Chat in Engish (オバさん専用) Part2at ENGLISH
Chat in Engish (オバさん専用) Part2 - 暇つぶし2ch309:ance to be like this Although, 土下座 is so awful and unbelievable, but there are good claims too and we need to determine what is good and bad claims

13/09/25 11:32:18.94
I used to live in this apartment but the estate company had lied to us so much

At first, we gave them this claim but they never listen, especially when you are female
Second time, I contacted them because I received no reply for several months but
no reply yet. So the third time, I really made this very strong claim

After that, this person is charge, he is a guy, he became so mad or something,
and he never did anything

The real estate company is filled with gender racists for sure

13/09/25 11:34:56.22
Especially, I lived in very country side, I think their behavior
is something so and so bad

The contract and the situation of the apartment was so different

13/09/30 00:14:10.90
very countryside??? where is it? rural or urban

13/09/30 00:42:14.60
very very very unbelievably country-side
Have you seen the news about the murder in Yamaguchi prefecture?
It`s almost close to that village a little more big than that but
and there is no single light during night time
Beautiful stars but that`s all

13/09/30 00:45:13.78
Now I understand why you are so narrow minded because you grew up in such a terrible environment

13/09/30 01:45:31.11
Oh, you must be in a state of euphoria now because you thought you gave her a crushing blow
with that comment.
Unfortunately, it was nothing to her.

13/09/30 01:53:25.46
I see. I guess bigger city is fine, but seeing beautiful stars would be amazing.

13/09/30 02:41:20.26
Seeing stars LOL
that's exactly what rural people seem to do that! LOL because they don't have anything else to do but seeing stars LOL

seeing stars LOL

13/09/30 03:43:57.07
yeah. watching stars? look up on the sky? No way
stargazing is amazing anyway

13/09/30 03:53:50.83
You are so pathetic

13/09/30 04:13:13.13
I think you are. People like you should do something great not seeing stars.
By the way, I'm sorry for the slaughter.

13/09/30 04:14:32.33
OMFG you just confessed you murdered someone?!

Maybe I should call the police

13/09/30 04:18:18.01
I mean I feel sorry for the slaughter of Yamaguchi prefecture.

13/09/30 09:44:55.89
I know. Many people who live in the city really do not know
what really happened there. People in the country-side they could be
really mean and persistent sometimes
They also have their own rules and once they hate it, they`ll just say
"leave this place"
They are very arrogant

13/09/30 09:49:37.34
So many unbelievable things happened while I was living in the country-side
and I noticed that it is better not to communicate with them
Once you start to have a communication, they`ll try to use you
They don`t try to share but try to use you because they know how
power thing works and how illegal they are, they know there will be no witness

The country-side is a place with no law

13/09/30 09:53:43.74

13/09/30 09:55:36.38
Although, they have got their own rules
Not all are bad but I prefer to live in the city

I cannot believe all my blind dates are from very country side
I rather live alone than to live there
So shitty

13/09/30 10:00:19.45
Well, kind of but city is much better
I really don`t try to have communication with other employees or
whatever. It just gives me a slight headache

I have been around many countries but they don`t really know that
They don`t need to because I am so sick with seeing some jealousy
and I feel that I am lacked up

I think it is not only me but it is better not to talk
Everything goes well like this

13/09/30 12:58:33.11
つーか、middle aged woman自身がその田舎者のイメージとピッタリなんだが

13/09/30 13:14:45.81

13/10/01 21:14:09.32
Yeah, I'm a country bumpkin. What's wrong with that?

13/10/02 08:29:08.92
There is no real Tokyoite, only few
Just a bunch of duckweed there

So I am okay with country-side BBA
I got my own dialect, I got my own family & city history, and so on

13/10/02 08:35:09.74
It is so awful that when I try to have this blind date,
there is nobody from the city like me

They are all from very country-side, like very edge in the Prefecture map
It`s even close to the neighboring prefecture
What is so worse is that they have this strange dialect different from ours
They got like totally different culture as well, I mean foods

It`s about a history. The map of these days really aren`t real
The old days maps are quite accurate to understand tendency of
the character of people who lives there

13/10/02 08:37:22.23
I had met this man quite a long time ago, before I married my ex
and he was from the same prefecture and spoke and ate almost the same thing
I was proposed but I married my stupid ex and I still think I was really stupid

13/10/02 10:47:35.38

13/10/02 11:01:07.99
訂正  悔悟→悔恨

13/10/02 11:50:33.22
I mean literally no sex for 5 years and no baby
He wasn`t a bad guy but I was like whatz dat?

I do have no luck toward men
The first one was a gambler and used some of my savings for gambling,
never worked
The second one was not even a man at all...

I have no intention of getting those types of men but I did

My life really sucks
Everyone tells me that I only know 2 men but I think mostly
men are all the sam

13/10/02 11:54:59.70
what difference does it make to know another bastard in my life
I rather want them out of my life

The troubles increase when they are around me
I feel so free to be alone, although I do not know whether this is
the right choice but I don`t trust them anymore

We are totally so different and I do not understand at all
I feel so stupid for things I did for them sometimes,
feeling so cheap and I hate it

13/10/02 13:27:43.17
この前、decade agoって

13/10/02 17:22:55.48
I was married with my husband 5 years and I broke up with my ex-boyfriend
2-3 years before that, I broke up with my husband a yr ago,
it will be total of 8 years dah...

13/10/02 21:29:16.16
男はみんな同じだって? 馬鹿を言っちゃいけないよ。

13/10/02 23:06:44.86
I mean, my ex never betrayed me in that way

The first ex, I know he really loved me eventhough he was a gambler
but I do not know about my ex husband
I think that we made mistake that we were just friends instead of partner

13/10/02 23:12:56.20
I really hate guys who keep on saying that women are all parasites

My first ex, I worked so hard but I noticed as hard as I work,
he doesn`t work! So this is a rule I noticed,
" Under the comfortable situation, man lose power to work "

It is not only me who experienced this matter
I used to think that if I work hard, he will try his best as well but
that was a big mistake

13/10/02 23:15:36.19
I think men who accused women as said above, I think
they have slight tendency of parasite himself

The problem is that he does not carry baby in the womb
and he cannot even feed a baby from his own breasts

So I think no women want those kind of men around them
when they try to have a family

13/10/02 23:18:10.67
Another problem is that they think that raising baby is not that
hard task... stupid

I think they never imagine about waking up in every 3 hrs to breast feed
their own baby. dahhhh...
Lack of imagination. Poor brainer. Nobody really want them

13/10/03 09:21:58.76
子供の頃は全然構ってもらえなかったから憎しみにも似た感情を彼女に抱いていた。 何も知らなかったとは


13/10/03 12:00:39.29
My mom earned more than my dad when they got married
but she had me so she quitted her job

Then dad gone to Europe for several years when we were young,
and mom had to raise us all by herself. We had gone to both
grandparents houses

I rememeber my mom was always sick with fever during weekend and
all the relatives took care of us

We then moved to many places. Mom was housewife but she was
really brilliant. She taught us many subjects, we`ve learned both
English and Japanese from her. She taught us math as well

13/10/03 12:04:22.94
She is a excellent cook, she can cook almost everything
We had to invite many people, including foreigners
We always had this party on weekends

She always made like 10 types of foods alone
We used to help her a lot though

13/10/03 12:13:31.78

13/10/03 13:50:45.27
No we`re not
We are just slightly better than the middle class

13/10/05 17:10:38.24
You should give your money to poor people!
That's something Christians should!

