AAを書く板 - 暇つぶし2ch7:名無しさん@├\├\廾□`/
17/02/24 11:25:37.32 OFzvLYVb.net
         ,, _ 
       /     ` 、 
      /  (_ノL_)  ヽ 
      /   ´・  ・`  l    キルミーベイベーは死んだんだ 
     (l     し    l)    いくら呼んでも帰っては来ないんだ 
     l    __   l    もうあの時間は終わって、君も人生と向き合う時なんだ 
      > 、 _      ィ 
     /      ̄   ヽ 
     / |         iヽ 
    |\|         |/| 
    | ||/\/\/\/| |

17/02/26 13:48:25.96 C2jp+sbb.net

17/03/01 18:36:24.33 anUK0n84.net
 彡     ミ
 ミ / ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ ミ
 ミ イ    | ミ
 ミV ⌒ ⌒ Vミ
 (Y (・)| (・) Y)
  |  |   |
  |    |
  ヽ 〇 ノ
  /     \
  /       ∧
 | ノノノノヽヾヾ |
  V (・ヽ  /・)ヽノ
  (|  (_   |)
  |  (__)  |
  ヽ  \/  ノ

17/03/08 23:59:27.46 zJt8yH51.net
         :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 、
        / :::::::::::::::::::::::}::::::::::::::::}::::::::::::::::::::::.
.       /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ハ:::::::::::::: ト::::::::::::::::::::::::.
      /::::::/:::::j|::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::| i:::::i:i|::::::::::::::.
.      ′::::::::::::jl:::::::::ハ::| |:::::::::::::::| |:::::|:i|::::::::|:::::::.
.     ::::::::::|::::::::i|i:::::::l-l:|孑::::::::::j:斗::::}八:|i:::|:::::::::.
.      :::::::::j|::::::::i|}::::ノ __´ ̄ ̄/ -`   }i:::::::::::::::.
     ;:::::::::i|::::::::i|′   _,.       .,_   |i:ノ::::::::::::.
.    ′:::::j|::::::::i| ゝ==イ      ゝ==イ !::::::::::::::::::.
    /:::::::::::i|::::::::i|  :.:.:.:.:    ,   :.:.:.:.: i::::::::::|i:::::::}
    .′:::::::i:i|:::::::小             |::::::::::|i::::::ハ
    i八::::::i:i:,:::::::::い、       )-‐(     ノ:::::::::,:i:i::/│
    |  {:::::i:i:ハ:::::::::t个:. .          イ::::::::::/、:::′j
    |  リィ´ ∧:::::::∨ハ >     ィニニ}::::::::/ ..| > !
    | / | l  ∧::::::∨∧   `´ /|ニニ ′::/:|....| |  ‘,
    | | │ |  ∧::::::∨∧     |ニニ :::::/ニ}....| |   │
    | |   、 、 ∧::::::∨∧、    イニ/:::/ イ....〃/ /
    | |   \\. ∧::::::∨∧` 一 /ニ/:::///.../ ´  .′

17/06/08 16:52:55.23 U1ecC2BX.net
 ☆ ☆
☆  ☆     ☆
     ☆  ☆
+ *r/@@@/'´/ノー+ *
* /( ^ー^) ( ゚ ー゚ *) +
+/ ( っ@@@ (<∨> ) *
*~~/  丶 | | | +
+/   丶(_(_) *
ミ^゙ ミ^~゙゙゙ミ゙~゙゙ミ゙゙゙ミ゙~゙ミ

17/07/01 17:48:04.51 66gohHd9.net
          死   昨    抜   お
    一   ぬ   日.     い   前
    本   ほ   ハ.    た.    が
. .         ど   ゲ.    そ    無
    な   守.    た.     の     駄
    ん   り.    誰.     一    に
    だ    た.    か.     本
          か   が
. .         っ           は
          ッλ ノ(.,ノ)
         (゙- ..::.::. . (
        (ソ.  .彡⌒ミ. )ソ)
        ).::'; (´・ω・`)   (
       ソ .::;';'(つ ⊂)::;';'`~、.
       (  :;';' |__∧_| ::;';'  ヽ)

