10/03/09 01:30:15 ydNZHsJA0
世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板(URLリンク(4-ch.net) ) [Japan] Confrontation
between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。このうんこ臭い英語(のようなもの)から判断すると、
Kyoumo Unkoって引退に追い込まれた 雲孤さんじゃないかな???
390 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2010-03-02 05:08 ID:VN6ZjXZU
(´・ω・`) Rumor says Dr. Inamori's wife is the 4th daughter of Dr. Woo Jang-choon. Woo was an
Korean-Japanese. Inamori is a teacher of the Prime Minister of Japan now...
Dr. Kazuo Inamori (稲盛 和夫), famous entrepreneur, the king of the Kyoto business world, who
built KYOCERA Corporation and DDI (the forerunner of KDDI CORPORATION). His ways of management
base on the INAMORIism (稲盛イズム). INAMORIism has both many followers and many antis.
You had better save these pages that follow in your PC. The government of Japan has public censors
as sub-organ of the MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
in fact. They use Child Porn Problem as their pretexts for their Internet Censorship. Many sensors
are believers of Souka Gakkai, I suppose. I'm afraid that rumor might be deleted by power.