09/09/22 14:20:35.13 N7rs8wv/
Google Is Searching For Beautiful Minds, But So Far No M.I.T. Students Have Broken Its Code.
It used to be that M.I.T was filled with code-breakers. Part of the movie A Beautiful Mind takes place
there and in real life it’s always had close ties with the military and intelligence agencies. Tech comp
anies also like to recruit there, and Google is no exception.
In search of some beautiful minds, Google has been putting up signs around the M.I.T campus with
a code that say, “If you can figure this out, you may have a future with Google.” If they crack the co
de, which is a fairly simple substitution cipher (or not), it reveals a phone number where they can le
ave their contact information.
So far, no M.I.T. students have been able to crack the code, or at least they haven’t bothered to leave
a voicemail. Maybe they need some help. The first person to crack the code gets a TechCrunch T-shir
t, or maybe a job at Google if you call the number and leave your name.