【規制】PINKのわんわんが停止中です【荒らし】at CCC
【規制】PINKのわんわんが停止中です【荒らし】 - 暇つぶし2ch349:西澤桃華 ◆Momoca3cMo
10/12/16 14:49:38 ZLlbHXgh0 BE:2093686079-PLT(26555)

> 規制の仕組みとかはあまりよくわかっていないので、


Merry Xmas

Peace of Mr. Jim †.
How do you spend it the advent?It always works hard in the PINK channel for us,
and is full of the feeling of gratitude. Well, because the problem is occurring unfortunately
by the PINK channel now, I will report.
【 report of writing restriction work and stop 】
In the PINK channel, it is (*2) since August 11th while the writing restriction work to the
working person is stopping as for "Awful ruining act" (*1). It becomes impossible to write
in the person who does the ruining act and to take "Definite prevention measure" (*3) of
restriction in the PINK channel as a result. As a result, the ruining act spreads.
I will discuss with volunteer like a cause etc. of the restriction work stop on the policy of
the PINK channel in the future and two channel side, and report later. I hope opinion help at
that time please.
- 1The capacity old metal and the [sure] crushing are targeted by order [zurumono] ..script
bombing or it...
(example) スレリンク(avideo2板:4番)-
- 2It is a situation in which it cannot work now though the writing restriction work was
requested from volunteer on two channel side. Volunteer of two channels works up to now
about an advertising bombing. - 3 "Definite prevention measure = writing restriction
". To specify the sending origins such as personal computers and cellular phones of ruining,
and to write ruining in the PINK channel, the content of work changes the specification.

The report is the above.

By the way, is getting cold the region where Mr. Jim lives severe?Please take care of
yourself earnestly though it is variously because it is a turn of the season. Quite, because
it is not possible to say in words, it borrows the power of one [ko] and Holy Family in the
interior of the womb, and sincere appreciation is told.
Good Christmas. God's big blessing must be on Mr. Jim.
From [momoka] Nishizawa * Momoca3cMo person for [ri] ..a lot of [sukebe].. +
