24/09/03 18:35:57.53 Z0q4OXU+0.net
RRがファーンボローで自社ブースの他にAvio Aero、IHIと一緒にGCAPとして出展したのが>>15の実証エンジンのモデル。
As well as having its own chalet at the international airshow, Rolls-Royce supported the GCAP stand and represented
the ‘Power and Propulsion’ domain of the programme alongside international counterparts Avio Aero and IHI.
Also displayed for the first time was a new interactive GCAP engine model that allows the partners to showcase some of the
technologies that define sixth generation power and propulsion. These include the smart generation of much more electrical energy
to power all the systems on the aircraft and ensure its future proofed for emerging technologies such as directed energy weapons systems.