13/10/05 18:08:41.66
Yeah I know
I should just donate some money on Christmas day since I got no date
My first ex was busy with gambling on every Christmas day
My second ex was busy with work
Maybe some poor people with family deserve more than me

13/10/05 18:11:17.47
Just Joking
I`ll donate to my nephews
My sis got a lot of kids
Another sis and I never had a kid so those are only kids we have

13/10/05 18:27:57.77
Why you don't donate your money to people you are not familiar with?

You are proud Christian so you should what you can be proud of!

13/10/05 20:13:41.36
Why don`t you do it?

13/10/05 20:19:40.90
Actually I do. You don't do any charity work even though you are a proud Christian? Wtf...

13/10/05 20:40:52.75
whatever. Maybe ur related to some kinda religion
because they try to force other to donate, you know...
But charity is not something which should be forced to do
READ the Bible

13/10/05 20:45:17.63
Read the bible?
So what do you think about slavery in the bible?
You justify it? Oh well of course you are!
You are freaking Christian!
You LOVE to kill innocent people in the name of god!

13/10/05 20:55:10.20
God Commands Burning Human

"The one who has stolen what was set apart for destruction will himself be burned with fire, along with everything he has, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a horrible thing in Israel." (Joshua 7:15 NLT)

13/10/05 20:56:51.99
Chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of himself.
As gold in the furnace, he proved them, and as sacrificial offerings he took them to himself. In the time of their visitation they shall shine,
and shall dart about as sparks through stubble; (Wisdom 3:5-7 NAB The Book of The Wisdom of Solomon is mostly in Catholic versions of the Bible.)

13/10/05 20:59:40.73
As for you, son of man, prophesy: Thus says the Lord GOD against the Ammonites and their insults: A sword, a sword is drawn for slaughter, burnished to consume and to flash lightning,
because you planned with false visions and lying divinations to lay it on the necks of depraved and wicked men whose day has come when their crimes are at an end.
Return it to its sheath! In the place where you were created, in the land of your origin, I will judge you.
I will pour out my indignation upon you, breathing my fiery wrath upon you, I will hand you over to ravaging men, artisans of destruction.
You shall be fuel for the fire, your blood shall flow throughout the land. You shall not be remembered, for I, the LORD, have spoken. (Ezekiel 21:33-37 NAB)

13/10/05 21:01:28.00
"Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods.
In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully.
If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock.
Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it.
Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God.
That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction.
Then the L

362:ORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

13/10/05 21:06:00.21
As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you,
then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor.
But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town.
When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town.
But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder.
You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

13/10/05 23:14:53.95
Okay, relax
you are totally freaking me out
I understand that you are religion phobia but don`t you know
that it is also brainwash

You are okay, and I am okay. Ho capito?

13/10/06 01:38:11.42
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death.
Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

13/10/06 01:39:57.06
"If a man lies with a male as with a

367:women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

13/10/06 01:46:24.54
A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

13/10/06 01:56:16.89
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)

13/10/06 02:52:42.35
If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)

13/10/06 02:54:34.92
A priest's daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)

13/10/06 03:11:10.34
They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul;
and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

13/10/07 13:50:13.73
oh bible

13/10/07 13:58:48.90
In Japanese religion, there is a proverb. Media should have both lie and truth
Truth itself is not very important.

13/10/07 15:03:15.97
Thanks. That is the exactly what I wanted to hear
Truth is important but we cannot proceed without some lies
This gay, who keeps on posting the Bible quotes,
I think he is still too young to understand that

13/10/07 15:07:21.97
Sometimes, lies are so close to the fact
Sometimes, the truth is far away from the fact
So strange

Nowadays, people just doing whatever they want to but without
restrictions, there will be no real pleasures

I also enjoy some freedom but I do not want to be free all the time
It is also very strange

13/10/07 15:14:15.95
No child of an incestuous union may be admitted into the community of the Lord, nor any descendent of his even to the tenth generation. (Deuteronomy 23:3 NAB)

13/10/07 15:17:57.65
The next day an evil spirit from God came over Saul, and he raged in his house.
David was in attendance, playing the harp as at other times, while Saul was holding his spear. Saul poised his spear, thinking to nail David to the wall, but twice David escaped him.
(1 Samuel 18:10-11 NAB)

13/10/07 15:22:05.09
No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the Lo

380:rd. (Deuteronomy 23:2 NAB)

13/10/07 15:26:41.19
The Lord has made everything for his own ends, even the wicked for the evil day. (Proverbs 16:4 NAB)

13/10/07 15:43:54.67
About the same time I realized that some of the men of Judah had married women from Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab.
Even worse, half their children spoke in the language of Ashdod or some other people and could not speak the language of Judah at all.
So I confronted them and called down curses on them. I beat some of them and pulled out their hair.
I made them swear before God that they would not let their children intermarry with the pagan people of the land.
"Wasn't this exactly what led King Solomon of Israel into sin?" I demanded. "There was no king from any nation who could compare to him, and God loved him and made him king over all Israel.
But even he was led into sin by his foreign wives. How could you even think of committing this sinful deed and acting unfaithfully toward God by marrying foreign women? (Nehemiah 13:23-27 NLT)

13/10/07 16:09:26.97
The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; he with whom the Lord is angry will fall into it. (Proverbs 22:14 NAB)

13/10/07 16:19:37.36
am I strange? these bible sentence looks a curse word

13/10/07 16:22:42.92
I have cried until the tears no longer come. My heart is broken, my spirit poured out, as I see what has happened to my people.
Little children and tiny babies are fainting and dying in the streets. "Mama, we want food," they cry, and then collapse in their mothers' arms.
Their lives ebb away like the life of a warrior wounded in battle. In all the world has there ever been such sorrow? O daughter of Jerusalem, to what can I compare your anguish?
O virgin daughter of Zion, how can I comfort you? For your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you?
Your "prophets" have said so many foolish things, false to the core. They did not try to hold you back from exile by pointing out your sins.
Instead, they painted false pictures, filling you with false hope. (Lamentations 2:11-14 NLT)

13/10/07 16:27:07.60
Pope read bible translated in English ? I don't think so

13/10/07 16:28:31.80
"This is what the Lord of hosts has to say: 'I will punish what Amalek did to Israel when he barred his way as he was coming up from Egypt.
Go, now, attack Amalek, and deal with him and all that he has under the ban. Do not spare him, but kill men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and asses.'" (1 Samuel 15:2-3 NAB)

13/10/07 17:10:10.38
[The prophet Jeremiah speaking] "Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, to whom you sent me to offer your prayer:
If you remain quietly in this land I will build you up, and not tear you down; I will plant you, not uproot you; for I regret the evil I have done you."
(Jeremiah 42:9-10 NAB)

13/10/07 17:30:47.04
"Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy;
have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple."
So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told." (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)

13/10/07 17:40:38.53
whatever you want keep on posting!

