14/02/19 10:50:14.60 sVooZ+5t0
5. A Vacanti lab member, self-identified as a lab tech but without a specific name, goes on Reddit chatting about STAP shortly
after the paper comes out. What the heck? This person goes by the name “Thyferra2680″ on Reddit. Who is s/he?
Are they really a member of that lab? The full comment exchange can be found here. Here’s an example of one of Thyferra2690′s comments:
This is a huge deal for our lab! It’s a paper in Nature (which doesn’t fuck around with their publications) and it’s a completely
brand new method of creating stem cells. It could lead to all sorts of new collaborations and people interested in the lab.
and also s/he said on high efficiency:
I don’t know if it’s just luck, but I’ve made STAPs just about every single time I’ve treated them….