12/03/22 14:37:51.66 PA7a9y/r0
This so called "study" is purposely misleading and should not be cited in the way you do:
The "test meal" that was given is "concealed" in Reference 30:
"The standardized high-fat meal consisted of whipping cream and contained 75 g fat, 5 g carbohydrates, 6 g proteins per 1 m2 body surface area."
So does anyone believe, that a diabetologist would recommend his patent to eat let´s say 200 g of whipping cream?
This has nothing to do with serious research on the effects of low-carb-diets in diabetes and obesity, and it is no counterargument at all!
The Guidelines of Joslin Diabetes Center, the Low-GI-Diet in Australia, LOGI in Germany - all stress the importance of fat quality, too.
So the author´s should do a serious low-carb-high-fat study with a proper testmeal, let´s say herings or mackerels with vegetables.
Would this show the same effect as pure cream? I rather doubt it...
To me it seems, that this is just a "political" study to deliver arguments against low-carb. And your one-sided news about it is misguiding your readers