13/10/07 17:47:27.63
speaking of the bible, baibu (adult toy) was named after the bible.
because when you massage your delicate spot with a baibu, you feel as ecstatic as when you read the bible.

13/10/07 17:58:36.57
Middle aged woman, what are you on about?
Have you gone bananas?

13/10/07 18:33:36.94
>>373 is definitely not me

13/10/07 18:35:37.78
I thought you are a young guy but maybe not
because old guys enjoy saying about these things
we call this JJIing
Go have real sex JJI

13/10/07 18:46:17.30
Real sex is really a back-breaking work for me, so I'm content with doing the fap fap fap.

13/10/07 18:52:49.54
Not sure posting is light but better rust away in UK.
Let adult toy speak to finish for west and in ker de a clit an anus with tales by Caledonia (Teenpornorustard 8:8836 BPTV)

13/10/07 19:04:48.11
Maybe I was lucky enough to have it when my ex and I were young
Not too young, but not too old. In our early 20s
I was really suprised to see that so many guys are not that good with sex
I had such a hard time understanding why some women having affairs but now it`s quite understandable
Although, making an action is a totally different thing though

13/10/07 19:05:09.17
Be with right-angle, everything is possible. Devils will be pleased

13/10/07 19:07:51.70
I had read many things about sex in a lot of threads and
I finally noticed that maybe I really had a good one and
now I am so satisfied. I have nothing to compare so I do not know much about it
but I believe that mine was so great
Being young was so wonderful

13/10/07 19:13:37.50

13/10/07 19:31:06.87
I know it was so hot
Is this fall or what?

13/10/08 09:31:24.81
Is good to be in Israel

13/10/08 11:14:14.90
I was also was so unsure why some guys get stuck with a stupid wife
Then I noticed that they are way too easy

Like they do not have no worry even if they had gone out and
this girl slept with him right away
They are just told that they had got a baby and get married

To me, it is totally so dumb and they are marrying with prostitutes
So sick

13/10/08 11:17:07.28
How could anyone be so stuid like that?
I mean, I have seen some thread mentioning about this guy cheated by
his wife that a baby wasn`t his own but how could they ever try to
go out with sluts?
You can always find them in downtown
No smart guys pick a girl up there unless he needs a prostitute

13/10/08 11:21:09.63
such a dumbass
i hope they all disappear

13/10/08 11:26:14.17
It said that he knew this woman was divorced and having a baby
and he is just a bachlor
He did not have feel for her but they have gone to drink together
He got drunk and he had a relationship then this woman claimed that
she got a baby... then he got married( I was like OMG really?)

After the marriage, his wife keep on saying that he is not earning enough money
(well, he does...)

I mean, I just thought that he is sooooooo DUMB

13/10/08 11:34:02.61
No wonder Japan is just so gay paradise
People blame women but I just think that men these days are just too dumb
So lack of imagination, no risk management meaning they have hard time
protecting their own wife and child
So easily drowned
So poor and also very irritating

13/10/08 13:12:55.36
complain complain complain...bra bra bra bra bra bra
Just die Engliander. Russian Ire come to Japan/

13/10/08 13:53:24.21
When the people heard the sound of the horns, they shouted as loud as they could. Suddenly, the walls of Jericho collapsed, and the Israelites charged straight into the city from every side and captured it.
They completely destroyed everything in it – men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep, donkeys – everything.
(Joshua 6:20-21 NLT)

13/10/08 17:02:13.78
since I cannot post my reply to that thread, I`ll post it here

she speaks really nice Japanese

I honestly don`t care much about gays or whatever
as long as they do not mess up with marriage
(like pretending to be not gay) and my own belief as Christian

Everyone got their own freedom or they can choose what they feel most comfortable
So some has the idea that they would not want to marry with gay and nobody has right to
say something about that b/c it`s just their own taste

13/10/08 17:06:55.86
I honestly feel that gays are so strange to me
I do not like transsexual either, they totally freak me out (sorry, but it`s the truth)
I`ll probably get so angry when I find out that my child is a gay
but also I would probably forget about it because I believe that the individuals have their own choice
even if I do not understand anything about it
Understanding and unconditional love is totally different matter

13/10/08 17:11:18.81
I got a gay teacher in my High school but I was like so what
as long as he is just teaching in the class
It is his own choice and that is not something I care of
When some guys told him, " are you gay?" he just replied
"it`s none of your business " and I thought so too

13/10/08 17:17:17.69
Making fun...I don`t know about it because it is sometimes very weird
like a pinky is stucking up while he is having a cup of coffee
but people get used to it someday
People just makes fun of people when they think that you are weird no matter what
For example, if you look different, if you speak differently people try to pick on you
But is that really racist? I think it is just something that they are not just used to seeing new things

13/10/08 17:21:05.17
Although, some are very serious so I think some are really bad and need to be corrected
There is always like and dislike, it`s like everywhere, but when people get used to it,
it`s totally nothing
I just don`t like the fact that gays are attacking those who just don`t like gays
It is not bad that I feel so strange about it, I don`t even harm those people either
I am just being so real. It`s like some gays hating Bible. Totally the same thing

13/10/08 17:25:08.88
I am like " why can`t you just stand up straight instead of twirling around? "
but they keep on attacking me for saying that
Don`t I even have a freedom of speech?
Too many bad and sad things happened and many just feel so accused but
actually, people do not care so much about it as long as they are harmless
At least, I think so

13/10/08 17:38:07.91
Meh and gosh! yikes!
Too much problems you've got. I don't make fun. Just let people laugh

13/10/08 17:47:44.61
Nowadays, transsexuals are on the air but I really feel sorry for them
because I feel that is just like a circus or zoo
I would not want to be shown off like that if I were a gay
So I honestly don`t believe those people who just easily say that they
understand them. That is lie
Some lies really dont make sense sometimes

13/10/08 17:53:40.11
here you are the animal.

