10/01/31 02:46:03.27 ktQ8nv7X BE:2398580699-PLT(12000) ポイント特典
On Saturday Nov. 28, 2009 Japan launched its fifth spy satellite IGS-5 (Optical-3)
from the island of Tanegashima. The government official at the Cabinet Office said
the launch was a success and it reached its specific orbit. However I have been monitoring
the reported IGS-5 satellite for several months for the reconfirmation of its orbital data
in our Space Tracking system, I have found out that IGS-5 satellite is not working (no sign of communication) and
it is currently escaping its original orbit. To verify the truth I’ve met my friend working in JAXA as a senior engineer,
and I was told that high officials from Cabinet Office are currently investigating the launch of H-IIA F16
and every staff is being questioned in strict secrecy.
He also said that he is not very sure of its failure of IGS-5 but personally he thinks it has failed.