17/07/02 04:13:34.99 6LVFZMNU.net

17/07/02 04:16:06.10 BOAdzT76.net

17/10/16 10:21:16.68 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-     (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
    〆::::、::::ヽ  ♪ ♪
i:::ノノ人::::) And you've got a license to kill ♪
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ ♪ ♪         ♪
|::: ⊂●i::|つ Cops and robbers is more than a game♪
_|リ.く==||==>.リ  That you played when you were a kid♪ 
  ∪_||_∪ Cops and robbers is more than a game ♪

17/10/16 10:43:25.56 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-     (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
       _      ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪      
|           〆::::、:::ヽ           ♪         ♪
|  i:::ノノ人::::)       Cops and robbers is more than a game ♪
| 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ    ♪ That you played when you were a kid
| |::: つ●i::|つ      Cops and robbers is more than a game ♪
| _|リ.く==||==>.リ  ♪ ' Cause the stakes are high
|    ∪_||_∪      When you play with lives ♪  ♪

17/10/16 10:59:31.57 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
♪ And you've got  _  a license to kill ♪      
    ♪        〆::::、:::ヽ      ♪     ♪         ♪
  Cops and robbers is i:::ノノ人::::) more than a game ♪
♪ That you played 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ when you were a kid
  Cops and robbers  |:::つ ●i::|つ is more than a game ♪
♪ Cause the stakes _|リ.く==||==>.リ are high
When you play ∪_||_∪  with lives ♪  ♪

17/10/16 11:03:30.20 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
♪ And you've got  _      a license to kill ♪      
    ♪        〆::::、:::ヽ      ♪     ♪         ♪
Cops and robbers is i:::ノノ人::::) more than a game ♪
That you played 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ when you were a kid
Cops and robbers  |:::つ ●i::|つ is more than a game ♪
Cause the stakes _|リ.く==||==>.リ are high
When you play ∪_||_∪  with lives ♪  ♪

17/10/16 11:05:40.08 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
♪ And you've got  _      a license to kill ♪      
    ♪        〆::::、:::ヽ      ♪     ♪         ♪
Cops and robbers is i:::ノノ人::::) more than a game ♪
That you played 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ when you were a kid
Cops and robbers   |:::つ ●i::|つ is more than a game ♪
Cause the stakes _|リ.く==||==>.リ are high
When you play ∪_||_∪  with lives ♪  ♪

17/10/16 11:08:25.48 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
♪ And you've got  _      a license to kill ♪      
    ♪        〆::::、:::ヽ      ♪     ♪         ♪
Cops and robbers is i:::ノノ人::::) more than a game ♪
That you played 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ when you were a kid
Cops and robbers |:::つ ●i::|つ is more than a game ♪
Cause the stakes _|リ.く==||==>.リ are high
When you play ∪_||_∪  with lives ♪  ♪

17/10/16 11:24:23.43 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   _    
    ♪       ♪     ♪  〆::::、:::ヽ
Cops and robbers is more than a game ♪ i:::ノノ人::::)
That you played when you were a kid 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ
Cops and robbers is more than a game ♪ |:::つ ●i::|つ
Cause the stakes are high _|リ.く==||==>.リ
When you play with lives ∪_||_∪ ♪  ♪

17/10/16 11:32:25.11 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
    ♪       ♪     ♪  _
Cops and robbers is more than a game  〆::::、:::ヽ
That you played when you were a kid i:::ノノ人::::)
Cops and robbers is more than a game 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ
Cause the stakes are high ♪ |:::つ ●i::|つ
When you play with lives _|リ.く==||==>.リ
       ∪ _||_∪ ♪  ♪