13/10/08 17:58:50.11
like or die let it love
live the life you love, love the life you live
get it?

13/10/08 18:03:58.84
you can never ever imagine how the dialect really affect your own sex
if ur Tokyoite
Sex is the act of animal but when the verbal thing is involved
I believe that this dialect is very mental thing even if we`re having sex
It is so sophisticated! I noticed that when I was having sex with my ex
OMG! He really loved it and so did I!

13/10/08 18:04:03.63
I thought here is an Obasan thread. However, it seems like lots of young girls post a comment here.

13/10/08 18:10:39.30
did he talk to you while having a sex?

13/10/08 18:14:21.01
we sure did with some dialects
I was not doing that on purpose but he told me that it was soooooo sweet
and turned him on lol
there are some strong words for men in our dialect and when I was coming,
he used those words and it made me so much easier to feel
Words are important sometimes

13/10/08 18:29:28.82
you mean the first ex?

13/10/08 18:37:39.14
that`s right my first ex

13/10/08 18:41:40.11
stop talking about gay

13/10/08 19:00:56.90
I remember the taste of first kiss was not like lemon rustard.
frustard with frisk...such a bad combination.

13/10/08 19:12:15.46
I had the worst first kiss ever with my ex and I told him that I didn`t like it

13/10/08 19:17:34.89
I am so happy that I had a date in my life
There is someone always without a partner in their life
that is so miserable
Some guys were talking about their date and noticed that
they were talking about 水商売 lol ><

13/10/09 08:17:01.58
I think there's nobody wanna get Korean guy, but
To get Korean guy, all you have to say is "Do you love my poop?" with Russian accent

13/10/10 00:30:07.72
you English people often misunderstand. Live and Death. What is dead or alive?
Death in bed for sleeping is impolite and important
Sleep like a death is nice after the long work which made me tired.
And live for other day

13/10/22 00:49:16.46

13/10/22 00:50:37.24
So where is the bitch now?

13/10/22 04:28:31.64

13/10/23 01:46:39.52
>>415 Bitch in England, United Kingdom. name? Winston Churchil

13/10/26 04:24:21.20
I woke up early this morning.

13/10/26 04:27:54.06
I went to the supermarket to take my pictures at the photo machine beside it. It was raining then, and I didn't take an umbrella with me, so I got sokedup.

13/10/26 04:32:08.27
I c

439:ame to my mother's home, because it may rain all night long, and if so, she must have difficulty cleaning my house.

13/10/26 12:47:14.18
It is nice weather from this morning, and I feel fine.

Today is my birthday.
I am twenty-two years old.

13/10/26 12:49:41.38
We are going to go to a nice restaurant to celebrate my birthday.
I can't wait to go. I wonder what I eat.

13/10/26 12:52:20.16
My resolutions are: to study abroad, to learn how to cook some other Japanese food, to live for the sake of others.

13/10/26 14:45:11.36
I like eating noodles, especially soba. It tastes good. I could eat all soba noodles in Japan!

13/10/26 16:14:13.46
Happy B-day
I had my own b-day couple weeks ago but I do not feel good about it anymore
22 is quite young

13/10/26 16:48:30.88
Thanks for congratulating me. I celebrate your birthday, too.

13/10/27 00:51:20.38
I blushed my teeth. I have come to bed. I will go to sleep. Good night. I don't want to dream a dream.

13/11/01 00:54:18.30
babaa age

13/11/01 01:12:45.63

13/11/01 01:25:34.24
I was reading this book about gigolo yesterday
It is totally a fiction but I never knew those kind of people existed
It was like, " A whole new world!!!" to me
I happened to know a lot of things since I been reading some lines from 2ch
and when I had gone to traveling with my friend, I happened to explain a lots of things
I learned from here and she was like, "OMG OMG OMG" and I was like
"becareful with gays and anal freaks" but later I kinda noticed that maybe I was pretty freaky

13/11/01 01:30:05.41

13/11/01 01:40:04.69
my granny was so funny
I had receieved this call from her and I told her that there are
a lot of gays these days and granny said,
"but they do not have no intercourse" and I was like
" they do "
then she replied,
"but they dont even got a hole"
and I was like
"we all got the same hole" and she was like

What a century. I just felt like that we are totally living in a new era

13/11/01 17:22:17.54
you must adapt yourself to this new era, otherwise you will perish

13/11/01 17:36:33.67
it would be so much better to get perished
I just trust that everyone is not all that too fool enough to
let things exist in the way we are today
I mean, serious relationship between gays are okay for me
It is quite understandable but not having intercourse with dozens of people,
like sex addict
I think these things will be gradually fade away from the society

There is always a point to where silly things ex

454:pand through everywhere but most of them just fade away and only true, truthworty things will survive eventually

13/11/01 17:40:16.18
We all all tested sometimes
Only those people who do not have the strong mind will eventually destroy themselves
Learn from the history is the best thing that we can do
I only trust things which are so sincere because I feel comfortable
being that way

13/11/02 16:46:23.28
who is you?

13/11/03 00:15:16.31
I love to study Bible
I got kind of bored these days
I better go back to work and go traveling again
I am gonna have my life back again

13/11/03 00:17:31.00
I felt like I am already like 50 or something
So fatigued and so doomed but now I kinda realized that
Im still soooooo young and have lots of fun life ahead of me

13/11/03 00:19:58.13
I am gonna enjoy many things from now on
I will try my best to find the good things in my life
I am gonna make my life so hilarious

13/11/10 07:58:17.73
sensei onegai shimasu!


nihongo onegai shimasu.

nani imi eigo desuka?

13/11/10 19:58:46.31
what is this?

13/11/13 14:49:38.16
>>437>>439 you are good :D better than I.

13/11/13 15:09:26.51
It's your turn baby

13/11/13 15:21:57.49
>>438 excuse me, but not all aged people are fat,
In fact, most of old people are fat, though.

13/11/13 22:02:42.13
I have to get my hair done
It`s getting so annoying

13/11/15 19:01:55.01

13/11/16 00:31:30.72
I am going to the better place
cause it`s almost Christmas!

I think I`ll be probably spending time with my nephews

I am going to decorate a Christmas tree this year
and put some presents beneath it (*^_^*)

13/11/16 00:35:02.84
It`s such a torture that all my close people are away from the hometown

One of my nephew kinda knows that Santa is me
because we had gone to shopping together once at the toy store
and I bought a thing he want and I believe he thinks that
Christmas is when relatives give him presents・・・
It is not that sweet
He is somehow so realistic and not romantic and I am pretty disappointed

13/11/16 01:01:43.29
It would be his character which should be esteem.

