11/05/22 00:55:59.20 2YzWu9BL0
Rule 551
Allowance of a fresh start
1. In the case of the Short Program and Free Skating, if there is an interruption
or stop in the music, or circumstances arise which jeopardize the safety of the
Competitor on account of unexpected damage to his clothing or equipment
which impedes his skating, the Competitor must stop skating at the signal of the
Referee. The Competitor then shall continue immediately from the point of
interruption, if the circumstances which caused the Competitor to stop can be
rectified without delay. If that is not possible, a period of up to three (3) minutes
before the continuation will be allowed. The three (3) minutes time period
commences immediately after the Referee has stopped the performance with a
loud signal. The same applies to the situation when the Competitor interrupts
the program on account of unexpected damage to his clothing or equipment
without the signal of the Referee. The Referee has to decide the point from
where the skater has to restart the program and must communicate it to the
Judges. However, if the tempo or quality of the music is deficient, a restart may
be made if the Competitor informs the Referee within 30 seconds after the start.