13/01/26 21:13:31.39 k/8isvBA0
> URLリンク(www-pub.iaea.org)
> Speech on behalf of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of
> Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) to the Fukushima Ministerial Conference on
> Nuclear Safety, 15 – 17 December 2012, Fukushima, Japan
> delivered by Wolfgang Weiss
> Chair of the Committee (fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth sessions)
> UNSCEARチェアマン ウォルフガング・バイス
> A preliminary document has been considered by the Commitee at its fifty-ninth
> session in May 2012. The preliminary findings are: No radiation health effects have been
> observed among public or workers; s
> 「いまのところ、異常は見つかっておりません」
> The effects of long-lived radioactive material in the environment will likely continue to be of concern long after the
> physical recovery from the tsunami is complete.
> 「半減期の長い核種による影響は、さらに見続けなければいけません」
原典はこれだからな、James Concaが捻じ曲げて日経が拡散した