13/11/16 01:35:50.73
I had been to the aquarium with him few years ago and he was only like 4 yrs old
I thought he would just enjoy all those colorful fishes but I do not know why but he
had spent most of his time in front of fossils, a model of a Coelacanth, and the screen
which explains about a Coelacanth. Like I stayed there for almost an hour with him
Asking me about many questions, which I cannnot answer much
Although, I tried my best to answer to his questions by reading some sentences
but he kept on asking me a very little things in details

13/11/16 01:38:14.55
He did not really care about the fishes
He kept on saying "what is that, what is that, what is that mean" and
I was about to get explode

So then I told him, "Please just watch colorful fishes, aren`t they beautiful?"
but he had no interest at all but all he said was,
" why are their colors so different, aunty..."

13/11/16 01:49:24.91
I came back home with him so so so tired and told my sis about it and she said,
"He does that AL

473:L the times, anything I do, he asks everything in details, and it`s really annoying" but from last yr, he plays with puzzles which for adults and I bought him these blocks and he kept on building something and it`s quite marvolous though Last time he broke a car to fix them and we have a major headache

13/11/16 01:53:54.25
Last year, I had asked him "have you got a present from Santa?" and he just replied
"thanx aunty"
and asked my sis about it and she said, "Noone ever did tell him but I think he kinda knows"

Whenever I tell him a story, he always say, "that`s a lie"

In pre-school, no one ever taught him multiplying but he done it by himself, somehow

We all are girls and he is quite unique and we are so puzzled sometimes

13/11/16 01:59:12.98
He loves coins so he goes to a register and try to pay money with
my sis`s purse and my sis gets so pissed
He kept on counting while my sis pays for it and it was kinda freaky

Saying things like, " 7 of 10yen and blah blah blah"

13/11/16 02:01:54.01
and he also calculate the change

13/11/16 20:30:32.05
I suggest you to google "male female brain differences".

13/11/16 21:17:15.05
Thanx a lot. We`re like all girls so it was so confusing, at least for me
I think we had never asked so many questions like that when we were young
I had just trusted them with no doubt

13/11/16 21:21:50.29
Boys are so sweet though
Girls really don`t care much, as long as someone is with them,
but my nephew won`t like it, when his mom is away lol
They just follow mommy everywhere

13/11/16 22:55:09.94
His nature seems to be wanting to solve questions, so he would be suitable for certain jobs like engineers, scientists and scholars.
If you take him to the public libraries and show some scientific magazines like Newtown, He would be pleased.

13/11/17 00:09:24.51
Thank you
It is so odd that when we were little like him, after we`d heard the stories,
we asked things like, "why does it have to end that way?" or "what will happen after that"
and kept on creating stories with my own siblings

Although, my nephew asks things like, "why did the house broke? how? why?" and it is pretty confusing for us
He kept on stopping the stories, asking everything in details

So we better think of the ways to say something, without him asking so many questions

13/11/17 00:12:48.55
I was so funny when my sis was reading him a book with some nice illustrations,
he said, " how big is this house? bigger than this house? "
and made my sis pissed with asking so many questions like that

My sis said that she is so afraid that he might stop the class so
told him to be quiet in the class
Even if he does have questions, don`t ask right away
Ask sis for that

13/11/18 19:28:06.67
tell me the meaning of of. bunch of the case, of is used. But I still can't get the meaning of of.
I can't even distinguish the meaning between of and ot. You will say "look up English-English dictionary"
yeah right, but, in English-English dictionary, I just can get an alternative words of of.
what is of exactly? Is of having other meaning?

13/11/18 19:46:48.06

13/11/18 20:06:51.68
Is there someone who's been a "yellow cab" in '80s?

Yellow cab means Japanese girl who urged to ride on Western guys' cocks for thier dream of westernized culture.
They should be 40s to 50s at their age now.

13/11/18 20:09:29.17
I know a mid-age lady who had married an American guy for 20 years, who eventually divorced.
She now lives in Tokyo without children nor relatives. Was she once an yellow cab?
I don't know. At least, she enjoyed her life in USA and it must be a precious memory for her.

I don't blame yellow cabs. They're the legacy of '80s bubble economy. So, is there someone like her here?

13/11/18 20:19:10.30
I think getting married and divorced it nothing much related to yellow cab
because most American guys are so cautious about getting married , unlike many Japanese guys
So if she was once married to American guy, then I think she was not even a slut

Only Japanese guys marry with unbelievable sluts

13/11/18 20:22:56.46
Most of the times, foreigners just see these types of sluts in
someplace like downtown but Japanese guys really marry with them
and it is just so amazing

There was this thread going on about the divorce since yesterday,
and it was so hard to understand that this guy was cheated by his own wife
and she wants to have a divorce but he is begging her not to go lol

13/11/18 20:32:32.34
btw, they do not have no child and he earns money normally
so I told him, why don`t you just let her go
and asked him, that being cheated by his own wife, doesn`t it really bother him at all?
but instead he told me that he just wants to re-build the relationship again with this
slutty wife!?
Well, it`s his own choice but I do not totally understand what guys today really thinking about
He has no pride as a man

13/11/18 20:42:34.25
I do not believe something like free sex or whatever
There are so many cheating is going on here but I just think it is just so crazy

Because having and building a family, and on the other side, having an affair,
maybe more than one partner, I think it is just a shame

People like prostitutes in foreign countries, they do that for need of their own money,
but here in Japan, people do that without those kind of motives
even after they got married

13/11/18 20:44:55.00
And I have noticed that guys are so whimpy and they just let their own wives or gf
being that way and forgive them for doing those things
It is nothing understandable to me

Before telling me about the yellow cabs, guys, you guys really are responsible
of thinking of these things

13/11/18 20:47:23.64
sluts are nice. But keck is not on the level.
I don't know if they dreamed of westernized culture.
And I'll say, are...was good in my 50s.

13/11/18 20:52:32.43
nice for the some guys but scared for those who are raising their own children
Having affair and cheating is nothing good, most of the times, it just destroys everything

And the very high abortion rates and the serious diseases do to the lack of education on sex

I am always so suprised to see guys talking about these matters so lightly
while so many women are suffering

13/11/18 21:03:28.74
Well, sluts are slowly developing of their sex education. Sluts are very educated about sex.
I don't blame sluts. Because their countries are poor.I blame their countries. And maybe Russian mafia

13/11/18 21:25:11.18
I am talking about here in Japan
H E L L O ?

13/11/18 21:28:45.45
your story contains full of prejudices, i just don't like your repeated call of sluts
such sense of choosing a word makes yourself a slut
what differenciates you from yellow cabs?

