12/08/24 11:00:59.66 QkF30vY50
> ○朝鮮人の人身売買組織が、誘拐した少女を中国人に売り飛ばしていた為、
> 日本政府によって検挙されたことを報じる記事 (1933年6月30日付 東亜日報)
> URLリンク(makizushi33.ninja-web.net)
> 慰安婦を「強制連行」していたのは朝鮮人の業者であり、それを日本政府が
> 取り締まっていたことが分かります
Ask Mu Yung Shin,* presently a prostitute at a Korean massage parlor in Dallas.
Abducted at the age of 14 from her village home in South Korea by a group of
Korean criminals, she was repeatedly raped, then sent to one of the infamous
"sex farms" used by the South Korean army, where she was made a sex slave for
two years. In the early nineties she was moved to the US legally through a sham
marriage with an American GI and has served ever since as a Korean massage parlor
prostitute in various locales stretching from Chicago and Houston to New York City.
Mu Yung Shin is just one of several thousand Korean women abducted, raped, and
virtually enslaved by the multimillion-dollar international prostitution network
run by the Korean Killers, or KK. Korean Killers, and other major Korean gangs
is the US such as Korean Power, based in New York, deal not only in prostitution,
but in drug trafficking, extortion, and firebombings, mostly directed against
the Korean community.