13/04/21 23:16:47.03 VA1fhIHy0
Former World Bank Presidents (歴代世界銀行総裁)
12.Jim Yong Kim 2012-Present Korean ジム・ヨン・キム 韓国系経済門外漢アメリカ人医学者
11.Robert Zoellick 2007-2012 Closet Jew? Zionist groups PNAC Member, Iraq War Planner(イラク戦争指導者)
10.Paul Wolfowitz 2005-2007 ユダヤ人 (JEWISH and former Deputy Secretary of Defense, spearheaded Iraq War with PNAC)
9. James Wolfensohn 1995-2005 ユダヤ人 (JEWISH and former Solomon Brothers executive, founder of Wolfensohn & Co)
8. Lewis T. Preston 1991-1995 ユダヤ人 (JEWISH and former president and CEO of JP Morgan)
7. Barber Conable 1986-1991 ユダヤ人 (JEWISH and former congressman and US senator)
6. Alden W. Clausen 1981-1986 ユダヤ人 (JEWISH and former president, chairman and CEO of Bank of America)
5. Robert McNamara 1968-1981 (not Jewish)
4. George Woods 1963-1968 ユダヤ人 (JEWISH former First Boston Bank Chairman)
3. Eugene R. Black, Sr. 1949-1963 ユダヤ人 (JEWISH and Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve)
2. John J. McCloy 1947-1949 (not Jewish, but was very close to Paul Warburg and other Wall Street Jews)
1. Eugene Meyer 1946-1946 ユダヤ人 (JEWISH former owner of the Washington Post and Chairman of the Federal Reserve)