13/11/18 21:41:50.46
because I dont sleep around with many guys
I alway have a steady not like sex friends

13/11/18 22:04:29.19
what if your boyfriend who you recognize a steady recognize you a sex friend

13/11/18 22:18:12.67
Luckily, that never happened in my life though
we had been together for around 5-6 years
Although, if I ever find out that I am only his sex something,
I`ll do anything to make him regret about treating me that way

13/11/18 22:41:34.54
it might be a death threat.
someone better rat her out to the cop asap!

13/11/18 22:54:05.77
it is such a great wonder to me that why some treated like that
maybe they`ll just have sex so fast
btw, I don`t. I take at least a year to have that
and the most guys are just not good enough to go out with with me

It is such a dilemma that every human beings have limit to have a baby
I should have broke up with my ex in a short term, but my decision was not
good enough

13/11/18 22:59:56.32
If you are women, take your time and never allow a guy to touch you so easily
they`ll try to touch you everywhere. Probably ur boobs as well
God created man, so silly, that they have not much control of themselves
They, themselves say, that their penis and brains are far apart
To me, that is so nasty, immoral, and very evil
Men are not from the earth or planet. They are like creatures from outer space

13/11/19 00:42:21.54
sluts are sluts. yellow cab is yellow cab. am I confusing you?

13/11/19 00:42:41.59
Despite it, women want to be loved by such creatures.

13/11/19 00:59:56.91
Actually, there are the good creatures as well
Have you read, "le petit prince" ?
It`s really a nice story

13/11/22 09:22:16.60

13/11/25 01:18:39.26

13/11/30 10:07:41.16
つか、なんで妹の子供のことにmiddle-aged womanがしゃしゃり出るの?

95 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2013/11/29(金) 20:44:37.45


96 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2013/11/29(金) 20:48:41.17

13/11/30 12:25:19.51
wow! u are so nerd
how did u find that?

13/11/30 16:39:43.10
I don't know. I just got an email.

13/11/30 17:52:51.83

13/12/10 00:31:09.99

13/12/15 22:38:10.26


13/12/22 19:00:27.39
So the original thread has finally dead because of tons of stupid comments from the middle-aged woman and creepy guys!

Until the new thread will be created, we will use this thread all right?

13/12/22 19:06:07.23
Not all right, just get out of here, you creepy guy.

13/12/22 19:07:28.69
What the hell? I don't care

13/12/22 19:31:06.22
Can I call you "bad blowjob giver" from now on?

13/12/22 19:36:36.20
Yeah, you can if you want.
But could you tell me why?

13/12/22 19:37:07.43

13/12/22 19:58:52.83
The middle-aged woman is a returnee?

But unfortunately her English doesn't look so...

13/12/22 22:29:41.31
I wonder how you guys pick up the every sentence in all those different threads
It is really amazing but it is so creepy, you know

13/12/22 22:34:49.93
It is like totally type A
I think the one who picks up these sentences is totally type A
It is just like "made in Japan" lol
very very very stingy

13/12/22 22:37:29.88
The new thread is ready!
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 180

I totally agree with you.
He must be literally a sick person.

13/12/22 22:38:24.40
oh thanks. my level wasn't enough to make a new thread

13/12/22 23:42:26.27

13/12/26 15:03:50.41
weeeen I'm a pussy licker >-< clit licker >-< weeeeen

13/12/26 15:12:45.84

13/12/26 15:28:39.27

13/12/26 15:43:03.51
Even though you are already infected, you better go see a doctor.

"Links have been reported between oral sex and oral cancer with human papillomavirus (HPV)-infected people.[29] In 2005, a research study at Malmö University's Faculty of
Odontology suggested that performing unprotected oral sex on a person infected with HPV might increase the risk of oral cancer. The study found that 36 percent of the cancer
patients had HPV compared to only 1 percent of the healthy control group.[30]"


13/12/26 17:11:22.60
ah no one owns better angle aren't it

13/12/28 17:32:37.44
this is a beautiful thread made by middle aged woman
pls do not make this thread dirty

13/12/29 09:47:55.64
Then, what kind of topics do you think are dirty?
At least, sex-related things are not dirty at all.

13/12/29 12:55:19.33
Every word coming out from your mouth is dirty, filthy, foul and disgusting.

13/12/29 16:28:33.76
You know each word coming from my mouth is equivalent to God's word because I am
the Prophet.
So all of my words are holy, sacred, divine and pure.
You'll soon be punished for blasphemy.

13/12/29 17:02:08.73
oh, he is so schizo

13/12/29 18:36:15.35
so true
what the middle-aged woman says are all dirty things LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLO

13/12/29 18:59:40.15
You smell like rotten fish, virgi

538:n boy.

13/12/29 19:19:06.42
ew the middle-aged whore posted the comment....disgusting like smelling 加齢臭 lol

13/12/29 19:20:46.41
Unfortunately, I am mentally and physically very sound.
I always make people around me laugh, which proves that I have a sense of humor.
I am also a believer in Buddhisum and my motto in life is 煩悩即涅槃, which means that
I can see my life from an objective point of wiew.
How wise I am!

13/12/29 19:41:34.68
he is really schizo
someone take him to the hopital asap!

13/12/30 03:37:55.10
Is it just me or this thread smells 加齢臭....

Oh I get it! I blame the middle aged whore! Hahaha

13/12/30 09:41:34.76
Sorry, I'm the one who called you "a fish smelling virgin boy" and I'm a guy and am also >>512.

14/02/01 22:19:59.47

14/02/02 00:50:04.97
i will survive!

14/02/03 17:58:30.74
Fuck bitch

14/02/03 18:44:55.12
I am a college student and I cannot go out with a girl at all
Everyone in my campus, they all have gf except me
what can I do?
I am so tired spitting out some swear words to a middle aged woman
because I am so frustrated
Pls help me

14/02/03 18:52:00.73
Awww...That is such a poor poor poor thing

Let me lecture you about why people " swear "
It comes from the lack of self-confidence
You see, a lot of tiny doggies bark all the times but a huge one
really do not need to bark at all because he is not afraid

14/02/03 18:56:32.94
If you want to have a nice partner then try not to swear, at least

14/02/03 19:04:54.41
Women are so masochistic so you'd better say "you're useless!" "You're ugly" "you're a whore"
Trust me it works

14/02/03 19:13:21.81
You know what? I think it works for men these days
There are bunch of scary wives here in Japan and we called them " Kyou-sai-ka"
(恐妻家 scary, wife, person)
How they are mistreated is very upsetting to hear but somehow some seem to enjoy that
Japan is a very strange country

14/02/03 19:18:49.97
Actually, 恐妻家 is a husband who is afraid of his own wife

This is our roots though. If we learn about our history,
we know that Minamoto Yoritomo is 恐妻家 and many more

14/02/03 19:25:20.40
Mostly we dont split money. We get our husbands salaries and save them
Some gave 500yen per day(that's like $5) to their husband for a lunch money
But those family really works so good in Japan. Amazing!
Good foods, good savings, and good child education
We know that men cannot save money right

14/02/04 18:52:15.32

14/02/05 23:25:21.76
Vatican 'must immediately remove' child abusers - UN

14/02/05 23:55:45.49
Vatican no vacatin

14/02/06 00:03:12.61
You're funny!

