09/08/31 06:17:43 kyVyz1gv0
Fruitarianism ( Wikipedia )
>Definition of fruitarian
>Some fruitarians will eat only what falls (or would fall) naturally from a plant,
>that is: foods that can be harvested without killing the plant.
>These foods consist primarily of culinary fruits, nuts, and seeds.[4]
>Some do not eat grains, believing it is unnatural to do so,[5]
>and some fruitarians feel that it is improper for humans to eat seeds.[6]
>Others believe they should eat only plants that spread seeds when the plant is eaten.[7]
>Others eat seeds and some cooked foods.[8]
>Some fruitarians use the botanical definitions of fruits and consume pulses, such as many beans and peas,[9]
>while others include green leafy vegetables[10] and/or root vegetables in their diet.