14/01/07 22:27:42.28 wVpuEGCq0
Frank Quinteroに通州事件を勉強したのか! と言ってやりましょう!(英語で言ってやってね)
(1)The Tungchow Mutiny (通州事件)was an assault on Japanese troops and civilians
by Japanese-trained Chinese East Hopei Army in Tōngzhōu, China on 29 July 1937.
Japanese military personnel, some 250 civilian residents of Tōngzhōu were killed in the uprising.
According to Japanese sources, the majority of women were raped and some were brutally killed.
Only around 60 Japanese civilians survived, but much of the city was destroyed in the fighting.
(2)Worthily, Chinese way of killing is very cruel.
Ladies were raped, and they were put blooms into their vaginas.
People saw freshly severed heads which were killed by Chinese
were lined on tables in coffee shop.
Moreover, after Chinese killed people, they took out intestine from the dead bodies.
Children were attached nose rings which were made by dirty wire by Chinese.
People can find these stories in Chinese history book.
In fact, civilians watch public executions in China.
(3)Even baby or kids go to watch public execution in China.
They have cruelness and abnormal characteristic in their nationality.
Supposing the Nanking Massacre was occurred,
the incident must have committed by Chinese military.
In addition, Chinese government has used many cruel pictures which
they committed in the Nanking Massacre Museum.