14/02/06 10:30:35.97
Dear Middle aged woman,

559: Today I asked a girl out and she said that she has no interest in me I am so shocked, so depressed, and I don't wanna do anything anymore What shall I do to make girls to like me

14/02/06 10:34:10.91
Well, I understand that you are in pain, struggling, and depressed

Always think good. If I ever had a son, I might say,
"Good for you. Maybe she had a STD? Who knows?"

14/02/06 13:11:52.03
rumor has it that women love gap, so you should resort to it.
normally disguise yourself as a hoodlum and occasionally turn into the real you and do good deeds,
for example, helping an old lady safely cross a road, giving up your seat for a pregnant woman in a train, and etc.

14/02/06 13:21:08.99
Women are really annoying creatures. They often take it for granted that they should be entitled to seats in train and men should carry womens bags for them just because they are women!

This is sexism

14/02/06 13:22:45.90
oh, sorry, I failed to mention this: >>538 applies only to IKEMEN.

14/02/06 13:46:37.73
on twitter, an american woman living in japan said angrily,
"no matter how tired you are, men must give up your seat when they see a woman standing in front of them.
japan is far behind any other developed country," or something.
I was appalled with my mouth agape.

14/02/06 14:11:15.14
I totally agree with her
I was so suprised too

Not only that, there are a lot of male perverts and they touch
women's boobs or ass. Even some takes pictures of a school girls panties
from their back with cell phones. Unfortunately, they are all grown-ups.
Oh Lord!

So in the big cities, we have to split into women and men vehicles

What is so wrong with some males out there!

14/02/06 14:19:10.34
I do not know rather some other countries do have these guys but
we have some guys here who has this deep fetism over women's undergarments.
It doesn't matter if they belong to young or old. Nope.
They really collect them, the used ones. I know it is so gross.

Every single year, some guys are caught stealing undergarments from
other houses eventhough, it's like 3 stories high they somehow climb
to get them.

When they are caught, they got tons of undergarments in their chests. Yuck!

14/02/06 14:29:34.44
The foreigners must underst

568:and that Japan is filled with Galapagos creatures. Women do evolve or adapt better than men but men mostly stay the same in the Island called Japan. There are good and bad part of it but it is very suprising and so interesting. Filled with nature. Both good and bad. Other countries are continents so men do need to adapt to their environment but here in Japan, we are just an Island and men is weak to the new environment and they adapt differently from other countries. That makes them so unique and so strange.

14/02/06 14:36:55.93
See, women adapt to their new environment, they'll explore many things
and well Westernized. Except men.

Now they have encountered, the great pain and the confusion. Seriously!

The world around them, especially, women changed but they didn't.

So sometimes, they have this panic and starts saying things like BBA BBA BBA
You can see how it was so severe to them.

14/02/06 14:41:18.98
Must be very terrifying.
Poor guys.

If you are so interested in Galapagoes then you must keep on eyes on
these poor guys, who are about to extinct without in couple few years,
having no contact with women.

It was truely an invation from nowhere.

14/02/06 14:41:37.86
that reminds me of this japanese woman.
she tried to sell her マンカス (Smegma) at yahoo auction.
both japanese men and women are so creey!

14/02/06 14:43:32.50
that is so sick but there is some need to some men, right?

14/02/06 15:01:31.01
no, it's just the contrary.
those kinds of guys are increasing, not going extinct.
read this article.

14/02/06 15:07:57.11
actually, japanese people are themselves on the verge of extinction.

14/02/06 15:08:19.02
It's good japs has been disappearing

14/02/06 15:30:39.24
You are so baka

Why is it that westernization is all good?
You're one of those stupid white wannabes

14/02/06 15:32:14.07
Like spreading their legs wide open for white guys even though they are ugly

I see so many this kind of pathetic jap women in Tokyo

So stupid

14/02/06 15:45:44.23
Abortion bill finds Spain a changed country


14/02/06 16:54:47.25
Eventually, they'll going to extinct anyways
Only few guys will have a chance to leave their own DNA
Maybe some will just have multiple partners
Who knows?
What we all know is that guys without a partner, their DNA just vanish like nowhere from this Earth
Maybe something like brood paratism happens to them, do to lack of sense of danger over women

14/02/06 16:58:55.90
I meant "towards women"

I never said no good nor bad about Westernization but it's not something
that we can choose, dah
That is what evolution is all about?
Have dinosaurs ever asked or thought about the Ice Age to stop?

14/02/06 17:09:21.06
I know how it is so important to adapt but also I really do love my own traditional ways.
If it's going to extinct then it is too bad but I'm like I DON'T CARE
As long as I feel comfy.
If girls want to spread their legs then let them be that way.
It is just their own choice that they made on their own.
I respect that as well as my own choice.

14/02/06 17:26:42.29
Oh thats so weird you believe in evolution?

That's against Christianity I remember

Idiot and hypocrite

14/02/06 17:54:08.84
I know Christian won't admit evolution but I have to agree with
some Darwin's theory

14/02/06 17:57:54.86
I always have interest to the other side's opinion
It is quite interesting to hear or read
Most are so radical but it's not my style

14/02/06 17:59:46.81
That's so weird isn't it? Because you're contradicting.

Christians are supposed to be like anti women's right, anti abortion, anti evolution theory, anti science, anti gay, anti Muslim, anti Buddhism, anti Jew the list goes on endlessly....

14/02/06 18:05:15.65
It is rather my own brief
Maybe you are just too young but we do have our own likes and dislikes
but it is not rules or something. It is something which we favor.
I trust God because I want to and that is not something which I was forced to do
To me it is more mild

14/02/06 18:12:39.54
I really don't like to say, rather thing is "Right or Wrong"
Most of times, I prefer "Likes and Dislikes"

All the human beings are so ego. Some scientists say that maybe
we do not have our own mind. Our DNA or sometimes even parasites are
running our decisions. It sounds so crazy but it is pretty convincing sometimes

So I say, I like or I dont't like, eventhough it sounds so selfish
It is true though. I am not lying at least

14/02/06 21:21:27.58
japanese women are so gross!