17/10/16 11:42:50.46 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
_ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
|:::つ ●i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
_|リ.く==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 11:46:33.27 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
| i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
|  |:::つ ●i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
_|リ.く==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
 | ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 11:48:22.36 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
 〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
|i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
||:::つ ●i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
_|リ.く==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
 | ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 11:50:20.95 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
| i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
||:::つ ●i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
_|リく==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
 | ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 11:52:06.25 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
| i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
||:::つ ●i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
_|リく==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
| ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 11:53:59.93 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
| i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
||:::つ ●i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
_|リく==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
| ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 11:55:43.33 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
|   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
| 〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
| i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
||:::つ ●i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
_|リく==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
| ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 12:00:26.65 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
|   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
| 〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
| i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
| 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
| |:::つ ● i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
| |リく==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
| ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play wit

17/10/16 12:13:35.98 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
|   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
| 〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
| i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
| 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
| |:::つ ● i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
| |リく==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
| ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 12:15:10.78 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
|   _ ♪ And you've got a license to kill ♪   
| 〆::::、:::ヽ ♪       ♪      ♪ 
| i:::ノノ人::::) ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
| 人l|* ゚O゚ノリ   That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
| |:::つ ● i::|つ ♪ Cops and robbers is more than a game.
| |リく==||==>.リ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
| ∪ _||_∪ ♪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 13:43:11.51 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
   _      ♪ And you've got a license to kill
(〆::::、::::ヽ       Cops and robbers is more than a game.
i:::ノノ人::::)   ♪ That you played when you were a kid. ♪♪
人l|* ゚O゚ノリ、     Cops and robbers is more than a game.
:: :つ ● つ:: ♪ Cause the stakes are high. ♪♪
∪_||_∪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 13:49:23.04 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
::::::::::::: _      ♪ And you've got a license to kill
::::(〆::::、::::ヽ       Cops and robbers is more than a game.
::::::i:::ノノ人::::)   ♪ That you played when you were a kid. ♪  ♪
::::人l|* ゚O゚ノリ、     Cops and robbers is more than a game.
::::::::::::つ●::つ:: ♪ Cause the stakes are high. ♪  ♪
::::::::∪_||_∪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 13:50:43.41 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
::::::::::::: _      ♪ And you've got a license to kill
:::::(〆::::、::::ヽ       Cops and robbers is more than a game.
:::::::i:::ノノ人::::)   ♪ That you played when you were a kid. ♪  ♪
::::人l|* ゚O゚ノリ、     Cops and robbers is more than a game.
::::::::::::つ●::つ:: ♪ Cause the stakes are high. ♪  ♪
:::::::::::∪_||_∪ When you play with lives.

17/10/16 13:53:38.21 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
::::::::::::: _      ♪ And you've got a license to kill
:::::(〆::::、::::ヽ       Cops and robbers is more than a game.
:::::::i:::ノノ人::::)   ♪ That you played when you were a kid. ♪  ♪
::::人l|* ゚O゚ノリ、...................Cops and robbers is more than a game.
::::::::::::つ●::つ...........♪ Cause the stakes are high. ♪  ♪
:::::::::::∪_||_∪....................When you play with lives.

17/10/16 13:57:28.96 QiwNAOcM.net
♪            ヽ  ∧_∧ ⊂⊃        ♪
    ∧_∧    ⊂´⊃(´・ω・`) / , .|    ∧_∧
   (´・ω・`)     | !⌒!!⌒!つ ,-=-    (´・ω・`)      ♪
   (mYm_)    ||,─、(⌒)─、 | |  ┌( ┴--っ
 <二ニニニ二ア   ( ○ )( ○ )||.|   | [|U≡(=m□     ♪
   ].[~UJ~].[   / `ー ´ `ー- /へ   `(_)(_)
.............. _      ♪ And you've got a license to kill
......(〆::::、::::ヽ       Cops and robbers is more than a game.
.......i:::ノノ人::::)   ♪ That you played when you were a kid. ♪  ♪
.....人l|* ゚O゚ノリ、...................Cops and robbers is more than a game.
............つ●::つ...........♪ Cause the stakes are high. ♪  ♪
..........∪._||_.∪.....................When you play with lives.

