10/03/08 00:20:59 qlTbgXcQ0
Eugene, today the IOC President Jacques Rogge gave the final press conference, where including spoke about you.
Heard what he said?
- No, very interesting.
- He said that in personal conversation with you listened to the claims regarding the rules of judging.
Mol, Plushenko is indignant that the most difficult quadruple jump is estimated as a triple.
- So what he said about the revision of these rules?
- The fact that the skater should apply to their federation, which could send their proposals to the International Federation of figure skating.
The modern system of scoring is made to ensure that complexity is not dovlela over aestheticism.
In general, Rogge said he was pleased with the judging and any claims to the arbitrators did not have.
- It is understandable, since an American won ...
- Yes, everyone knows that the Olympics are held primarily at the expense of American capital
- telekorporatsiya NBC bought the exclusive rights to telecast for many years to come.
And figure skating is one of the most popular sports ... By the way, the president of the IOC also said that you were disrespectful attitude towards the opponent.
- Just come in extra-class athletes. And before them, I take off my hat. Evan Lysacek just a good athlete, who became the champion by virtue of certain circumstances ...
- You said that you are ready to give him a rematch at the world championships in Turin. You really come there?
- Yes.
- But we have heard that there is not going to Lysacek. Frightened?
- In my opinion, it is now generally not come anywhere where I will speak.