14/02/06 21:28:18.69

14/02/06 21:43:05.27
OMG! I never heard of that before!

14/02/06 21:44:53.88
Sorry this is pretty disgusting......
What the hell kind of people are they?!
If they have some kind of disease, their loved ones will also suffer from it....

14/02/13 21:55:00.15
It seems this thread is hacked by Koreans.

14/02/13 21:59:05.65
Hello obasan!

14/02/13 23:11:12.56
Why are some people so rigid?
Can't they ever say, " I got it "

14/02/14 00:25:41.65
What the hell are you talking about?

I'm wondering why obasans are so rigid and stubborn....they never compromise and always push their opinions....

14/02/14 04:43:51.24
when obasans stop saying something, new world order is completed.

14/02/14 05:44:30.43
well, don't worry about that. New world order is already completed in 19 century or before.
The new world order is just a middle of that.

14/02/14 11:49:19.94
When people can't say their opinion in any languages. That's North Korea or something.

14/02/14 11:59:39.04
thus, Japan's recent stagnation is all fault of Toushi.

14/02/14 12:47:49.16
Japan lacks diversity in both good and bad ways
Sometimes, I love the way people are so stable and they don't need to say anything
in order to understand others or to explain other about every tiny things,
that is so stressful sometimes.
However when it comes to debate or opinions, I think it is so weak
There is no rules, which other foreigners do have those rules while they grow up

14/02/14 12:51:19.67
The sense is very unique here in Japan so people tend to lack the
imagination for those who do not have that kind of sense that we have

The global common sense differs from our own sense
The every foreigners do know that difference but most Japanese try to explain
them in their own sense, but most of the times, it fails

14/02/14 12:59:30.98
Logic is everything but I feel so tired of that sometimes
I am so happy to have the both sides
If I weren't Asian, I would be probably choking with less air
However, in Japanese society, people tend to hate the logic
and it is very understandable
So I am like a cold and warm living mammals, adapting to every kind of situations
It is so tough sometimes though

14/02/14 13:02:14.94
Japanese people gives me comfort but the foreigners stimulate my brain
I go back and forth. I love noodles, pasta, southeastern asian rice,
domestic rice, and everything is welcome

14/02/14 15:18:44.16
It is sad Japanese who graduate foreign university such as Harvard are still not welcome in Japanese society.
And Koreans take place instead especially last 5 years.

14/02/14 18:00:40.71
I heard of it before. It is such a terrible thing
I heard that this is also same with those who takes Dr.
Japanese society do not welcome them so much
It is just so terrible thing to hear
Many efforts and talents are wasted

14/02/14 18:17:25.70
Japanese don't like these people
Japanese are so narrow minded people
It's not surprising at all

14/02/14 20:17:17.11
well, I say that Japanese people love balance in everything
Both superior nor poor is welcome in Japanese society
So average person like me, do not need to feel much stress here
but those who are so talented must have struggled a lot

14/02/14 20:19:01.18
You're wrong

14/02/14 20:22:54.22
Have you guys already seen, " 7 Samurai" by Akira Kurosawa
The ending really tells us something. That is what the society
and the human is all about. That movie was very keen

14/02/14 20:34:21.17
Who the hell is that? And how old are you?
I don't know that person

14/02/14 20:47:31.67
You have never seen that splendid movie!
What were you doing until these day? Were you just sleeping?
I watched it when I was in my college

14/02/14 21:04:54.12
Good for you
I like more serious and enlightening movies

14/02/14 21:46:47.89
I had always thought what is the point of watching serious movies,
when our lives are already filled with confusions?
I really hate to watch like sad movies... it is just so rediculous
I prefer all the happy endings or twisted endings

14/02/14 21:55:15.73
That's only your preference you don't need to use "ridiculous" because that makes you sound more "ridiculous"

14/02/14 22:25:14.69
I think there is too much testosterone here

14/02/19 19:59:53.79
age for the chubby middle age whore


14/02/20 03:02:48.38
I made new thread for her!

【離婚】Chat in English 中年婆専用【1回目】

I'm such a nice person!
You're welcome!

14/02/21 20:27:00.82
【離婚】Chat in English 中年婆専用【1回目】

14/02/22 15:54:58.71

14/03/01 13:27:12.86
And too little estrogens

14/03/06 17:53:05.09
It is sad Eiken's listening section is contaminated by Obasan and Ojisan.
There are exggagerated frequency recorded which natives never pronounce.

14/03/06 18:36:03.32
because their hearing is getting impaired.

14/03/10 14:33:50.49
I had trouble taking a test because of this strange odor from JJI

14/04/08 15:15:57.67
There are too many guriguri eyes on Japanese TV or CM recently. well...from around 2009 and still.
I doubt they have Graves' disease (pasedo) or not. It is actually contagious as well as any diseases can be.
used to be much organized such as Jal's cabin attendant.

14/04/08 15:21:05.66

14/04/08 15:46:38.55
Most of all Idol groups such as AKB48, Aibu Saki, Abe Hiroshi,
Not all. but too many of them are tiring to watch.

14/04/08 15:48:43.82
They give me an energy,
but you can't stand out like them in the city and walk around.

14/04/08 16:06:08.27
as well as Abe Sadao

14/04/16 17:42:08.38
BBA age

14/04/19 08:56:54.27
not you again

14/04/20 11:59:58.20
This bitch is finally gone? If so, the world has become a little bit more peaceful

14/04/26 08:10:48.84
Attention seeking whore

14/04/26 14:53:13.54
I have seen these weird people today
It was like a big anger

14/04/26 14:55:53.94
I do not care if stupid, having no life, having no gf for the rest of your life,
you know, guys like that call me BBA or anything
Although, I really care about some thing
I hate those people. I will curse them if they ever touch my sacred treasure
I am going to report to my grandfather and I will curse them until 3rd generations
NO change is allowed

14/04/26 15:17:11.58
but you sometimes call yourself BBA, don't you?

14/04/26 15:45:36.85
I got so pissed so I got rid of my pimple and it started to bleed

14/04/26 15:48:23.10
I had just scratched and pull it off from my forehead
oh it is bleeding
It is not good thing to get upset so much

14/05/20 03:16:54.46 Gfp7TfpH!
I can't get that moment off my mind. I was so happy.

639:I wish my life were full of those moments. I'd rather live in my fantasy forever than live in a cruel painful reality.

14/05/20 03:18:07.21 Gfp7TfpH!
I don't know what I'm talking about hahaha I'm skipping my second class today. I was going to go but oh well! It's too late!

14/05/20 03:20:02.85 Gfp7TfpH!
My thoughts are so random. I can't think straight. It's not like today or last week but it started such a long time ago I can't remember when. There might be some kind of disfunction with my brain.

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