12/05/12 02:29:06.43 /PC10gNc
ドイツ出身 @TBS「ここがヘンだよ日本人」 "国際結婚" 1999年12月2日放送
インド出身 @TBS「ここがヘンだよ日本人」 2001/04/12放送
(Bisides, almost all of them are middle aged women or if there is a Roppongi slut is young even,
the girl is quite ugly who is like in a bottom line of the girl's cliques in Japan.)
― Urban Dictionary の書籍版 ”Mo' Urban Dictionary: Ridonkulous Street Slang Defined ” ISBN 0740768751 の頁 『Roppongi slut』
母国にいるときは願ってたさ。 でもね・・・残念ながら、日本という名のこの国では、
俺ら外人男のほとんどが期待してるケイコみたいなのとは程遠いんだよね XD』
(I have lived in Japan since 2002. I also had hoped to meet such a pretty girl like keiko as I was in my country.
But... unfortunately in this country named Japan, only a minority of very few girls interest in the foreign men,
bisides those "foreign-male-lovers" usually represent typical "nerds" or middle-aged women who are far away from keiko,
exspect by most of we foreign men xD)
―YouTubeの利用者UpCominLonas、北川景子のFortune Telling Tokyo Drift : III のコメント欄