14/03/28 00:13:55.44 ytcETq0D.net
Clinical research on optimal benzodiazepine withdrawal methods is limited. The results
from meta-analyses of clinical trials are difficult to interpret because different trials use
different rates of withdrawal, different methods of psychological support, often use
different adjuvant drugs, many of which have not been tested in controlled studies of
withdrawal, and allow only for short-term follow-up. There are no studies examining long-
term effects of benzodiazepines such as protracted symptoms or possibly permanent
effects. The question of whether benzodiazepines can cause permanent damage to the
brain or other systems, as many ex-users claim, remains unanswered by science. Basic
research into the molecular mechanisms underlying tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and
anxiety, and on the interactions of benzodiazepines with various neurotransmitter systems,
has yielded some interesting results but these are not readily translated into clinical
practice, although they may lead to future clinical advances.