17/06/02 10:47:35.04 LIgR1mCv.net
usage: sc [option] [subkey1 [subkey2 [subkey3 [subkey4]]]]
-C N Specify command for R-test. 0=EMM 1=ECM 2=CHK (Default=0)
-w XXYY Specify work key (Kw) for ECM/CHK command.
XX:BroadcastGroupId(hex) YY:WorkKeyId(hex)
If -C option is not specified explicitly, behave as with -C1.
-p N Specify protocol number (hex). Affect R-test or -K option
-n N Specify number of commands per test. (Default=1) [as N_MAX]
-b N Specify number of cipher blocks in a command. [as BLOCK_NUM]