09/11/20 13:42:51.15 sYbyK2Jh
Lindsay Ann Hawker suspect attracts support from Japanese women (訳:リンゼイアンホーカー事件の容疑者(市橋容疑者)が日本の女性から支持を集める、でいいかな?)
Tatsuya Ichihashi, the man suspected of killing the British teacher Lindsay Ann Hawker, has become a bizarre object of admiration among a number of online communities of Japanese women.
Posting on social networking sites such as Mixi and 2Channel, some have even taken to referring to Ichihashi as The Fugitive Prince or Lord Ichi.
Others have claimed that he could not possibly have committed the crime because he looks so kind.
ソース Telegraph社(イギリスの大手新聞社) ↑
Mixi and 2Channel,