新・戦艦スレッド 118cm砲at ARMY
新・戦艦スレッド 118cm砲 - 暇つぶし2ch623:名無し三等兵
21/12/03 17:02:00.88 58rMFgB+.net
1. The question of fire distribution for a large force crossing the "T" of another and smaller force is a difficult one. It is realized that when more than three ships are firing at the same target, spotting difficulties will be encountered even when using radar.
2. There has been considerable discussion over fire distribution by radar for some time and the matter was taken up with Commander Cruisers, Pacific Fleet, but no definite conclusions were arrived at.
3. However, it would appear as if radar spotting is subject to the same limitations that uncolored splash spotting in daylight is subject to. That is, when more than three ships are firing in daylight with colorless splashes, over-concentration will occur which will generally decrease the gunfire effect of the firing ships.
4. This battle has clearly shown that the same conditions obtain with radar spotting, and a number of ships have reported that they were unable to spot because of the heavy concentration of splashes on their target. They solved their dilemma by shifting fire to another target.
5. Fire distribution for this action was difficult because while the ships on the left flank were crossing the "T", and therefore were firing at a more or less common target, those on the right flank could clearly designate their targets. Fire distribution was therefore left to the individual commanders and ships and, as a whole, functioned reasonably well.
6. Most ships fired individually on the leading two heavy ships, evidently battleships. They had had an opportunity to track for some little time and should have hit reasonably close to their target in their opening salvos. The fact that the leading targets disintegrated so early in the action is an indication of the accuracy of this observation.
7. The subject of fire distribution for large forces using radar is a serious one and requires immediate attention.