17/12/21 11:37:56.58 NQvhpLw7.net
⇒ /YZ☆soeF


18/04/21 17:20:20.27 62ks9ZWx.net
        /i      iヽ     /\  
       ((/l ̄l\))   /\●\ )))   
        ソ_∠ニ二ス   /   \/
 (;・ω[__|o|∩∩つ./」」^^l_l       ___
  | つ ∩(;・ω・).ゝ;^ω^)ゝ      | i \ \
 と_)_)(つ【◎】O|/ヽVハ        | i  l =l
       と_) ̄) l*.'.フ「.*}       | |__ノ  ノ
           ̄             | ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|

18/04/21 17:22:19.75 62ks9ZWx.net
        ソ_∠ニ二ス   /   \/
 (;・ω[__|o|∩∩つ./」」^^l_l       ___
  | つ ∩(;・ω・).ゝ;^ω^)ゝ      | i \ \
 と_)_)(つ【◎】O|/ヽVハ        | i  l =l
       と_) ̄) l*.'.フ「.*}       | |__ノ  ノ
           ̄              | ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|

18/04/23 14:34:07.05 BdKXoF11.net
                                     /∨ j」]こ)
                -──           ,-| 人 ル}┃
             / _━○○○○━ワ\       / ヽ У| i┃
              // ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\〉 ′     /    ∨ | i┃てすー!
.             /  /  /  /    |   ′  /     〉 | i┃
            /  /  |  │││ |ハ  /     /  i| i┃
              L ー┴\┴‐/‐┴┤ | ∨      /   | i┃
               「 ヤ7ト    ヤ7ト 7 | /      /    i| i┃   
          / 小  Vソ  .  Vソ ノ  ∨/    /    | i┃
.          /    |∧ ::::   -- 、 ::::   |      _   | i┃
          |   ト、_,   {       /   j    /       | i┃
          |   ∨ ゝ_  、 __ノ /   リ/   ′      | i┃
.         {  八    ノ _〕≧r=≦{レ<_,//  /         |_i┃
          \___)v'⌒てノ 、__{{__ノて⌒こ)   /       '´ 金`ヽ
        (__乂_人_丿   }}  /⌒7|/   ∧        {‐≪・≫‐}
            >‐厂| ∨   {{.  /    |  /          ゝえらい'
       / /  |       }}     / |/ /           ̄

18/04/23 14:38:07.58 BdKXoF11.net
                -──           ,-| 人 ル}┃
             / _━○○○○━\      / ヽ У| i┃
              // ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\〉 ′     /    ∨ | i┃
.             /  /  /  /    |   ′  /     〉 | i┃
            /  /  |  │││ |ハ  /     /  i| i┃
              L ー┴\┴‐/‐┴┤ | ∨      /   | i┃
               「 ヤ7ト    ヤ7ト 7 | /      /    i| i┃   
          / 小  Vソ  .  Vソ ノ  ∨/    /    | i┃
.          /    |∧ ::::   -- 、 ::::   |      _    | i┃
          |   ト、_,   {       /   j    /        | i┃
          |   ∨ ゝ_  、 __ノ /   リ/   ′       | i┃
.         {  八    ノ _〕≧r=≦{レ<_,//  /         |_i┃
          \___)v'⌒てノ 、__{{__ノて⌒こ)   /       '´ 金`ヽ
        (__乂_人_丿   }}  /⌒7|/   ∧        {‐≪・≫‐}
            >‐厂| ∨   {{.  /    |  /          ゝえらい'
       / /  |       }}     / |/ /           ̄

18/04/27 15:07:13.56 p0/7K+B7.net
                            _ ∩  
                         ⊂/::::::: ノ )
.                          し'⌒∪///ノノ  
                          ┻' ┻'
.         ///ノノ                               ///ノノ  
      . .(*´ー`) てすてすて                           (*´ー`) てすてす
≡≡≡≡ ⊂::::::::::::っ                                 ⊂:::::::::::::っ
       |:しーJ      タン!                   チャ!  しーJ
          ┻'   〟ヽ/〃      /////////    ヽ\  /〃,≡ ┻' ┻'

