22/07/17 11:33:41.02 gkjYgcS6.net
"If I give you the honest to God's truth, on the Ukrainian side, we also started pulling off all stops," Elvis said. "We were using anti-aircraft guns on human targets, but we had a limited number of weapons, and that's what we had to use — a 14.5cm AA [anti-aircraft] gun. It's a little bit bigger than a dish gun. I mean the aperture on it is really obvious it's an AA gun. We'd set that up in windows and we'd just f**king annihilate them. I mean fifteen, twenty guys at a time would just [snaps his fingers] — disappear."
He also told of atrocities against the civilian populations in the war zone.
とあり、ウクライナ側が戦争犯罪に抵触しす攻撃をした話から、He also told of atrocities ~と「また、彼は」と話は続き、民間人に対する戦争犯罪について語っているので、