10/04/13 22:36:53.10 Wezjm+9Y
フィナンシャルタイムズ社説 2010/02/08
Japan’s debt woes are overstated(日本の財政赤字問題は深刻に悩まなくてよい)
Is Japan, mired in debt and deflation, the next Greece?
First, gross debt levels are misleading. Japan’s debt, after netting off the state’s own holdings,
is less than 100 per cent of GDP.
(1) 債務の全体が誤解されやすい。日本国の債務は、国の保有分を相殺すれば、GDPの100%以下になる。
Second, the cost of servicing its debt is low, at roughly 1.3 per cent of GDP. That compares with
1.8 per cent in the US, 2.3 per cent in the UK and 5.3 per cent in Italy.
(2) 日本の国債償還費は低く、GDPの約1.3%である。対するに、米国は1.8%、英国は2.3%、イタリアは5.3%である。
Third, Japan has fiscal wiggle room: sales tax is just 5 per cent.
(3) 日本の財政には遊び余地がある。消費税は5%にすぎない。
Fourth, 95 per cent of Japan’s debt is domestically owned. Fickle foreigners have almost no sway.
(4) 日本の債務の95%は国内で消化されている。外国人が気まぐれに影響を与えることはできない。
Indeed, Japan’s problem is still an excess of savings. Banks are awash with deposits that they need
to place somewhere. For some time yet, the government will not find it hard to secure buyers for
JGBs. Japan’s debt problem will be worked out in the family.