all are bad but I prefer to live in the city

I cannot believe all my blind dates are from very country side
I rather live alone than to live there
So shitty

13/09/30 10:00:19.45
Well, kind of but city is much better
I really don`t try to have communication with other employees or
whatever. It just gives me a slight headache

I have been around many countries but they don`t really know that
They don`t need to because I am so sick with seeing some jealousy
and I feel that I am lacked up

I think it is not only me but it is better not to talk
Everything goes well like this

13/09/30 12:58:33.11
つーか、middle aged woman自身がその田舎者のイメージとピッタリなんだが

13/09/30 13:14:45.81

13/10/01 21:14:09.32
Yeah, I'm a country bumpkin. What's wrong with that?

13/10/02 08:29:08.92
There is no real Tokyoite, only few
Just a bunch of duckweed there

So I am okay with country-side BBA
I got my own dialect, I got my own family & city history, and so on

13/10/02 08:35:09.74
It is so awful that when I try to have this blind date,
there is nobody from the city like me

They are all from very country-side, like very edge in the Prefecture map
It`s even close to the neighboring prefecture
What is so worse is that they have this strange dialect different from ours
They got like totally different culture as well, I mean foods

It`s about a history. The map of these days really aren`t real
The old days maps are quite accurate to understand tendency of
the character of people who lives there

13/10/02 08:37:22.23
I had met this man quite a long time ago, before I married my ex
and he was from the same prefecture and spoke and ate almost the same thing
I was proposed but I married my stupid ex and I still think I was really stupid

13/10/02 10:47:35.38

13/10/02 11:01:07.99
訂正  悔悟→悔恨

13/10/02 11:50:33.22
I mean literally no sex for 5 years and no baby
He wasn`t a bad guy but I was like whatz dat?

I do have no luck toward men
The first one was a gambler and used some of my savings for gambling,
never worked
The second one was not even a man at all...

I have no intention of getting those types of men but I did

My life really sucks
Everyone tells me that I only know 2 men but I think mostly
men are all the sam

13/10/02 11:54:59.70
what difference does it make to know another bastard in my life
I rather want them out of my life

The troubles increase when they are around me
I feel so free to be alone, although I do not know whether this is
the right choice but I don`t trust them anymore

We are totally so different and I do not understand at all
I feel so stupid for things I did for them sometimes,
feeling so cheap and I hate it

13/10/02 13:27:43.17
この前、decade agoって

13/10/02 17:22:55.48
I was married with my husband 5 years and I broke up with my ex-boyfriend
2-3 years before that, I broke up with my husband a yr ago,
it will be total of 8 years dah...

13/10/02 21:29:16.16
男はみんな同じだって? 馬鹿を言っちゃいけないよ。

13/10/02 23:06:44.86
I mean, my ex never betrayed me in that way

The first ex, I know he really loved me eventhough he was a gambler
but I do not know about my ex husband
I think that we made mistake that we were just friends instead of partner

13/10/02 23:12:56.20
I really hate guys who keep on saying that women are all parasites

My first ex, I worked so hard but I noticed as hard as I work,
he doesn`t work! So this is a rule I noticed,
" Under the comfortable situation, man lose power to work "

It is not only me who experienced this matter
I used to think that if I work hard, he will try his best as well but
that was a big mistake

13/10/02 23:15:36.19
I think men who accused women as said above, I think
they have slight tendency of parasite himself

The problem is that he does not carry baby in the womb
and he cannot even feed a baby from his own breasts

So I think no women want those kind of men around them
when they try to have a family

13/10/02 23:18:10.67
Another problem is that they think that raising baby is not that
hard task... stupid

I think they never imagine about waking up in every 3 hrs to breast feed
their own baby. dahhhh...
Lack of imagination. Poor brainer. Nobody really want them

13/10/03 09:21:58.76
子供の頃は全然構ってもらえなかったから憎しみにも似た感情を彼女に抱いていた。 何も知らなかったとは


13/10/03 12:00:39.29
My mom earned more than my dad when they got married
but she had me so she quitted her job

Then dad gone to Europe for several years when we were young,
and mom had to raise us all by herself. We had gone to both
grandparents houses

I rememeber my mom was always sick with fever during weekend and
all the relatives took care of us

We then moved to many places. Mom was housewife but she was
really brilliant. She taught us many subjects, we`ve learned both
English and Japanese from her. She taught us math as well

13/10/03 12:04:22.94
She is a excellent cook, she can cook almost everything
We had to invite many people, including foreigners
We always had this party on weekends

She always made like 10 types of foods alone
We used to help her a lot though

13/10/03 12:13:31.78

13/10/03 13:50:45.27
No we`re not
We are just slightly better than the middle class

13/10/05 17:10:38.24
You should give your money to poor people!
That's something Christians should!

13/10/05 18:08:41.66
Yeah I know
I should just donate some money on Christmas day since I got no date
My first ex was busy with gambling on every Christmas day
My second ex was busy with work
Maybe some poor people with family deserve more than me

13/10/05 18:11:17.47
Just Joking
I`ll donate to my nephews
My sis got a lot of kids
Another sis and I never had a kid so those are only kids we have

13/10/05 18:27:57.77
Why you don't donate your money to people you are not familiar with?

You are proud Christian so you should what you can be proud of!

13/10/05 20:13:41.36
Why don`t you do it?

13/10/05 20:19:40.90
Actually I do. You don't do any charity work even though you are a proud Christian? Wtf...

13/10/05 20:40:52.75
whatever. Maybe ur related to some kinda religion
because they try to force other to donate, you know...
But charity is not something which should be forced to do
READ the Bible

13/10/05 20:45:17.63
Read the bible?
So what do you think about slavery in the bible?
You justify it? Oh well of course you are!
You are freaking Christian!
You LOVE to kill innocent people in the name of god!

13/10/05 20:55:10.20
God Commands Burning Human

"The one who has stolen what was set apart for destruction will himself be burned with fire, along with everything he has, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a horrible thing in Israel." (Joshua 7:15 NLT)

13/10/05 20:56:51.99
Chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of himself.
As gold in the furnace, he proved them, and as sacrificial offerings he took them to himself. In the time of their visitation they shall shine,
and shall dart about as sparks through stubble; (Wisdom 3:5-7 NAB The Book of The Wisdom of Solomon is mostly in Catholic versions of the Bible.)

13/10/05 20:59:40.73
As for you, son of man, prophesy: Thus says the Lord GOD against the Ammonites and their insults: A sword, a sword is drawn for slaughter, burnished to consume and to flash lightning,
because you planned with false visions and lying divinations to lay it on the necks of depraved and wicked men whose day has come when their crimes are at an end.
Return it to its sheath! In the place where you were created, in the land of your origin, I will judge you.
I will pour out my indignation upon you, breathing my fiery wrath upon you, I will hand you over to ravaging men, artisans of destruction.
You shall be fuel for the fire, your blood shall flow throughout the land. You shall not be remembered, for I, the LORD, have spoken. (Ezekiel 21:33-37 NAB)

13/10/05 21:01:28.00
"Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods.
In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully.
If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock.
Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it.
Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God.
That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction.
Then the L

362:ORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)
