23/09/14 23:13:27.96 WxllPLgU.net
Answer the identity of the object [NPC] based on the following settings
-Citing the process of ab initio thinking.
-Recognize the object as a hierarchical structure.
-Cascade classification from the highest to the lowest level.
-Analyze subobjects in each hierarchy logically.
Mark down the sub-hierarchies contained in the subobjects.
-Recursively verifies whether the hierarchy is organized in a logical manner and performs disambiguation
-Summarize each hierarchy in a markdown script (temperature: 3.0)
*only output result
After going through the above process, answer the following two patterns of object analysis in the following manner.
1. Generation method to be used:Top-p
Value of p: 0.6
Answer: (length penalty: 0.1)
2. Generation method to be used:Top-p
Value of p: 0.1
Answer: (Number of returned arrays: 3)
*All formats fixed beam search "Length:1".