10/03/08 00:42:54.68 KYxYloUv
Rage against the machine - Killing in the Name
Some of those that run forces are the same that burn crosses
警官の中には はりつけ台を燃やすヤツらと同じ人種がいる
Some of those that run forces are the same that burn crosses
警官の中には リンチ集団と同じ人種がいる
Some of those that run forces are the same that burn crosses
警官の中には はりつけ台を燃やすヤツらと同じ人種がいる
Some of those that run forces are the same that burn crosses
警官の中には リンチ集団と同じ人種がいる
Killing in the name of
人殺し 大義名分のもとに
Killing in the name of
And now you do what they told ya
Now you do what they told ya
Now you do what they told ya