18/04/27 15:09:42.48 p0/7K+B7.net
.         ///ノノ                                 ///ノノ  
      . .(*´ー`) てすてすて                            (*´ー`) !
≡≡≡≡ ⊂::::::::::::っ                                  ⊂:::::::::::::っ
       |:しーJ      タン!                   チャ!    しーJ
          ┻'   〟ヽ/〃      /////////    ヽ\  /〃,≡ ┻' ┻'

18/04/30 14:46:07.78 yAT6zM0a.net
  ― /∧―[_]\
  (v` )ニ'ヽ_| \
 ―( 、  ヘ \]\
   ||\ | )| \
―_/ノ_ >/ノ]\##
  /_/ノ_// ̄ ̄^ )##\
 / 巛 <|ヘ二二フ\##
`/ ノ__| )|∥|##\
/ ノ ###|ノ###∥|####
_|#### ノ ( #∥#\##
   ノ /####  \

18/07/02 12:53:33.63 jLWN1bqv.net

18/09/03 17:07:09.24 xvhGsBdQ.net
\\  ビ    \\  \  \\\  \\ \ 
 \\ \\ ュ    ウ      \\ \ \\
 \\  \\   _ _ \\ 
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 \  \\   〔ノ`・▽ ・ノ)〕 \\ ゥ\ \\      
     fヽ、_,,..-モk_つ¶⌒lヽ〃ヾ \\ゥ\\\\   
 三 t∠ィ ●  ,ー ッ  / ̄(( ,))\\ \  ゥ
:.:.. .:. ...:..::::::...::..:: .:: : .. .. . ~'゚'゚゚'゚'゚'゚ソ゚~..           ,,、、,,,,;;;´"...::..::..:.
...::..:::..:::.. . ..::...::.: .: . ... ..                 ,;;'":::.:.....::.::.....::..::...:..
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;;;ii ;;;;;ii,;;;;;,ii.;;;;;ii.;;;;;.ii .;;;;;,ii.;;;;;( ::::::.:.:.:..:....::..::...:...,:...:...,.,,..:..:....::...:..:....::......::....:..
__- =_≡ _- _-_=_ = - _-_ -_ =≡_-人`--_ |\_/ ̄ ̄\_/|,iレv:
^ _ _ -_ ^ _ _=_ -_^__ =_ - _ - /  \=゙:\_|     ;|_/ ::.:
=__-_ -__= - _-_ -_ =_ -_ ^__-_= -(__   __) ○_○\  "/ v-`::'::,
_ -_ __ -_^__ =_ -_ ^__   _,, ((⊂l   . l_) (    ⊂l   l_つ)) :::' ゙ ::,',
_ = _ -_ _ _ = __ __,,、。-ー''"`゙::,  :::,: し---J ( o ) し--J::'    ::
  _,,.,..、。v-ー''"゙~ :: ' ::: : :::  :::  : ̄ ̄ ̄::::  ̄ ̄::,:' ̄ ̄ ̄ :,:::  ::.:
`"゙  :::: :: :::' ,:: ::::  : ::::'::.:: ::': :,:    :. :    :.

18/09/03 17:10:12.96 xvhGsBdQ.net
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__- =_≡ _- _-_=_ = - _-_ -_ =≡_-人`--_ |\_/ ̄ ̄\_/|,iレv:
^ _ _ -_ ^ _ _=_ -_^__ =_ - _ -=/  \=゙-:\_|     ;|_/ ::.:
=__-_ -__= - _-_ -_ =_ -_ ^__-_= -(__   __) ○_○\  "/ v-`::'::,
_ -_ __ -_^__ =_ -_ ^__   _,, ((⊂l   . l_) (    ⊂l   l_つ)) :::' ゙ ::,',
_ = _ -_ _ _ = __ __,,、。-ー''"`゙::,  :::,: し---J ( o ) し--J::'    ::
  _,,.,..、。v-ー''"゙~ :: ' ::: : :::  :::  : ̄ ̄ ̄::::  ̄ ̄::,:' ̄ ̄ ̄ :,:::  ::.:
