10/07/18 11:41:50 A8ZF7ZS90
世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板(URLリンク(4-ch.net) ) [Japan] Confrontation
between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。このうんこ臭い英語(のようなもの)から判断すると、
Kyoumo Unkoって引退に追い込まれた 雲孤さんじゃないかな???
472 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2010-07-17 09:35 ID:1Zl/UlUb
(´・ω・`) The Your Party (みんなの党) pursuits of the Neo Liberalism. The YP is an enemy of Makegumi.
Whereas makegumis voted to the YP. Why?
The trick lies in its election manifesto that is masquerading as if Yoshimi Watanabe (渡辺 喜美)
is a friend of makegumis. Don't believe me? Ask his face! And answer me, after reading his face!
He deceives us, isn't he?