12/08/17 22:25:38.76
The difficulties of the 5th Battle Squadron were compounded when Beatty repeated
the order to Evan-Thomas to "turn in succession" (rather than "turn together") at
16:48 as the battleships passed him. Evan-Thomas acknowledged the signal, but
Lieutenant-Commander Ralph Seymour, Beatty's flag lieutenant, aggravated the
situation when he did not haul down the flags (to execute the signal) for some minutes.
At 16:55, when the 5BS had moved within range of the enemy battleships, Evan-Thomas
issued his own flag command warning his squadron to expect sudden manoeuvres and
to follow his lead, before starting to turn on his own initiative. The order to turn in
succession would have resulted in all four ships turning in the same patch of sea as
they reached it one by one, giving the High Seas Fleet repeated opportunity with ample
time to find the proper range. In the event, the captain of the trailing ship (HMS Malaya)
turned early, mitigating the adverse results.